Chapter 483 Too many rules
The empress sometimes wondered whether the system left by her ancestors was right or not. Today, she felt that the rules left by her ancestors had too many disadvantages after being made such a fuss by her daughter.

Long Yao swaggered out of the palace, and met her eldest sister Long Yu as soon as she arrived at the gate.

"Little sister, are you going to see the Queen Mother?" Long Yu approached Long Yao with a smirk on his face, angry and jealous in his heart, why is the Queen Mother reluctant to punish her?

Long Yao frowned and raised her head, and subconsciously avoided her approach, "Why are you looking for me?"

Normally, Long Yao would sweetly call her big sister, but today she spoke in a distant tone.

Long Yu couldn't help being taken aback, still a little uncomfortable with her change.

He put on a smile and said: "I heard that you were summoned by the Queen Mother, and I was afraid that you would offend the Queen Mother and punish you, so the Eldest Sister came here in a hurry."

Long Yu spoke sincerely, with worry on her face, but she hated her to death in her heart.

Long Yao sneered in her heart, pretending to be ignorant, "Why would the empress be willing to punish me? Where did eldest sister hear that I was going to be punished?"

She knew that those servants in her mansion were not trustworthy, and they must be the eyeliner inserted by her two good sisters.

Long Yu still had a kind look on his face and said: "The Queen Mother has summoned you, and everyone in the entire Imperial City knows about it."

Long Yao sneered, did the whole imperial city know?Who is always staring at her when they are free?Isn't it the rumor that you ordered people to spread outside?

She must have publicized what she has done, maybe she will be thrown rotten eggs on the way home!

"Sister, I'm fine, thank you for your concern! I'll go back first." Long Yao doesn't want to have more contact with them. If such a person kills you secretly, you still have to be grateful to her!

Such a person is a typical smiling tiger!

"Little sister!" Long Yu was not reconciled to not finding out anything, and looked at Long Yao who had gone far away and went back home unwillingly.

Zisu guards behind Longyao at all times, and seeing her performance today refreshes her understanding of her once again.

"Your Highness, the Eldest Empress is kind on the surface, but she is actually a little bit more vicious than the Second Empress in her heart. It's better for you to stay away from her."

Zi Su still couldn't help persuading Long Yao.

In the past, she often advised Long Yao to stay away from her two older sisters, and she would be reprimanded every time, but she still tried to persuade Long Yao.

This time she thought she would be reprimanded as before!As a result, Long Yao looked at her with a smile.

"Zisu, I didn't listen to your advice before, but I will listen this time."

Long Yao didn't believe that Zisu was loyal to her before, because she saw her two older sisters trying to dig Zisu to her.

Who is Zisu?Commander of the Forbidden Army!Only the empress and the crown prince can be protected by the imperial guards, and the rest are considered as the eldest empress, and if you protect them without the empress' will, wouldn't that be courting your own death?
As the empress's daughter, Longyu, the county king proclaimed by the empress, naturally knew that she was not qualified to be protected by the imperial guards. She just wanted to win her over and let her pass the news to her from the empress's palace.

But that time when Longyu was wooing Zisu, Longyao saw it. At that time, Longyao beat Zisu with twenty army sticks.

Now that Long Yao thinks about it, her two good sisters wooed Zisu intentionally for her to see, in order to drive a wedge between them.

Zisu is honest and loyal, even if Long Yao beat her twenty with a stick, she is still as loyal as ever.

Zisu's character queen believed very much, so she was sent to protect Longyao.

Zi Su was taken aback for a moment, did not expect His Highness to listen to her advice this time?
This made her a little flattered, she knelt on one knee and saluted: "This subordinate swears allegiance to His Highness to the death."

"Okay! Get up! Don't just kneel down!" The two arrived at the stable, mounted their horses and galloped away.

As soon as she left the Taihe Gate, Long Yao felt that something was wrong with the war horse under her crotch, and she ran faster and faster.

"Your Highness!" Zisu tried her best to chase Longyao's horse, but she was always a little short.

Long Yao's intestines will be knocked out on horseback, TNND!This is who tampered with her horse!
"Get out of the way! Get out of here!"

"Quickly spread out! Spread out!"

Long Yao galloped on the streets of Kyoto on a crazy horse, the roadside stalls were blown away, and the whole street was turned upside down.

"Get out! Get out!!"

"What about you! Spread out!"

Zi Su also drove the surrounding people behind her.

Long Yao held on to the rein tightly, but the horse ran forward like crazy.

"Damn it! Don't let me know who did it! I must chop her up into pieces-!!!"

Long Yao roared, the moment the reins broke, the galloping horse was finally caught by her, and the old and the young under the horse's hooves finally saved their lives.

Boom!The horse foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground.

Long Yao jumped off the horse, helped up the frightened old and young, "Are you all right?"

The old man was trembling, and the little granddaughter in his arms was also frightened dumbfounded.

"Thank you, strong man." With lingering fear in his heart, the old man thanked his granddaughter for helping him and left.

Clap!The two sounds were accompanied by a pain in the head, and the egg yolk and egg white dripped down Long Yao's head.

Long Yao had a black line on her forehead, she guessed right, just as the crazy horse stopped, the rotten egg followed!

"Your Highness!" Zisu finally caught up with Longyao, and saw her covered in rotten eggs.

Zisu glanced at the crowd, and just this one glance made the people around her feel oppressed.

"Who did it? Do you know who it is?" Zi Su dragged one of them and gritted his teeth.

The man was not afraid, "Of course I know, isn't it Her Royal Highness? I don't accept such a Highness!"

Long Yao waved her hand, and Zisu let go of the woman in front of her.

"What's your name?" Long Yao observed the woman in front of her. She was dressed in tatters, but her big eyes were clear and bright, with an unyielding energy.

She hadn't seen such an aggressive child for a long time.

"My name is Duhuo." Duhuo said carelessly.

Zisu frowned, "Bold! You should call yourself a slave!"

Duhuo raised his chin, but he didn't want to say more.

"Zisu, forget it, live alone? It's a vicious name, why don't you accept me?"

Long Yao wasn't angry, she didn't care about the rotten eggs on her head anymore, she was interested in this little girl named Duhuo.

"You have always made fun of beggars! You have never cared about the sufferings of the common people! How can I be convinced by such a princess!"

Duhuo is also a little beggar, and the old beggars who took care of her were all injured and died of being teased by Long Yao.

In the past two days, she heard that the princess stopped teasing the beggars, and actually teased her two concubines for fun, which made her feel even more indignant.

But today, when she saw Longyao galloping on horseback again, she became angry all of a sudden, took an egg from an aunt's basket next to her and threw her in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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