Chapter 466 Family Letter
Yu Hao frowned, and looked at Lord Hou in disbelief, and when he looked at Long Rong again, he was filled with killing intent.

"Impossible! Master Hou will send things to the princess every month."

Every month Hou Ye collected things that he was responsible for bringing back to Kyoto.

When Long Xiao looked at his second brother again, killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He would write a letter home every month and send it back to Kyoto along with the things.

Every time I don't have to wait for a reply, and occasionally I will bring back two letters, and the ghostwriter is his good second brother.

The letter always said that everything was fine at home, her daughter was obedient, and she was living a good life. Is this what he said was a good life?
"Second brother, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Long Xiao could imagine how wronged his daughter had been here.

It's all because he is ashamed of his daughter!

If he hadn't received letters from Shi Yun one after another in the next two months, he wouldn't have known that this Hou's mansion had become someone else's.

His daughter's life is worse than death.

Long Xiao was able to receive Shiyun's letter this time, all relying on the white eagle Long Yao gave Shiyun.

At the beginning, the white eagle was rescued by Long Yao, and the white eagle was still young, so it was given to Shiyun to take care of it.

Later, after taking a lot of pills, he opened up his spiritual wisdom and stayed with Shiyun all the time.

Shi Yun thought of it and asked Bai Diao to deliver a letter to Lord Hou for him.

All the letters sent by Shiyun were intercepted by Long Rong, and none of them reached Long Xiao's hands.

Later, Long Xiao received a letter from Shiyun, and only then did he know what happened to his daughter in Kyoto.

Regardless of many things, he stabilized the border and asked the emperor to order him to go home to visit his daughter.

The emperor allowed him to return to Beijing to report on his duties, and Long Xiao rushed back to the capital day and night without stopping.

Long Rong didn't know that Long Xiao had already received several letters from Shi Yun's family, and he had already explained clearly what happened to Long Yao in these years.

The moment Long Xiao saw his daughter, his heart ached like a twist. It was his fault that caused his daughter to suffer so much.

Long Rong's legs were already trembling with fright, he felt like a clown in front of Long Xiao.

He didn't expect that his elder brother's aura was so terrifying.

"Big brother! I don't know what's going on?"

Long Rong couldn't understand in his heart that those things were divided up by his daughter and a few wives. He also turned a blind eye, thinking that his elder brother would not do anything to him.

His elder brother is just a bastard, and he still has to be obedient in front of him, but after not seeing him for a few years, his elder brother has become what he is afraid of.

Wanting to occupy the Hou's mansion, Long Rong was a little uncertain at this moment.

Facing his big brother's bottomless eyes, Long Rong was so scared that he almost peed on his pants. His big brother killed someone before, so he will definitely kill him!

At this moment, Long Rong regretted a little, why did he listen to the words of those women and occupy the Hou's mansion?Why not treat your niece better?

It's too late to regret now!
"You don't know? Every letter I receive says that my daughter is well, eats well and sleeps well, but occasionally gets sick? But when I received Shiyun's letter, what she said was different from what you said! "

Long Xiao stared at Long Rong with displeasure. His second younger brother was timid and fearful since he was a child, and it was definitely not his attention to want to occupy the Hou's mansion.

There is definitely someone behind him who is fueling the flames.

If it weren't for the fact that he often gave him snacks when he was a child, he could kill him now.

"Brother, don't listen to his nonsense. I want to take care of my niece. She bites and kicks me, and always goes crazy and hurts others. Otherwise, I can't let her live here."

What Long Rong said was heartbroken and sincere, but he didn't admit his fault.

It is also a cover for his daughter and mother-in-law.

The last chance that Long Xiao gave him was taken away by himself, "Very good! You are all allowed to move out of the Hou Mansion within three days, and you are not allowed to take out a single coin from the Hou Mansion!"

"Yu Hao! Bring someone to watch them move!"

Long Xiao didn't give Long Rong a chance to explain, picked up Long Yao and left the dilapidated courtyard.

Yu Hao clasped his fists and said, "It's Lord Hou!"

When they saw Shiyun's letter, they were also very angry, and they had long thought of coming back to deal with them.

With Lord Hou's order this time, they had to vent their anger no matter what.

"Brother! How could you do this?" Long Rong couldn't believe it when he realized it.

He has been guarding the Hou Mansion for so many years and managed it in an orderly manner. Did he get kicked out?
Yu Hao smiled sarcastically, "Long Rong, you should be very clear about what you have done! You have done a lot of bad things in the name of Master Hou all these years, do you think Master Hou knows nothing?"

Under the banner of Long Xiao, Long Rong searched for people's fat and people's anointing. Before returning to the capital, Long Xiao collected all his criminal evidence. As long as he obediently moved out of the waiting mansion, he could say anything. If he didn't want to, then these evidences would be his death talisman.

Long Rong's heart trembled, could it be that the elder brother had something to do with him?
If so, his life is over!

Long Yao nestled obediently in Long Xiao's arms, and this embrace made her a little attached.

"Father." Long Yao's soft voice almost melted Long Xiao's heart.

"Hey! My daughter, daddy knows that you have regained your sanity. Dad is sorry for you. Dad will never let you suffer again."

Long Xiao's eyes gradually turned red when he saw his daughter. She was the closest person in his life.

Those members of the Long family were all dispensable to him. His wife passed away, leaving him only this daughter, who was everything to him.

"Father, why aren't you surprised that I suddenly recovered?" Long Yao was carried by Long Xiao back to the largest courtyard of the Hou Mansion, which used to be the place where he and his wife lived.

Hearing his daughter's soft voice, Long Xiao's heart softened into a pool of water, and he took out a piece of animal skin from his arms.

"This animal skin was once given to my father by an eminent monk. Before you were born, he said that I would have a daughter. She is just a fool. It will only return to normal when you are here. Because of your arrival, the mainland will open the ladder to becoming a god, and he said that you are the one who opens the ladder!"

Long Xiao handed the animal skin to Long Yao. It was written in densely packed characters. Long Xiao didn't recognize it, but Long Yao did.

This is the formula to open the ladder to become a god, only Long Yao can understand it.

"Father, do you also believe in these legends?" Long Yao laughed and teased the old man, why is this cheap father so naive?
For her now, how difficult it is to open the ladder!
"Looking at your little eyes, I know that you are entertaining Dad. Ten thousand years ago, this continent could become a god. Of course, Dad believes in those legends. Tell Dad, is it dangerous? If it hurts you, Dad will not let you Go on an adventure."

Long Xiao didn't believe that his daughter was the one who could open the ladder, but all the prophecies had come true, which made him believe it.

How should he stop his daughter?

(End of this chapter)

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