Chapter 468

Yu Wenning recalled the plan that Long Suwan had told him, and the corners of Yu Wenning's lips twitched triumphantly.

Today he must ruin that fool's reputation!
"Wu'an is here!" An announcement made the noisy hall quiet for a moment.

Long Xing, Marquis of Wu'an, came in strides, his purple court clothes showed his special status.

The one who can wear purple court clothes is the only one in the entire court.

Long Xiao was holding a beautiful woman by his side.

Long Yao is wearing a fiery red dress, which makes her even more beautiful.

Long Xiao occasionally looked at his daughter lovingly and dotingly, but there was no sign of anyone else in his eyes.

When the ministers saw Long Xiao bringing a cardamom woman to the hall, they all guessed the woman's identity.

Seeing the appearance of Long Xiao doting on his daughter, all the ministers knew in their hearts, and they all said that he doted on his daughter like his life, and it was true.

Long Xiao's daughter, who had been hiding for more than ten years, finally showed up in front of people, which had to surprise them.

If you don't know that she is a fool, with this appearance she can be called the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Father, it's so noisy here!" Long Yao sat in the first seat with Long Xiao, and was looked at by those ministers as if they were monkeys.

If she hadn't come to the palace to withdraw the engagement, she wouldn't have come here to seek guilt!

"Girl, just bear with it! When the emperor comes, let's leave after we retire."

Long Xiao personally served his daughter to eat, without any impatience.

Long Yao ate the food in the bowl, so she had to wait patiently.

These days, she has been eating with her cheap father, and all those fed by him have grown flesh.

Suddenly Long Yao's eyes lit up, and a few people sitting not far from the princes were winking at her.

The corner of Long Yao's mouth twitched, why did those guys come here?

Xue Wushuang, Leng Huanyue and others all came to the palace without leaving.

"The instructor isn't surprised to see us?" Shang Feiyu idly threw a grape into his mouth.

Yu Shenghan winked at Long Yao, "The mentor should still be in shock."

They came to the palace this time to support their mentor.

According to the mentor's pissing nature, she will definitely come to withdraw the engagement.

Long Yao raised her brows, why are these boys here to join in the fun?
"These brats!"

Xue Wushuang smiled and raised his glass and nodded to Long Yao.

"The emperor is here!" The eunuch's sharp voice came from outside the door.

Long Yao looked at the entrance of the main hall, and Emperor Yuwen Changsheng hurriedly stepped in front of Long Xiao.

"Chen Long Xiao sees the emperor." Long Xiao cupped his fists and saluted.

Long Xiao was in a high position, so he didn't have to kneel down to salute specially.

Yuwen Changsheng laughed, pretending to be kind and generous, but in his heart he wanted to kill him.

"Marquis Wu'an, you don't need to be too polite, I think this is the princess, right?"

It was the first time for the emperor to see Long Yao's true face, and he couldn't help being amazed.

Sure enough, she was as beautiful as her mother.

Long Yao pretended to be an idiot, and grinned.

Yuwen Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, he was indeed a fool.

"Your majesty, my daughter is an idiot, please forgive my daughter for being rude."

Long Xiao suppressed a smile in his heart, this girl is really pretending.

"Don't blame her, anyway, she will be my daughter-in-law in the future, and it's too late for me to like her."

The emperor turned around and returned to his seat, feeling very unhappy. If it wasn't for the Xuehualing and military power of the Long family, how could he let his son marry a fool, no matter how beautiful the fool was, the royal family couldn't afford to lose that person.

"Today is for Marquis Wu'an to cleanse the dust, and then to discuss the marriage between the sixth prince and Princess Wu'an."

As soon as the emperor opened his mouth, there was a commotion among the ministers, and those ministers who opposed it all stood up to oppose.

"Please think twice, Your Majesty, how can Princess Wu'an be the royal daughter-in-law if she is so stupid?"

"That's right, Your Majesty, the sixth prince is the son of the Tian family, and Princess Wu'an is no match for the son of the Tian family!"

"Your Majesty, how can a princess be so stupid as a concubine? Please think twice, Your Majesty."

All the ministers knelt down and risked their lives to remonstrate.

Xue Wushuang and the others were so angry at what those people said, they wished they could get up and beat them up now.

When Yu Shenghan's violent temper came up, he was about to get up to reason, but was dragged by Leng Huanyue and couldn't move.

"What are you doing?" Yu Sheng looked at him puzzled.

Leng Huanyue smiled evilly, "Let's wait and see the good show!"

Shang Feiyu met Shang Longyao's half-smiling eyes and knew that those ministers were going to be in trouble.


"Oh! Is this old man's beard fake?"

"Why does your hat look like a green hat?"

"Your eyebrows are so long!"

Long Yao ran to the kneeling ministers and commented on them one by one, as if looking at a piece of goods.

Long Yao tugged on the beard of one of the ministers, almost balding him, but he grinned in pain and dared not resist.

The rest of the ministers were all embarrassed by her, and no one dared to resist.

The corner of Long Xiao's mouth twitched while holding the wine glass. This precious girl really knows how to play.

This is the daughter of his Marquis Wu An, who will avenge her revenge!
Let you bastards laugh at his daughter!

Xue Wushuang almost spit out a sip of tea, knowing that she is not a person who is willing to suffer.

Leng Huanyue was dumbfounded by her unique and teasing methods.

Shang Feiyu raised his forehead, "The instructor's way of teasing people is also a must."

"This, this, this! How decent!" A minister grabbed his official hat and put it on hastily.

It feels unlucky for an official hat to be played with by a fool!

The emperor looked at Long Yao, who was playing tricks on the minister, and supported his forehead with a headache.

Yu Wenning's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, this idiot is too embarrassing!

Just as he was about to get up and intend to divorce, Long Xiao got up first.

"Your Majesty, the little girl is insane and stupid now, she is indeed unworthy to be a concubine! Please issue an order to dissolve the engagement." Long Xiao's voice was loud and powerful.

Yu Wenning was dumbfounded, all the ministers were dumbfounded, and the emperor was also a little dumbfounded.

It would be nice for a fool to have someone to ask for it, but he didn't expect to divorce the engagement first without knowing what to do.

Yu Wenning's face is ugly, why is he getting divorced by a fool, if he wants to divorce, he is the one who quits!

"Father, what my son likes is Long Suwan, not the princess, please fulfill my father."

Since she was going to divorce, he would take the opportunity to marry someone else. If they wanted to disgust themselves, he would disgust them first.

Long Xiao narrowed his eyes dangerously, wanting to disgust his daughter?

"Your Majesty, my beloved daughter's madness will never be cured. Since the sixth prince likes the daughter of my second younger brother's family, it is a good story for the Emperor to help them."

"What's more, the sixth prince and my niece are already husband and wife. How can the old man break up this pair of wild mandarin ducks? Then who is the old man?"

If he wants to disgust his daughter, then he will disgust you to death first!
With the reality of husband and wife?Wild mandarin duck?puff!Long Yao didn't hold back her laughter.

Long Xiao gave his daughter a wink, don't laugh!Pay attention to facial expressions.

Long Yao withdrew her expression and pretended to be stupid again.

Xue Wushuang and the others also twitched their mouths, this father and daughter are really disgusting.

The emperor's face is about to cramp, what is this old fellow talking about?

"Long Aiqing, if you don't know how to speak, don't say it. Listen to what you're saying?"

The emperor knew that Long Xiao was a rough man who didn't know many big characters, but he was good at fighting.

It is said that his son is a wild mandarin duck, so what has he become?

(End of this chapter)

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