Chapter 484
Long Yao couldn't laugh or cry, she had to bear the blame of Long Yao in the past!
Look at this little girl again, her temper suits her very well.

"Lonely, how about going back to the Queen's Palace with me? You can eat and drink there, and I will make you completely admire me."

The crown princess is so unbearable in the eyes of a little beggar, and even more uneducated bastard in the eyes of the rest of the people.

She will definitely change the image in the hearts of ordinary people.

Hearing the food, Duhuo's stomach started to growl, and they all said that they could eat barbecue in these noble people's homes, so they immediately asked: "Then can I eat enough?"

Despite her small stature, she is as strong as a cow and eats a lot.

The food she had asked for with those old beggars was not enough for her.

"Of course I can eat enough!" How could the majestic queen's palace starve to death?
Duhuo thought for a while, and decided to follow her back to have a look in order to fill his stomach.

"Okay, I'll go back with you!"

"Okay!" Long Yao took them back to the Grandmother's Palace, ordered someone to give her food and then returned to her bedroom.

Sitting in the bathtub, Long Yao could still smell the smell of rotten eggs in her hair.

"What's the matter!" Long Yao lay by the pool with her eyes closed, and suddenly her ears moved.

Whoosh!The hidden weapon hit the pillar, and a group of men in black fell from the roof.

"Where are people?" The man in black shot around, but there was no one.

Obviously there was someone in the pool just now!
Long Yao was wearing a bright yellow undershirt, hiding behind a pillar, with five extra ice needles in her hands.

Whoosh whoosh!Bang bang bang!
Three people fell down and fell into the pool one after another, making a huge splash!

"Over there!" The man in black quickly rushed to the place where Long Yao was hiding, and there was no one there after he passed.

Long Yao reappeared behind the man in black, throwing out dozens of ice needles like a goddess scattering flowers.

The men in black fell silently one by one, and they didn't see Long Yao's figure until they died.

Zisu rushed in at this moment, and was relieved to see that Long Yao was fine.

Kneeling on one knee, he said, "Your Majesty, forgive me for my lack of protection!"

Just now they went to chase another group of men in black, but they didn't expect that this was a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

"Get up! Don't care about your business."

Long Yao kicked the man in black on the ground, and saw a scorpion mark on them.

These men and women in black should be an organization.

"Your Highness, it's a poisonous scorpion."

Zi Su also saw the marks on the man in black.

"Is it also this organization that I was assassinated before?" There is such a memory in her memory, and she was assassinated once when she was 15 years old, and it was also these people.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Zisu also remembered very clearly that year, the empress dowager's palace was full of black-clothed men, and their imperial guards killed and wounded all of those black-clothed men.

"It's only been a year and it's coming again? Could it be that they are planning to assassinate once a year?"

Long Yao was a little speechless, these people are really persistent.

If it is said behind this that no one bought it, she would not believe it even if she was beaten to death!

"Your Highness, our mansion is going to be investigated." This time the man in black was able to enter the Grandmother's Palace, there must be someone to support him.

Zi Su is not a fool, so she naturally understands this truth.

"Of course we have to investigate, and we can't let people know that I'm fine. I don't have any injuries. This will cause suspicion."

In the eyes of outsiders, Long Yao is an ignorant, cruel and heartless princess. It is unreasonable that so many men in black were besieged without being injured.

During the siege by the men in black a year ago, Long Yao was injured and almost couldn't wake up. This time, she just pretended to be slightly injured.

"Your Highness is thoughtful."

Zisu didn't expect that in just one month, His Highness's kung fu has improved rapidly.

So many men in black died under her hands.

The next day, news of Long Yao's assassination and injury quickly spread to the palace.

The empress left all the ministers behind and hurried to the palace of the queen.

It was rumored from the outside world that the empress became very angry and ordered to eliminate the poisonous scorpion organization at all costs.

Long Yao, who was rumored to be injured, was sitting on the bed and had no love at all.

The empress was walking up and down the room anxiously, and the words in her mouth didn't stop.

"Tell me about you! The Empress told you to be careful! Be careful! You always refuse to listen, and you are assassinated every time! Can you go back to live in the palace with the Empress?"

"Even if you are not injured this time, what about the next time? How can you reassure the empress like this!"

Long Meiniang has been persuading her for a long time, but Long Yao just won't enter the palace.

Long Yao clasped her ears, "Empress Mother, how can I find out about the poisonous scorpion after I enter the palace? How can I find out who is behind the scenes?"

Assassinate her again and again, treating her as a sick cat?

"But you are a princess! Just leave the case investigation to those ministers! It's hard to protect yourself with your three-legged cat kung fu! If you can have martial arts like the empress, I won't be so worried .”

Long Meiniang started to speak incoherently because she was worried that she was outside.

This is the only daughter she loves!

"Mother! Then I will accompany you to live in the head office while I am recuperating?"

In order to appease this old woman, Long Yao had no choice but to agree to live with her in the palace for a few days, and it happened that her brothers hadn't seen each other yet, so it was time for her to meet them.

It just so happened that she went to the treasure house to see if there were any clues to Dragon Ball.

"Okay! Live in the palace for a few days, and the mother will order Zisu to find clues about the poisonous scorpion."

The queen had no choice but to compromise. After waking up, her daughter had changed a lot, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Long Yao lived in the Li Palace, and went to the Treasure Pavilion with the token the next day.

"No? Are there no treasures like Dragon Ball in the whole palace?"

Long Yao searched for a long time in the Treasure Pavilion, and found a lot of messy beads, but there were no dragon beads.

"If there is no such a big palace, where will the beads be?"

Long Yao walked on the road to the palace holding a night pearl with a big head, muttering as she walked.

It has been almost two months since she came here, and the beads are still nothing.

"Does it need some kind of opportunity for Dragon Ball to appear?"

Thinking about her previous dragon balls that only appeared by chance, could this dragon ball be the same?

Accompanied by the servant, Long Bai arrived at the Imperial Garden. It was too stuffy in the room, so he wanted to come out to get some air, but he didn't expect to see Long Yao in the gazebo.

Seeing that she was muttering to a bead, Long Bai's red lips covered under the veil slightly raised.

"Little sister." Accompanied by his servants, Long Bai came to the gazebo, took off his veil and smiled softly.

Long Yao blinked, who is this?There is no impression of this person in her memory.

The man is dressed in fluttering white clothes, and the moment of a gentle smile is like spring flowers blooming to warm people's hearts.

Zi Su who was guarding behind Long Yao whispered, "Your Highness, this is the First Prince."

Long Yao smiled awkwardly, "Haha! So it's the eldest brother! Why did you come here?"

Such a good-looking man turned out to be her elder brother?She was stupid enough not to recognize it?
"Little sister, you are still as naughty as you were when you were a child! You don't even remember your elder brother."

Long Bai was also very helpless, the number of times they had met could be counted on the fingers, so it was reasonable to forget his appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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