Chapter 477

There is a huge altar around Tianti Road, and Tianti Road stands in the center of the altar, surrounded by layers of purple-gold lightning.

Those who want to get close to the altar on Tianti Road will be pulverized if they are not strong enough.

Leng Huanyue and others were able to approach the altar because they were allowed by Long Yao.

Xue Wushuang came over with a smile and patted him on the shoulder, "Huanyue, miss your mentor?"

"No, I was thinking about the master the teacher said, when will they come to pick us up?"

Long Yao explained a lot to them before leaving.

Guarding the Tianti Road is a very boring thing. In the God Realm, Qiongqi and the others take turns guarding it. In this continent, Longyao is handed over to Leng Huanyue and the others to guard it in turn.

This can be regarded as they have inherited the mantle of their master!

"You're overthinking! It's only been a few years? No one on this continent has ever walked the ladder! Our responsibility is still early!"

Xue Wushuang shook her head with a smile, their masters were all great gods, how could they come to such a small place so easily?

Looking up at Tianti Road, he made up his mind to practice hard, and one day they will stand by Yaoyao's side one by one!

Long Yao was lying on a big bed with wide eyes, staring at the bed curtain in a daze.

Where did she go again?
She opened the Tianti Road in that continent, and then left after scolding Yuwen Changsheng, where did she come to?
hiss!Long Yao moved a little bit, grinning her teeth in pain all over her body.

She used up all her strength to open the ladder road, and even got injured because of lack of strength, but it didn't hurt all over her body, did she?

Cough cough cough!A burst of chest tightness made her unwell and lay down on the bed again.

Then a violent memory forced its way into her mind.

This time Long Yao's identity turned out to be the Empress Dowager of Nu Zun Kingdom.

The women's country belongs to the country where women are respected. Here, women have the final say, and men must obey the three obediences and four virtues.

Long Yao, as the empress dowager of Nvzun Kingdom, is going to inherit the throne, but this empress dowager is a cruel master.

The empress dowager is cruel and ruthless, but the empress loves her a lot. For her inferiority, she just thinks that she is too young to understand the sufferings of the people, and she is also indulgent to her wayward empress.

The empress dowager Long Yao didn't have a very good reputation, but she was poisoned to death by those men in her harem this time.

Several men who partnered to poison her have been executed by the queen, and the remaining two male concubines were also ordered by the queen to be buried with them.

The bed where Long Yao wakes up is the dragon bed in the Tainu Palace where she usually sleeps.

The queen couldn't bear to bury her beloved daughter like this, and she had to finish the rituals seven days later before burying her.

At this time, the outside of the main hall was full of civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, as well as those servants who served the princess, and the two male concubines who were going to be buried with them.

The empress was closing her eyes and meditating because she was distraught.

Long Yao became familiar with some of the memories in her mind, and sat up covering her head.

"What kind of broken place is this? Where will the Dragon Ball be?"

Long Yao still doesn't forget her purpose of coming here, she doesn't care whether the empress dowager is cruel or not, it's important to find Longzhu.

She can appear here, that is to find the Dragon Ball.

Just arriving here made her confused, Zhu Meng also fell into a deep sleep, Long Xiao and Xue Hualing also fell into deep cultivation and couldn't wake up.

Long Yao was a little puzzled, why did the people following her fall asleep in another continent?
As soon as she had this idea, she heard an old voice in her mind.

"None of them are from this continent, so they naturally want to sleep."

Long Yao's figure disappeared on the bed in an instant, and when she reappeared, she was in the pawn shop.

When he saw who the source of the voice was, the corners of his eyes twitched.

This is a fairy-like old man with fluttering white clothes and a childlike face with white hair.

Long Yao rolled her eyes to the back of her head, "Old man, what are you doing here?"

Long Yao's first reaction was that seeing this old man of heaven must be a bad thing!

"Don't be so indifferent! Come and see you!" The old man Tiandao smiled obsequiously, and quickly flattered him.

The return of the Dragon Emperor is already unstoppable, he wants to hold his thigh in advance!

Those who are afraid of the return of the Dragon Emperor just wait!
"I believe you?" Long Yao didn't believe that this old man wasted so much time to come here with a doppelgänger just to say this nonsense!

"The Dragon Emperor is really so uncute!" Old Man Tiandao's beard was about to fly in anger.

Although!It's true that he came here for other things, and it's true to come to see her!
"Speak up! If you fart, let it go!" Long Yao's rude words made the old man Tiandao's eyebrows tremble.

Seeing her reluctance, the old man Tiandao had no choice but to tell the truth, "This is the tenth life the Great King has experienced. He will lose all senses and die. I beg the Dragon Emperor not to interfere. This is his destiny." .”

Long Yao's heart skipped a beat, Great King?Isn't that Mo Xun?
Why did she let her come here to look for Dragon Balls?

"What if I helped him escape?" Long Yao really wanted to know what would happen if she helped Mo Xun.

The old man Tiandao was expressionless, but he added a bit of dignity, "The Dragon Emperor should know that your death is related to the great king, right? Since he is willing to use the bad death of the ten lives in exchange for your rebirth, it is also atonement for his stupidity at that time. If the Dragon Emperor helps him, then he will experience another ten lifetimes of suffering."

Long Yao didn't know what it was like in his heart. After killing her, he used his own bad death in exchange for her rebirth. Is this to give him peace of mind?

Then should she help him?Let the previous lives he experienced fall short?This can be regarded as revenge for oneself, right?
"Old man, did you come here to tell me this?" Long Yao didn't think this dead old man had such leisure.

"Of course not. I know that the Dragon King met the reincarnation of the Great King in another world. I hope that in that life, you can remind him of his previous life and bring him back to the God Realm. The Three Realms without the Great King are just around the corner. Only he can go back. Only then can they be suppressed, the reason why I let you return to the God Realm as soon as possible is also because the God Realm is not peaceful."

The old man Tiandao let out a long sigh, suppressing under the ten god realms, the 'Witch Demon Chi' in the whirling sea is about to wake up.

If the God Realm didn't have these two people, the God Realm would be in chaos, and the lower realm would inevitably be devastated.

Witch Demon Chi was originally a great leader of the witch clan, but because he got a mysterious power, his witchcraft soared, became cruel and murderous, and was killed by the gods 10,000+ years ago. The gods of the world joined forces to suppress it.

At that time, Long Yao was at ease in the Taihuang God Realm, and Wu Mochi almost slaughtered all the people from the Ten Great God Realms. If the old man Tiandao hadn't acted in person, the Ten Great God Realms would have been in ruins.

The Witch Demon Chi was finally suppressed in the Po Whirling Sea, and only then did a battle for the destruction of the God Realm be quelled.

In the end, when the old man Tiandao went to Long Yao and asked her why she didn't help her, Long Yao's answer almost made the old man Tiandao mad.

Long Yao said at the time: A witch and demon can kill you gods, which proves that you are incompetent, and you will die if you die!Why should I save those trash?

At that time, the old man Tiandao fell on his back in anger.

(End of this chapter)

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