Chapter 475

The emperor's calculations were quite good, and Long Yao was not a vegetarian, and none of the people sent by the emperor got anything.

After Long Rong returned home, he knew that his home had been robbed, so he went to the emperor to sue Long Xiao.

The emperor was also in distress, who knew that the main debt of Wu'an County was going to Long Rong's head?
This dumb loss can only be eaten by Long Rong himself!
The emperor was angry and depressed for several days, until he got the report from Longrong that the plan to destroy Longxiao Manor had been arranged, and the emperor felt better.

Time waits for no one, and another year passes in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the time was right to destroy the Hou's Mansion, the Emperor decided to destroy the Hou's Mansion on the night of August [-]th.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th, the streets and alleys in the capital are brightly lit.

Tonight's moon is not as bright as it is every year, but it is a little bit bloody.

No one paid attention to the moon tonight, but Long Xiao looked up at the moon and was speechless for a long time.

Standing behind him are Yu Hao and Ji Qing.

"What's your plan? Do you follow me or go back to your hometown?"

Long Xiao had long thought that there would be a day when his daughter was not a mortal, and sooner or later he would follow her out of here.

The two clasped their fists together, "Master Hou, I will follow you to the death!"

The hometown of the two of them had no relatives for a long time, and following Lord Hou was their only way out.

In addition, there are gods like the princess, they are fools if they don't follow Lord Hou.

"Okay! The princess is at a critical moment tonight, and the task of guarding the manor is left to you and Xue Hualing."

Long Xiao didn't expect the emperor to deal with them on this family reunion festival.

Is he so impatient to take the lives of these courtiers?
"Don't worry, Lord Hou, we will definitely protect the princess!" Yu Hao said solemnly.

At this time Ye Shaoheng also came over, "Master Hou, don't worry, tonight is a critical moment for the master, we will definitely protect the master."

Long Yao suddenly fell into deep cultivation two days ago, and before retreating, she told Long Xiao that the night of August [-]th was the most critical moment for her, so they must protect the people in the manor.

By the way, let Xue Hualing out and let them guard the manor.

"I'm relieved to have you here." Long Xiao looked worriedly at the manor's room, where Long Yao was practicing.

In the dark outside the manor, Long Rong followed behind the emperor, "Your Majesty, when shall we rush in?"

His mansion had been emptied out, and during this period of time he managed to improve slightly, thinking of attacking Hou's mansion, he trembled with excitement.

As long as his eldest brother dies, everything in the Hou Mansion will be his.

The valuable golden rice in the manor is also his!

The emperor was calm on the face, but he was very clear about his little thoughts in his heart.

"He's your big brother, aren't you sad?" Such a cold-blooded person cannot be entrusted with important tasks, and when this matter is over, this person cannot be kept!

Long Rong didn't know that his death was approaching, so he still had a flattering expression on his face like licking a dog.

"Your Majesty, even if he is the eldest brother of the slave, if you offend your majesty, you will deserve death. The only one who will be loyal to you is your majesty."

This flattery, the two generals who followed the emperor couldn't stand it anymore.

Cursing secretly in my heart, what a villain!
They didn't want to come to besiege the Houfu, but because of His Majesty's order, they had to obey!
They really wanted to ask His Majesty the Emperor, why did he have to kill Lord Hou?
The army that came this time turned out to be the Forbidden Army of the Imperial City, which is too generous!
Being flattered by him, the emperor didn't show it on the face, but he felt very good in his heart. Sure enough, the nice words made people feel at ease.

Bang bang bang!
Gorgeous fireworks appeared in the sky above the capital, illuminating the entire capital as bright as day.

Seeing that the time was up, the emperor waved his hand and ordered, "Go!"

"Yes!" The two generals clasped their fists together, leading their teams to rush into the manor.

As soon as they arrived at the door, they met Long Xiao, who was sitting on a grand master's chair with a big horse, waiting for them.

"Generals, I have been waiting for a long time." Long Xiao had a solemn face, and stood in front of him with a nine-ringed saber in his hand.

One of the generals clasped his fists and saluted, "Master Hou, we are only following orders. I don't know how Master Hou offended His Majesty? In order not to hurt Master Hou, please ask Master Hou to follow me to plead guilty before His Majesty. Your Majesty will definitely pardon Lord Hou." of."

According to Wu Anhou's illustrious military exploits, the emperor will definitely not kill loyal officials indiscriminately.

Long Xiao sneered, "General Chen, do you believe what you say? Your Majesty has come in person. Do you think there is any need?"

"This?" General Chen was also speechless.

"Since Lord Hou insists, I won't hesitate to wait!"

Several other generals had lost patience.

"Then come on!" Long Xiao was not afraid, and slashed the nine-ring sword across his chest in his hand, as if he was a one-man guard.

At this time, Xue Hualing's lieutenant Xuanyuanli, who was following Long Xiao, took the lead in picking up one person with the red cherry spear in his hand.

The moment the two sides met, the imperial guards were powerless to fight back.

Soon, none of the first guards who rushed up were left, and they all fell to the ground and lost their lives.

The emperor narrowed his eyes dangerously, who are those people?The strength is so high!
The Hou Mansion has already handed over the military power, and there are still so many powerful people around. Is this a rebellion?

"Marquis Wu An wants to rebel! Take down all of them!"

The emperor was always uneasy, and these people felt very dangerous to him.

The mighty general following behind the emperor took a complicated look at Long Xiao who was covered in blood. He never expected that such a loyal and patriotic general would be charged with such a crime.

"Yes!" The mighty general heaved a long sigh in his heart, leading the men to launch a new round of attacks.

People kept falling in front of the manor, but no one was able to take a step closer to the manor.

The emperor looked at the one-sided slaughter and wished he could go to the battlefield himself.

However, he was self-aware, his little martial arts skills were nothing short of flamboyant in front of Long Xiao.

The sound of fighting in front of the manor was loud, and soldiers were losing their lives one by one because of the emperor's suspicion.

The long knives in their hands are not cutting at the enemy, but at the pillars of the country that once defended the country.

The fifteenth day of the moon was suddenly covered by a layer of blood, and the blood-red moon shone on the blood-red earth.

The emperor couldn't help looking up at the moon, his brows were tightly knit, "What's going on?"

A vision from heaven must be unusual.

Looking up at the blood-red moon, Long Rong turned pale with shock, "Your Majesty, there must be a monster in the vision! There are monsters in this manor!"

The emperor relaxed after hearing his words, which just gave him the best excuse to attack the manor.

"Kill!" As soon as the emperor gave the order, he saw the golden light in the manor.

Seeing this, the emperor was also shocked.

As the golden light became more and more prosperous, it was accompanied by bursts of coercion.

No one could resist this coercion, including the emperor, kneeling heavily on the ground. '

The emperor is full of shame, he is the emperor of the real dragon, a monster wants him to kneel down?
He gritted his teeth and wanted to get up, but his knees seemed to be on the ground and did not move at all. On the contrary, the coercion added another layer to him.

(End of this chapter)

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