Chapter 460
Long Yao met Dream Beast's worried eyes, smiled wryly and said, "Dream Beast, tell me about the Dragon Emperor you know?"

Is what she remembers true?The last time she merged with Dragon Ball, the man in white who vaguely pierced her chest turned out to be Mo Xun.

Today, when the green beads were fused, she could truly see the faces of the two in her memory.

"Okay! Actually, I don't know much. Let me tell you this. The Dragon Emperor is a fool and a devil that everyone fears. But when I saw you today, I thought you were a little fool. little lady."

Dream Beast recalled the rumors outside the Taihuang God Realm.

The Dragon Emperor fought decisively, fought everywhere, quelled the chaos of the world, unified the ten worlds, and ruled the world of the wild gods. Finally, he retired and created the Tianti Road, becoming a dragon god who would rather guard the Tianti Road.

The moment she met Mo Xun, she lost herself, she was no longer that domineering Dragon Emperor, she was just a little woman.

The Dragon Emperor did a lot of stupid things for the Great King of the Three Realms, and in the end he was killed by that man himself.

Long Yao smiled bleakly, "I was really killed by Mo Xun, right?"

Mo Xun?uncle?No wonder the leech and the others tried to prevent her from approaching him no matter what?
Isn't that ironic?
"Yes! It's just that you don't know. Later, Mo Xun imprisoned himself in purgatory and burned his soul for tens of thousands of years to make atonement. In order to revive you, he exhausted all his skills and jumped into the cycle of reincarnation. From now on, there will be no Dragon Emperor in the God Realm, and there will be no King Mo Xun of the Three Realms."

The dream beast laments that life is impermanent, how can a fairy do whatever he wants?
Everyone dreams of becoming a god, but they don't know that gods also have their own helplessness!

"He escaped into reincarnation in order to resurrect me? It shouldn't be that simple, right?"

Long Yao is the only Dragon Emperor in the world, even if he has just become a god, even if he sacrifices all his life, it is impossible for her to be resurrected.

"Of course it's not that simple. He traded his ten lives and five senses for the loss of a good death."

The dream beast also heard from the old man Tiandao, and he is not very clear about the facts.

"Why bother?"

Long Yao didn't know what it was like in her heart, she just felt that her heart was congested and she couldn't get up or down.

"Oh! You have restarted now, and that guy doesn't know where he is! Even if he went to reincarnation, you wouldn't have met by such a coincidence. Why are you thinking so much now?"

Dream Beast actually felt sorry for Long Yao. At that time, the simple Dragon Emperor no longer existed, and she was the one who loved someone and lost his life.

Reincarnating again, she needs to go through untold hardships to return to the peak, which made her taste the suffering of mortals.

"Actually, he has already come to me." Long Yao didn't know how to face Mo Xun at this moment.

All the things from the past were clearly imprinted in her mind, and some were illusory, making her really at a loss as to what to do.

"What? Have you seen that guy? Ouch! Damn fate! It's fine if the karma in the previous life is over, why are you still together in this life?"

The dream beast was running around in a hurry, which really broke his heart.

Puchi!Long Yao was suddenly in a good mood. Just letting this little guy protect her like this was not a elixir for blinding her in vain.

"Okay! Maybe it's because the karma of the previous life hasn't completely ended yet! When I get back all the dragon balls and return to the peak, I'll make a break with him and return to my territory to be my Dragon King."

She left and died outside, and the Taihuang God Realm didn't see her for the last time.

"I'll go back with you too! It's been a long time since I've been out."

Dream Beast also misses his own territory, where he has collected a lot of treasures to hide!
"Okay! There's nothing I want in this place anymore, let's go out!"

One big and one small held hands and left the cave.

The Dream Beast was still a little reluctant to leave, reluctant to leave this cave, "I've been digging this cave for a long time! The barrier is set by the Dragon Ball itself, and it can protect itself!"

Long Yao thought it was funny, the dream beast was indeed a little beast that loved the family, "Dream beast, there is no treasure here, it is useless for you to stay here, do you have a name?"

Always calling out Dream Beast and Dream Beast, I always feel very awkward.

"No! I was born as myself, and outsiders also call me Dream Beast, and I never thought of having a name."

Dream Beast doesn't care if it has a name or not, as long as it has pills to eat.

"Then let me think of a name for you?" There was still a name called Shunkou.

Dream Beast thought about having a name, and asked, "What's my name?"

"How about Lingyu?" This guy looks like a fine suet white jade, so it's very appropriate to call him Lingyu.

"Yes! I didn't expect you to be stupid, and the name you chose is okay."

Ling Yu was very happy with her new name in her heart, but she refused to give in.

Long Yao tapped his forehead, "Stinky boy! Besides, I'm stupid not to give you the pill."

How dare you call her stupid?The brat doesn't want to take the pill anymore, does he?

"By the way, why don't you go back to the Taihuang God Realm if you want to go back?" It stands to reason that the dream beast can enter and exit every world at will as long as it passes through the dream, which is much easier than tearing up the void with her hands before.

"You still don't admit that you are stupid! I can go back, am I waiting for you? Since you have become my sister, you will love me, love me and pet me, and I will love you and pet you too. I love you, so if you want to go back, of course we have to be together!"

Ling Yu shook her little head, and gave her a stinky look.

Long Yao supported her forehead, took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to beat him to death, and dragged him out of the pool.

Not angry!She is not angry!Little kid is ignorant!

"Sister, are you angry?" Ling Yu asked knowingly, this silly woman is quite funny!
Long Yao gritted her teeth, "I'm not angry! Brat, reduce your elixir by half!"

Dare to be right with her?Let's see how she handles him!
Long Yao turned around and left.

"Ah! Don't! The elixir you gave me is almost finished! I won't say you are stupid! You look so good-looking, your heart is so kind, you are the best sister."

Ling Yu frantically followed behind Long Yao, saying a lot of good things, but Long Yao just ignored him.

"Sister, it's alright if I'm wrong! I won't say anything! Don't halve my elixir..."


A little meat bun was chasing behind Long Yao with short legs, and the sound of him flattering could be heard from time to time.

Leng Huanyue was squatting on a tree and preparing to rob, when she saw Long Yao walking over not far away, followed by a little boy.

The two seemed to be grabbing something to eat.

Why did the tutor pick up a child when he went out?
"Uh, is there someone here?" Long Yao hurriedly protected Ling Yu behind her.

Ling Yu poked a small head out from behind her, and looked curiously at the group of people in front of her.

The group of people here is none other than the Long family that Long Suwan hired to assassinate Long Yao.

The leading man took out the portrait, and Long Yao's portrait jumped onto the paper.

"Hahahaha, there is nowhere to look for! I found it so quickly! Kill this idiot!"

The leading man drew his sword and stepped forward.

The next five people also drew their long swords.

(End of this chapter)

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