Chapter 474 The Decree
After Long Yao's crisp voice finished reading the imperial decree, a group of people raised their heads in unison. Is the imperial decree just a few words?
To collect debts?What the hell?

Long Suwan gritted her teeth, why does the emperor protect Long Yao so much?
"Your dog wasn't injured by Bengong, why should you let me accompany you?"

Her guards didn't catch up to the dog at all, not only that, but everyone around her was injured.

She should be the one to collect debts!
"Do you want to resist the decree?" The imperial decree in Long Yao's hand was particularly eye-catching.

Long Suwan almost suffocated herself to death in one breath, an unknown fire rose in her heart, "No money!"

She has no money at all, and as the sixth prince's side concubine, there are regulations on food and clothing. Even if Yu Wenning loves her again, there are limited things for her.

All her flowers were given to her by the Dragon Mansion. In order to provide for her extravagance, the Dragon Mansion has been short of funds these years.

This is also the reason why Long Yao didn't go to the Prince's Mansion to ask for debts, but came directly to the Dragon Mansion to collect debts.

That stingy Yu Wenning will never help her to settle this matter.

Long Yao smiled and said: "In order not to let you resist the edict, and for the sake of your whole family's heads, I kindly went in and found something as collateral!"

Long Yao's words were sincere, and those who watched the excitement couldn't help but like her.

"Go in and move things!" Long Yao waved his hand, followed by the guards rushing into the Dragon Mansion, moving whatever was valuable.

They have an imperial decree, isn't this called breaking into a private house?

"You're presumptuous! I'm the sixth concubine, I'm blind to your dog eyes, and I don't even look at whose natal family this is!"

Long Suwan wanted to stop the guard, but was stopped by Long Yao.

"The sixth concubine? It seems that Yu Wenning doesn't have a concubine? It seems that there are only a few concubines!"

Long Yao kindly reminded her.

Pretending to be a princess is a serious crime!
Long Suwan came back to her senses in awe, a thin layer of sweat oozed from her forehead.

Yu Wenning didn't dare to disobey his father's wishes in the prince's mansion, so she could only let her pretend to be the prince's side concubine.

Yu Wenning was secretly trying to make her his concubine, but today Long Suwan blurted out the concubine, which shows that Yu Wenning also acquiesced in the prince's mansion.

They can do whatever they want in the prince's mansion, but outside of the mansion, they naturally have to follow the ancestral system.

What's more, so many people have heard it, and if it reaches the emperor's ears, she, the prince and concubine, will not have to be a concubine.

"You heard me wrong! Don't bother talking about him, he has no money to compensate you! Let these dog slaves get out!"

Long Suwan pretended not to know what he said, and ordered people to take back those valuable things.

The guards and the servant girls didn't dare to move. This is the princess's order to collect debts, so they didn't dare to move either!
"Trash!" Long Suwan watched the things in the Dragon Mansion being taken away, almost biting her silver teeth.

If her father and mother hadn't come back after going to Anguo Temple to offer incense, how could the Dragon Mansion be ridden on the head?
Seeing these boxes of good things being carried away, Long Suwan's heart was bleeding.

Seeing that the Long Mansion was almost moved, Long Yao took her own people and patted her buttocks and left.

Seeing the messy Dragon Mansion in a mess, those who watched the excitement felt a little sympathetic to them.

Who is offended?Why offend Lord Hou and his daughter?Isn't this playing lanterns in the latrine to seek death!

Since Long Yao is no longer stupid, he is the biggest money fan in Beijing!
If anyone can dig out a copper plate or two from her hand, it will be a great honor for the ancestors!

Looking at the boxes of jewels, Long Yao was in a good mood. If you want to suppress my manor, I will rob you first!
A group of people swaggered back to Hou Mansion, Hou Ye was a little dumbfounded seeing so many gold and silver jewels, "Girl, where did you get so many jewels?"

Long Xiao didn't know that she went to the Emperor to ask for an imperial decree, and went directly to the Dragon Mansion.

"This is the compensation from the Dragon Mansion for your pet." Long Yao looked at Xiao Hua, who was alive and kicking, with a bone in her mouth, a little speechless.

Is this a show dog at all!
As soon as he got back to Hou's mansion, he jumped off the stretcher, picked up his beloved bone and started playing with the chickens in the mansion.

"Compensation? What happened to my jade unicorn?" His jade unicorn was alive and kicking, treating itself like a dog all day long, catching mice and chasing chickens to play with great joy.

"Xiaohua was injured by Long Suwan's guards yesterday."

As soon as Long Yao finished speaking, Xiao Hua threw away the bone in her mouth, ran to Long Xiao's feet, and lay on the ground straight as if touching porcelain, with her mouth and eyes crooked and her limbs twitching.

The corners of Long Yao's eyes twitched, there was no one left for this playwright.

Long Xiao rubbed his forehead with a headache, what did his daughter teach his jade unicorn?
"Is this how you stole money from the Dragon Mansion?"

Long Xiao was a little dumbfounded.

"Who asked him to frame my manor? I'll let him suffer for two days first!"

The money was originally the people's fat and people's anointing. In order to let Long Rong help him with his affairs, the emperor always turned a blind eye to his behavior of picking up people's wealth.

Then she will do justice for the sky first, and take all these to help the victims.

"Then what are you going to do with these jewels?" Now the Hou's mansion is not short of this money, not to mention rich as a country, but it is almost the same.

"The flood in the south has caused countless victims. I want someone to use the money to buy food and send it away."

The continuous heavy rain in the south has already caused waterlogging. The emperor ordered relief. Several months have passed, but the number of victims is increasing.

"Your method is very good." Long Xiao is now a daughter slave, and he will not refute anything Long Yao says, let alone this is a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

With the support of Long Xiao, Long Yao purchased a large amount of food and medicine in the name of Hou Fu, and Xue Wushuang also took a large amount of medicinal materials from the family's pharmacy to support Long Yao.

It was Leng Huanyue and the others who escorted the food and medicinal materials to the south, and Long Yao also sent two hundred Xuehualings to help them, unless it was absolutely necessary, no one would know that they were Xuehualings.

With these guarantees, truckloads of food were continuously transported to the south, and there was no shortage of medicines. Just when the imperial court was planning to step up relief efforts, local officials sent news that the victims had disappeared and the flood had receded. The money and food distributed went back to the hometown.

The emperor was taken aback, what's going on?Until he received a letter from Wanminbiao, all of which were praising the imperial court and Hou Ye Long Xiao.

Holding this Wanmin Biao, the emperor panicked in his heart. He praised Long Xiao and at the same time praised the imperial court, right?
The murderous intent in the emperor's eyes passed in a flash, and it seemed that Long Xiao couldn't keep it anymore!
Then thinking of the golden rice grown on Long Xiao Zhuangzi, he felt a little bit reluctant to kill him.

In case he died, would the manor's golden rice still exist?

Will those delicious fruits and vegetables still exist?

Seeing the words on the Manmin Watch again, he has forgotten all of these, and must not leave this hidden danger behind!

All the people in the world only know the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion, but they don't know him as the emperor. This is absolutely not allowed!
In order to find out how the golden rice and those fruits and vegetables were cultivated, the emperor sent many spies just to steal these secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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