Chapter 465 Long Xiao
Long Yao just didn't want them to be safe. When she lived in the stable, they would come to beat her and scold her from time to time, no matter if she was sleeping or not.

This time she will let them have a taste of sleepless nights too.

Long Yao was making noise in the front yard, and Long Yao was happy in the stable.

Long Xiao had a murderous look on his face, he was over sixty years old but he didn't look old, he was dressed in golden armor, and he walked into the Hou's mansion in a hurry.

He was going to see his daughter, he was going to see her at last.

"Brother, are you back?" Long Rong and his family gathered in the front hall, looking at Long Xiao with a murderous face, his heart trembled involuntarily.

Why is his big brother different from that time?It made him feel fear for no reason.

Long Xiao has been fighting on the battlefield all year round, and his body is full of blood, which is not something ordinary people can look at directly.

Long Xiao was followed by two lieutenants, who were also full of fear.

A pair of tiger eyes scanned the crowd in the front hall, but did not see his daughter.

Long Xiao waved his hand and took the seat, "Where's my daughter?"

Long Rong's face froze, beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

At this moment, his teeth were itching with hatred. Since he couldn't kill that idiot for the time being, he should make it look better on the surface and arrange for that idiot to live in a luxurious courtyard. She was still unwilling and insisted on living in a stable.

Let his eldest brother see his daughter living in a stable, how would he treat his second brother?
Long Rong wiped away his sweat beads, forced a smile on his face, "Brother, my niece is crazy, she doesn't want to live with us, she lives in the backyard by herself."

Long Xiao didn't care about their expressions, and looked for his daughter in the crowd.

Sure enough, his daughter was not in the front hall.

The front hall was full of people, both boys and girls. For some reason, Long Xiao knew that his daughter was not here.

Hearing Long Rong's words, Long Xiao frowned. These words made him very upset!
The two lieutenants looked at each other, Master Hou was about to go crazy!

"Fart! When did my daughter go crazy?" Long Xiao would never allow anyone to say anything about his daughter.

With a cold snort, he quickly walked towards the backyard.

"Brother! Listen to me!" Seeing that something bad was going to happen, Long Rong hurriedly chased him to the backyard.

"Girl! Girl! Daddy is here to see you!" Long Yao was lying on a tree sleeping when she heard a loud voice approaching from far away.

Long Yao's sleepy eyes were dim, and she saw a tall and mighty man rushing to the stable.

"Asshole! Asshole! Is this where people live?"

"Are you all eating dry food? Why put my daughter in this kind of place?"

"Girl! Where are you?"

Looking at the dilapidated yard, Long Xiao was dripping blood with distress.

The two lieutenants who followed were also furious.

"You old bastard! Where is my princess!"

Deputy General Hao grabbed Long Rong's clothes, wishing he could eat him the next moment.

Beggars don't live in this broken place!They actually gave them the princess to live in this broken place!

"I, I don't know where my niece has gone!" Long Rong was so frightened by Yu Hao that he stuttered.

He really doesn't know where that idiot is!Every time he came to the backyard, he saw no one.

If you want to kill her, you can't find anyone!

"I'm here!" Long Yao said lazily while lying on the tree.

Long Yao had seen enough excitement, and still had a good impression of her cheap father, so she decided to speak out.

"Hey! Girl! Why are you on the tree? Hurry up, come down, Daddy will pick you up."

"Shiyun, where did you die, you brat?"

When Long Xiao looked up, he saw his daughter hanging on the tree, and his heart skipped a beat, what if he fell?

Long Xiao could recognize at a glance that this was his daughter.

Holding an oiled paper bag, Shi Yun rushed into the yard in a hurry.

"Master Hou! You are back! If you don't come back, the princess and I will be bullied to death!"

Shi Yun hugged Long Xiao's thigh and started howling.

Long Yao sat on the tree branch and couldn't get off, watching Long Rong's face turn green and red shouldn't be too amusing.

However, Shiyun, your acting skills are too bad!

"I'll talk about it later, let you take a good look at the princess, is that how you see it? Hang her on a tree?"

Long Xiao was worried that his daughter would fall from the tree, so he pulled Shi Yun aside and climbed up the tree.

Shi Yun stood aside in a daze, isn't that how the routine works?
Shouldn't Lord Hou ask him what's going on first?He would like to report what Long Rong did first!
How did this go astray?
Long Yao almost didn't laugh out loud, and told Shi Yun that this would not work!

"Father, don't come up, I'll go down!"

Long Yao saw an old man who was still climbing trees at an old age, so she hurriedly stopped him.

In case something good or bad happens, the old man with old arms and legs is prone to trouble.

"Okay! Come down, Dad will follow you."

Long Xiao was wearing armor, so it was inconvenient for him to climb trees.

Hearing what his daughter said, he quickly stretched out his hand to catch her.

"I'm coming!" Long Yao jumped and jumped down from the tree.

Long Xiao was almost scared to death by her, how could he just jump?
Long Yao fell into a bloody embrace, which gave her a sense of security.

"Girl, are you hurt?" Long Xiao carefully hugged Long Yao, looking at his daughter's big black eyes, his heart almost melted.

His daughter has grown up to be beautiful!As beautiful as her mother!
Long Yao suddenly smiled sweetly at Long Xiao, "Father, I'm fine!"

"Okay! It's fine!" Long Xiao sat her down on the stone table under the tree, touching her smooth black hair and her eyes were red.

Long Rong's heart skipped a beat, now he was a little thankful that he didn't let his daughter replace this fool.

His elder brother hasn't seen this idiot for more than ten years, why can he recognize the identity of this idiot at a glance?

Long Xiao could recognize his daughter because it was the bond between father and daughter. The moment he looked up and saw Long Yao, he knew it was his daughter.

"Girl, are you blaming daddy?" Long Xiao felt extremely guilty facing his daughter.

No matter how much he bought for her, no matter how much gold, silver and jewelry he gave her, it would not be able to make up for the regret of not being able to be with her all these years.

Long Yao blinked, can she say that she has no experience?

Yu Hao stepped forward and said, "Princess, don't blame Lord Hou. These years, Lord Hou will buy a copy of the good things he sees at the border and send them home to the princess. Gold, silver, jewelry, beautiful clothes and clothes are never interrupted, but the county Why is the Lord dressed like this?"

Long Xiao was at the border, thinking about his daughter all the time, but the conditions in the military camp were too harsh. He didn't want his daughter to suffer with him, so he put her in the waiting mansion. There were more than a dozen wives and servants serving her. will live well.

What he saw when he came back this time was the changed Hou's mansion. When he entered the Hou's mansion, he realized something was wrong.

Now seeing his daughter in ragged clothes and living in this dilapidated yard, he had already guessed seven or eight points in his heart.

"Brother Yu, when did Lord Hou give Miss something, we haven't seen any of them."

Shi Yun stood up at this time and said.

It turned out that Master Hou gave Miss so many things, but they didn't see any of them.

(End of this chapter)

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