Chapter 476
The emperor spurted out a mouthful of old blood, this is too bullying!
After all, he is also the Son of Heaven, to let him kneel down in front of so many people, what a shame!What a shame!
Long Rong lay on the ground and was almost crushed into a meatloaf.

However, Long Xiao and the others stood firmly in place, looking at the woman in the golden light with smiles all over their eyes.

Long Yao pursed her red lips lightly, her pair of slightly raised phoenix eyes stared down at the world, narrowing her eyes dangerously at the emperor in the dark.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Long Yao didn't have time to argue with him, so she held a multi-colored dragon ball in her palm.

The blood-red moon is getting redder and redder, and it complements Longyao's gold-patterned red robe, and the nine-dragon crown on his head emits bursts of golden light.

Long Yao's figure slowly rose into the sky, her large royal robe fluttered in the air, her expression was solemn as if a god had descended.

The colorful dragon ball in her hand exudes bursts of coercion.

"The sky is above, and the gods are below. Now that the Dragon Emperor is here, the ladder of heaven is open!"

The ladder is open!The ladder is open!

Long Yao's majestic voice spread out like water ripples.

Echoes echoed across the continent.

The dragon ball in his hand turned into a stream of colorful light and penetrated into the blood-red moon.

Not only the emperor heard her words, but even the whole continent heard her words.

The person who was pressed to the ground couldn't believe his ears at all.

Open the Ladder Road?
How is this possible?
Many people want to find a way to open the ladder road. How many years have passed and nothing has been found. Can a woman be able to open it?

Nonsense isn't it!
They wanted to look up to see how to open the ladder road, but they were lying on the ground under the coercion, unable to move or speak.

The emperor was the only one kneeling, and the situation in his eyes was constantly enlarged in his pupils.

The shocking scene was still fresh in his memory until his death.

Suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and the strong wind danced wildly. Along with the thunder, there was a blood-red ladder road.

The Tianti Road is like a ladder connecting the world from the sky, slowly extending and extending, falling into the back hill of the manor, connecting the world and the heaven.

The blood-red ladder road is entwined with purple lightning, and anyone who approaches the ladder road will be smashed into pieces.

There are countless steps paved with blood jade, carved with exquisite patterns, birds and animals.

The ladder road was no longer extended, and the blood red slowly receded, leaving only purple-gold lightning entangled on the ladder road.

Such a shocking scene fell into the eyes of the entire mainland, and the Tianti Road was clearly printed in everyone's eyes.

Those who have practiced for many years knelt and covered their faces and wept. They finally saw the ladder road opened in their lifetime.

Everyone in Xue Hualing also looked at the domineering figure in the sky in disbelief, can their master open the ladder road?
Long Xiao wiped the corners of his eyes red, his daughter is a bull!
Leng Huanyue and the others were all standing in a group of dead people.Looking at Long Yao in the sky, the waves in his heart were surging.

The emperor knelt on the ground and was shaking like a sieve. Who did he offend?
Long Rong was already so frightened that he passed out, what stupid thing did he do!

The dragon ball fell back into Long Yao's hands from the sky, and the originally bright golden dragon ball had become dim.

Long Yao retracted the beads and fell to the ground, her face turned pale instantly.

Long Xiao quickly supported his beloved daughter, "Girl, how are you?"

"I'm fine!" Long Yao let go of Long Xiao, held her head high, stepped on the blood of the dead body, and stepped in front of the emperor.

The long robe that dragged the floor swept across the ground, but the blood on the ground did not leave the slightest trace on her royal robe.

"Yuwen Changsheng, I have never seen such a foolish emperor like you! Marquis Wu'an's Mansion can be regarded as my home in the secular world, why? Do you really want to destroy it?"

Long Yao was aloof, looking down at the kneeling emperor with murderous intent in her eyes.

Yuwen Changsheng's face turned pale with fright, and he was finally able to speak, but he stuttered.

"You, you, you—?"

The emperor was so frightened that his mouth was fluttering. The woman in front of him looked like the princess of Wu'an, but her aura was not that person.

A woman dared to wear a dragon robe and a Kowloon crown that he didn't even deserve to wear, this, this, this?Which fairy is this?

"This emperor knows that you don't know who this emperor is. It is natural that this emperor is not from here if you can open the ladder road. If you continue to kill loyal ministers in such a stupid way, Tianti road will naturally help me clean up you!"

"Besides, treat the people in the manor here well, and treat the people of the world well. Seeing that your capital is no longer possible to walk on that ladder, please be a good emperor who is loved by the people!"

Long Yao ignored the group of people here, waved away the pressure, and Xue Hualing disappeared outside the manor with Long Xiao.

Long Yao disappeared, and the coercion also disappeared. The moon in the sky faded and turned into a big and round moon.

The silver-white moonlight sprinkled the earth, bringing endless aura and blessings to the people of this continent.

Without coercion, the emperor was able to get up from the ground.

Yuwen Changsheng was so frightened that his legs were trembling, looking at the sacred ladder road on the back mountain of the manor, he almost knelt down again.

He lost his wife and lost his army!Not only did Long Xiao not kill him, but he also offended a great god!
The mighty general supported the terrified emperor, "Your Majesty, we can't afford to offend the gods who can open the ladder!"

They didn't want to be enemies of the Hou Mansion, but now that the princess is a god, who would dare to destroy the Hou Mansion?

"People have disappeared, where can I provoke them?" the emperor cried.

If he knew that the princess was the reincarnation of a fairy, he wouldn't be able to do this even if he was killed!

If he had known that she was a god, he would have ate and drank as offerings every day!How dare you offend me!

Yuwen Changsheng returned to the palace in a daze, and the words Long Yao said before leaving kept lingering in his mind.

He is also reflecting on himself, did he really do something wrong?
Leng Huanyue and the others, Long Yao, did not take them away, but gave each of them a token named 'Samurai God Order', ordering them to guard the Tianti Road of this continent.

Long Xiao's manor was at the foot of the mountain not far from Tianti Road, nourished by the aura of Tianti Road, and later became the unique "Shenmen Villa".

The moment the students of the Martial Arts Academy saw the Tianti Road, tears filled their eyes with excitement. They finally had hope in their cultivation!
The whole continent is boiling because of the opening of the ladder road, and if you want to become a god through the ladder road, you have to work hard to practice.

The threshold of the Martial Arts Academy is about to be crushed, because only here can one learn the spiritual skills of becoming a god.

Longrong's family was ransacked and beheaded by the emperor. If he hadn't listened to Longrong's slander and killed Long Xiao, there would be no result today.

The emperor took all his anger on Longrong's family, and even implicated his son Yu Wenning and was no longer reused.

After listening to Long Yao's dissuasion, the emperor made up his mind to be a good emperor.

In the blink of an eye, five years in the blink of an eye.

Leng Huanyue stood with her hands behind her back, on the altar of Tianti Road, looking at the endless ladder with a complicated expression.


(End of this chapter)

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