After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 473 Find the Difference

Chapter 473 Find the Difference
Hearing Long Yao's roar, not only the corners of the mouths of the people twitched, but also the guards of the Hou Mansion who followed him.

Ling Yu staggered and almost fell to the ground, looked up at Long Yao in surprise, is this the way you always said?

Pinching your waist and roaring like a cursing shrew, is this your way?

Long Yao didn't care what they thought, pinched her waist and started yelling, "Long Suwan, I know you have returned to the Dragon Mansion, get out of here!"

Long Suwan returned to Longfu after being bitten by Xiaohua on her buttocks.

At this time, she was lying on the bed in a panic, and the maid said that there was no wound on her buttocks, but she couldn't stand the pain.

"Ma'am, Princess Wu'an is yelling outside the door, insisting that you go out!"

A servant girl came to report.

"What is she here for?" Long Suwan was sweating profusely from the pain, impatient to hear Long Yao's name.

"Go back to your mother, she, she said that you injured Master Hou's pet dog, and she came to demand compensation!"

The maid plopped to her knees, fearing that she would die without a place to bury her in the next moment.

Now who in Longfu doesn't know that Long Suwan was bitten by a dog?Whoever mentions the word "dog" will be chopped into pieces.

"Okay! I haven't looked for her yet! She came to find fault first!"

When Long Suwan returned to Longfu, he heard that the dog belonged to Lord Hou.

If it weren't for the pain in her buttocks that made her dare not move, she would have gone to ask Master Hou for an explanation, but now she came to her door first.

"Come here! Help me out! I want to see how she has the face to seek compensation from Bengong!"

Long Suwan also can't care about the pain on her body, so it's important to find fault first!

"Your Majesty, you are still injured!" You were cursing and cursing in pain just now, but now the soles of your feet are getting windy, and the servant girl doesn't listen to her dissuasion.

Long Suwan just took two steps, and found that the injury on her buttocks no longer hurts, "I'm fine!"

Without much thought, he brought a group of maids to the gate.

The moment he saw Long Yao, he became angry, "What are you doing here?"

Long Suwan is now the sixth prince's side concubine, and she always feels that she is superior to Long Yao. In terms of rank, how can a side concubine compare with the princess?
Long Suwan, who feels superior to others, is not polite when speaking to Long Yao.

Long Yao raised her eyebrows, "Long Suwan, of course I came here for something. You asked someone to hurt my father's unicorn dog. This Princess is here to ask for compensation."


Xiaohua lay on the stretcher and sobbed cooperatively, the sobs were so weak.

The corner of Ling Yu's mouth twitched, there are all kinds of masters and pets, they are all dramatists!

"I haven't looked for you yet! This dead dog belongs to you? How dare it bite me? Someone! Skin this dog, chop it up and feed it to the dog!"

Long Suwan couldn't suppress the anger in her heart, she was bitten by a dog to an indescribable place, which caused her pain all night, and she vowed not to give up until the dog was killed.

"Yes!" A group of Longfu guards stepped forward to catch the dog.

Yu Hao stepped forward to block the stretcher, and kicked the guards who came up to snatch the dog away one by one.

"You! Long Yao, don't be shameless! Your dog bit Bengong, the royal family will not let you go!"

She happened to have no reason to trouble the Houfu!Now she delivered it herself.

"Don't be so anxious. My dad's dog is not an ordinary dog. It's a kirin dog. It's a spirit beast. Do you think it's you or my dad's dog that's worth more?"

Spirit beasts have existed on this continent, and anyone who can obtain a spirit beast is simply a symbol of ability.

People who can make spirit beasts willingly follow are the objects of envy and hatred.

Hearing the word "spiritual beast", the spirits of those who followed to see the excitement were lifted. Who wouldn't want to meet the legendary species?

Looking at the dog again, the eyes changed, not like the eyes of a dog, but the eyes of the ancestors!

"What nonsense are you talking about? Your dog is obviously an ordinary dog, don't try to blackmail me!"

Long Suwan didn't believe that that broken dog was a spirit beast!

If it's a spirit beast, why don't they offer it up as their ancestors?Why let it run around in the street?Are you afraid that people will treat it as an ordinary dog ​​and slaughter it?

People who watched the excitement also found it incredible, if it was a spirit beast, wouldn't it be known to the world according to Lord Hou's flamboyant personality?
"If you're blind, don't make a fool of yourself here. If it wasn't for the spirit beast, why would my father wear a gold chain for it? It's also inlaid with this priceless blood bead?"

When Long Yao said this, the distorted thoughts of the spectators were pulled back again.

That's right!
If it weren't for the spirit beast, who would be willing to wear a gold chain for an ordinary dog?Still carrying priceless blood beads?Aren't you afraid of killing dogs for money?

"I don't care what you say about the hype, your dog will pay the price if it bites me!"

She still has lingering fears from the pain of the whole night, and the pain is unbearable for most people.

Now that I think about it, it starts to hurt again!
Long Yao's red lips raised, "Where did you bite you? Aren't you doing well? On the contrary, it's my dog, whose bones were broken by your people. It's just a young little spirit beast! Your heart is too cruel !"

Long Yao touched Xiao Hua's head distressedly.

Xiaohua whimpered again, the poor little milk's voice made those who watched the fun couldn't help but soften their hearts.

"These people are too cruel! Little spirit beasts can do it too."

"That's right! Compensation should be made!"

"That's right! The little spirit beast is a priceless treasure! This time, the Dragon Mansion will go bankrupt."

A group of people gloated over other people's misfortunes, and wanted to see how the Dragon Mansion would compensate them.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Ben Gong is the victim! It was the beast that bit Ben Gong!"

"Long Yao! Don't stir up people's hearts. What does the dead dog have to do with me?"

No one believed Long Suwan's words, and they all looked at her with displeasure.

How can she be so cruel to a small beast as a concubine?
Long Suwan was a little annoyed by the disbelieving eyes of a group of people. Why did no one believe what she said?

"You said you were bitten, so let the big guy see where you were bitten? This princess sees that you are well, it is simply a spirit beast that slandered my father!"

Long Yao knew that she didn't dare to tell where she was injured, so she brought someone to find fault, even if she told where the injury was, the imperial doctor would not be able to find out the extent of the injury.

Xiaohua is not an ordinary spirit beast, calling him a Qilin dog is just to deceive people, he is Long Xiao's natal beast Jade Qilin.

Yu Qilin is like a white-haired puppy in its infancy.

Everyone in the capital thought it was a dog, and Long Xiao just made the wrong choice, so let the dog be the dog!

Long Suwan's face flushed red, can she say that she was bitten by a dog?

Of course not!What's more, there are so many people here!

"Long Yao, don't bully people too much!"

Long Suwan's original upbringing disappeared in front of Long Yao.

"The princess didn't bully you. The emperor personally issued an order. Why don't you take it soon?"

Long Yao took an imperial decree from Ji Qing.

A group of people knelt down one after another, and Long Suwan would kneel to greet her even if she was unwilling.

Long Yao cleared her throat, "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor Zhao said, order Wu'an Princess to collect debts according to the order."

(End of this chapter)

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