After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 464 Don't be in a hurry

Chapter 464 Don't be in a hurry

Long Yao knew that they would not move out so easily, she was not in a hurry, take her time, and they would pay back ten times what they owed her!

Long Rong didn't show up today, it seems that he is not at home today, what's the point of cleaning up a few women?
"Who am I? This princess is the master of this family. You are just poor people living under the fence! Don't think that I will accommodate you. I will leave the word here today. If you don't leave the residence within three days , the princess wants you to stay in Hou Mansion as flower fertilizer!"

Long Yao was too lazy to waste words with them, and walked to her own yard searching for her memory.

"What did she say?" Du Shiniang couldn't believe it, did she hear it wrong?
A guard said with a swollen face, "Ma'am, she is that idiot, she is the one who came back!"

Now that they don't know who that woman is, they are really stupid!

Isn't she a fool?Why did it get better all of a sudden?

"What? That idiot? Why is she still alive?" Du Shiniang groaned.

She knew about her daughter's plan, how come that idiot who hasn't seen her for three years is not stupid anymore?
The expression she spoke just now is not something a fool can do at all!

"Ma'am, hurry up and let Master Hou come back!" the guard was about to cry while covering his swollen face.

Why are these people so powerful?Especially that kid, he didn't want to give you a chance to survive.

Most of the guards lying on the ground were crippled by Ling Yu, and those who were still alive became crippled.

"Quick! Go and inform Lord Hou!" These shameless people called Long Rong Lord Hou, and they didn't even mean to cover it up.

Long Yao didn't care about the chaos in the front yard, and stood in a dilapidated yard in a daze.

"This is the yard I used to live in?" Long Yao was a little speechless, this yard was basically a yard that was about to collapse.

The walls had collapsed and only a soil embryo was left. There were two houses and the roof was full of holes.

If it's raining, it's raining heavily outside and light rain inside.

"Yes, miss, since their family came here, they drove us to this stable."

This place is actually a stable, and Long Rong ordered Long Yao to live here after he ordered people to tidy it up casually.

There is wind and rain leaking here, and no one cares about it. It is lucky that Long Yao has not been tortured to death all these years.

"That's great! Then let's live in it first! Just pack up and live in it, and I'll wait for my good father to come back and have a look."

She lives in this stable, let's see what her father's reaction will be when he comes back?
If you want to protect her regardless of the reason, then she will stay. If you take too much care and let her swallow the grievances of the past, then she will cut off the line of kinship and leave this continent.

"Sister, how do you live here?" Ling Yu looked here and there in the small courtyard, there was no place for people to live here.

"Just pretending, of course we don't sleep here at night, and we have to change our clothes."

Now spring is warm and cold, and the wind is still bitterly cold, and living here can freeze to death.

In order to pretend to be miserable, all three of them changed into coarse linen clothes.

"Sister, these clothes are really ugly!" If he didn't know that the inside of the clothes was full of silk, Ling Yu wouldn't have worn them even if he was killed.

"It's not cold! Just wear it casually." Long Yao pushed open the door, which was covered with cobwebs.

Cough cough cough! "I'll go, I'm choking to death in here."

As soon as the door was opened, there was a burst of dust, which made Long Yao cough and tears came out.

"Miss, you wait, I will clean up."

Shi Yun found a few branches and began to clean the room.

The dust from the cleaning here is flying, and Long Rong will also come to the waiting mansion in the front yard.

"What did you say? That idiot is back?" Long Rong had just returned home when he was told that Long Yao had returned home and that his daughter had been injured.

Looking at his daughter lying unconscious on the bed, Long Rong's eyes flashed red.

That idiot must not stay!

"My lord! You have to decide for us! That fool didn't know what kind of madness caused our daughter to be unconscious now."

Du Shiniang cried so pitifully with snot and tears.

Long Rong snorted coldly and left the room.

"Come on!"

He had to kill that fool before Long Xiao returned to Beijing, and let his daughter replace him.

"Master Hou!" A group of men in black appeared from the shadows.

"Be sure to get rid of that fool tonight! Don't leave any trouble behind!"

Long Rong narrowed his eyes dangerously, no one can take away his current glory and wealth!
"Yes!" The man in black disappeared into the vast night.

It was pitch black in the stable, the three of Long Yao were drinking and eating meat in the pawn shop.

Shi Yun stood stupidly under the dragon vine tree, looking at the place like a fairyland, his jaw hit the ground.

Ling Yu has seen a lot of fairy palaces and fairylands in the God Realm, but she doesn't feel much about the beautiful scenery in the pawnshop.

Just curious about the fun stuff inside.

Xue Hualing was in the process of practicing retreat, and Long Yao happened to meet Jiu Tianxue and Bai Mei who came to the pawnshop to pick up goods.

"How about your side?" Long Yao could see that their continent was peaceful on the map.

Bai Mei drank a bowl of wine and said with a smile: "Master Goddess, the beast world is very good, with your supply of good things, there will be no more fights on our side."

The World of Beasts is what Long Yao is most concerned about. The Beast King is still in her hands and has not been born. If there is another chaos, there is no need for the World of Beasts to exist.

"That's good! That's good! Let's keep drinking."

Because Longyao can't drink, Shiyun replaced her wine with fruit juice.

Ling Yu was also holding the juice to drink, and looked at Baimei and the others with big eyes curiously.

The Dragon Emperor really has supernatural powers, and he can actually bring these people here.

Long Yao's ears moved, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly when she heard the movement in the stable outside.

Sure enough, those people couldn't hold back anymore, this is already the third group of people, right?
The man in black searched for a long time in the stable but didn't see anyone, but was trapped inside, no matter how they walked, they couldn't get out.

"This place is too evil!" The man in black was exhausted from walking, and only panic remained in his heart.

When Long Yao appeared in the stable with Shi Yun again, she saw several men in black fainted on the ground.

"Miss, as expected, Long Rong couldn't bear it any longer." Shi Yun kicked the man in black hard.

Long Yao waved her hand, the white powder dispersed, and the man in black disappeared visibly with the naked eye.

"Hey! My dad should be back today, right?"

Counting the days, it's time for her cheap father to arrive in the capital.

"Yes! Master Hou needs to go to the palace to report on his duties when he comes back, and then he will go back to the Houfu. We have almost cleaned up Longrong's hidden guards in the past two days."

They won't just sit and wait for death, Shiyun will occasionally come out of the pawnshop to clean up Longrong's hidden guards.

Now Long Rong himself is a little overwhelmed.

His people disappeared for no reason, and no reason could be found out. He was in a trance all day long, afraid that he would disappear silently like those hidden guards when he fell asleep at night.

Long Rong has been so frightened that he hasn't slept well for several days.

 There will be updates.

(End of this chapter)

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