After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 467 Is there any danger

Chapter 467 Is there any danger

Long Yao smiled knowingly, seeing the worry in his eyes, she didn't ask her to call him father in vain.

Now that he knows her secrets, there's no need to cover them up, so that she won't be tired.

"Father, what if I say that only I can open the ladder path?" Only she can open the ladder path in this world.

Long Xiao's tiger body trembled, "Girl, you must be some kind of god who came down to earth to be my daughter, right? Otherwise, where did you get the ability to open the ladder road?"

In his eyes, his daughter is a thin and weak girl who just woke up not long ago, how difficult is it to open the ladder?People on the mainland have searched for thousands of years but have not found any results. How can a little girl like her do it?
"Father, you really guessed right! Isn't your daughter a little fairy?"

Long Yao's playful tone put Long Xiao in a good mood, no matter what his daughter's status was, she was just his daughter.

"Then tell Dad, is there any danger in opening the Stairway?" Long Xiao was most concerned about her comfort.

There used to be immortals in their Long family, but later the Tianti Road disappeared, and there were no more immortals in this continent.

It is very difficult to become an immortal, and you have a narrow escape, let alone open the ladder of heaven?
"It's okay, as long as I practice spiritual cultivation formulas, I will open the ladder to heaven."

Long Yao took out two spiritual practice formulas and handed them to Long Xiao. She hoped that Long Xiao could cultivate and gain longevity.

"Spiritual Cultivation Technique?" Long Xiao could recognize what this book was at a glance.

Long Yao didn't expect him to know the spiritual cultivation formula, "Daddy knows the spiritual cultivation formula?"

It seems that this continent is not as backward as she knew it to be. Since there used to be a ladder road, there should be inheritance.

Her father should know many secrets on this road.

Long Xiao heaved a long sigh, "Naturally, your grandmother, that is, my mother, used to have spiritual practice formulas in her mother clan, and it was the existence of that spiritual practice formula that brought about the disaster of destroying the family, so your grandmother came to Longhua. My family became a concubine, and I also became a concubine. Your grandmother gave me the spiritual practice formula before she died. In the end, I left the Long family to learn from a teacher, and I also secretly practiced the spiritual practice formula. Otherwise, your father would have died on the battlefield many times over the years."

Long Yao didn't expect her cheap father to have many secrets?

"Father, since you know the secrets of this world, you should know that someone has to do this thing. I am that person, so I will not be in danger. I am afraid that the whole Houfu will be in danger."

Long Yao's worry Long Xiao understands that he intends to resign when he comes back this time, and from now on he will guard his daughter and live a life, and never mind the intrigues in court.

Are there still few things about the master of high meritorious deeds?It is a wise choice to retreat bravely.

"Father knows what you're talking about, he just wanted to resign when he came back this time."

Long Xiao let go of his original concern, and his daughter who had regained her sanity had enough wisdom to protect herself.

Even if he got off the Jiuquan, he felt at ease.

"Father, please help me to divorce before then." That scumbag Yu Wenning didn't deserve to have anything to do with her.

Mentioning this marriage, Long Xiao trembled with anger, "This marriage will naturally be withdrawn, why should my daughter of Long Xiao marry that thing!"

Even if he is a prince, he is still a waste in his eyes!

When he was not at home, not only did he not take care of his daughter, but he even hooked up with that daughter of Long Rong's family!Pooh!What the hell!
Long Xiao's temper is not tempered at all, he will dig up the graves of his eight generations of ancestors who dare to bully his daughter!

That brat Yu Wenning, he had long thought of teaching him a lesson.

"Then let's take this opportunity to divorce, Dad, don't tell anyone that I'm sober."

Long Yao made a plan, few people in the academy knew that she was sober, Yu Wenning probably didn't know, even if he knew, he wouldn't agree to the marriage, she just took advantage of the fact that she was a fool to call off the marriage.

"You little fox! Daddy knows your plan, don't worry! Daddy is not stupid!"

"In a few days, the emperor plans to clean up the dust for father, and then you will go to the palace with father to divorce the marriage!"

The brat doesn't like his daughter?I don't even care about their royal family!
"Okay!" Long Yao chatted with her cheap father for a long time.

The father and daughter hadn't seen each other for more than ten years, and there was no estrangement between them, and they chatted happily.

Long Rong in the front yard was not so happy. A group of women were crying and making noise around him, even pulling him by his clothes.

Long Rong was so annoyed by his own group of wives, he roared, "Why are you crying? I told you a long time ago, be nice to that idiot, if you don't listen, you still want to take over the entire Houfu, you know how much my big brother is... Scary? He can kill people!"

"If we hadn't listened to your instigation, we would have been kicked out of the house! Now it's all right, what's the use of crying!"

Long Rong tidied up his torn clothes, walked around the room angrily, he had to think of a surefire solution.

"Master, do I have a solution?" Du Shiniang's eyes flashed coldly, and she wanted to drive them out of the waiting mansion, so don't blame her for dying.

"What can you do?" Long Rong pinned all his hopes on his wife, and his wife is not a cheap lamp.

More than a dozen aunts hid behind Long Rong like quails, and they were still very afraid of this lady.

Du Shiniang thought of her daughter's suffering, and decided to put all her daughter's suffering on that fool.

After Long Rong heard his wife's plan, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Then leave this matter to Madam." Long Rong glanced at his wife with complicated eyes, and his footsteps on the road became a little vain.

He has enjoyed the glory and wealth of his elder brother for these years, so he should be content. Why did he come to this point?

Brother, you forced me!If you didn't threaten me with those excuses, I wouldn't do it!

Long Rong looked at the huge Hou Mansion, he has lived here for more than ten years, he has run this Hou Mansion for more than ten years, he will not give up like this!

The palace inherits the front hall.

Today is the day when the emperor feasts his ministers to clean up the dust for Marquis Wu An.

Yu Wenning was sitting alone drinking wine, and the Seventh Prince Yu Wenjing next to him stepped forward.

"Sixth brother, did the emperor let you come back this time to marry that fool?"

Yu Wenjing gloated at the side.

That fool has heard that he is very beautiful, but he has never seen it before.

Yu Wenning's voice was cold, "Do you want to marry me?"

"Don't! That's the imperial concubine chosen by the emperor for you." Yu Wenjing pouted, although he needed the power of the Long family, he didn't want to marry a fool.

Yu Wenning sneered in his heart, even if he didn't marry that idiot, sooner or later the power of the Long family would be in his hands, as well as the legendary Xue Hualing!
What he likes is Long Suwan from Hou Mansion, not that fool. After marrying Long Suwan, Hou Mansion is still in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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