Chapter 485 Be a Matchmaker

"Brother, what about the second brother?" The eldest brother is so good-looking, I believe her brothers should all be good-looking.

"They should all be in their bedroom, they can't sit still like big brothers."

Long Bai was delighted to see his little sister, after all, they are brothers and sisters of the same father and mother.

It was only now that Long Yao remembered that the two of them were born by the same parents, no wonder they felt kind to him the first time they saw him.

This is also the reason why Long Bai was able to recognize his younger sister at the first sight.

"Brother, do you have a woman you like?" Long Yao was very surprised, her brother was so good-looking, what kind of woman could be worthy of him?

Most of the women here get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and the men they marry are all older than the women.

The most basic age of marriage for men here is between the ages of 22 and [-].

His eldest brother is 21 years old and still not married yet.

Long Bai's face turned red like a ripe persimmon, and it was quite festive.

"Little sister, are you making fun of big brother again?" But his eyes inadvertently glanced at Zisu.

This small gesture failed to escape Long Yao's eyes, and she secretly laughed in her heart, so it turned out that the woman the elder brother likes is Zisu!

She was still wondering what kind of woman could be worthy of her elder brother?If that woman is Zisu, she agrees with both hands and feet.

Long Yao looked at Zisu again, and found that she was standing upright like a normal person.

But if you look closely, you will find that there are different fluctuations in her eyes.

"Oh! Brother, Zisu has seen your face!" Long Yao suddenly let out a cry, which startled them.

Long Bai hurriedly put on the veil, his eyes flashed with annoyance, he was so happy to see his little sister that he forgot everything, even forgot that there was still a grandma here.

"Little sister, you, don't tell the empress." If she told the empress, she would definitely order him to marry Zisu, but she didn't look like she liked him at all.

"Why don't you tell? I want to tell!"

Long Yao decided to help them out. They obviously have feelings for each other, but they dare not love each other because of their status. This makes people feel very anxious!

At this time, Zisu suddenly knelt on one knee and said, "Your Highness, it's my subordinates who are not good! You shouldn't be here!"

Her tone could be heard to be very anxious.

Long Yao secretly laughed in her heart, and pretended to be indifferent?It seems that it is impossible not to force them!
"I don't care! I just want to tell the empress! You have seen my brother's face! You must marry him!"

Long Yao suddenly became unreasonable and unreasonable.

Long Bai's face was already hot, angry and scared, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

"Little sister, it's all the big brother's fault, I'm happy to forget that she's still here! Don't blame General Zi."

Long Bai has a headache for his little sister, she must be able to say what she can do.

At that time, the Queen Mother will definitely punish General Zi for his crimes.

Zi Su suddenly said, "Your Highness, please grant me a marriage! This subordinate is willing to marry the First Prince!"

"Ah?" Long Yao was a little dumbfounded, this guy agreed so easily?
She still wants to trick the two of them more!

"General Zi?" Long Bai didn't want to embarrass her, he obviously didn't like him but was willing to marry her so that he wouldn't be punished?

Zi Su lowered her head and said, "This subordinate has admired the eldest prince for a long time, please marry him to this subordinate?"

Long Yao twitched from the corner of her eyes again, isn't this change too fast?

Long Bai was happy in his heart, but after thinking about it, he became a little worried, "General Zi, I took down the veil myself, and it has nothing to do with you! I will personally apologize to the Queen Mother!"

Even if he can't get married for the rest of his life, he doesn't want to marry someone who doesn't love him.

"No! First Prince, this subordinate really admires you! It's just that this subordinate knows that his identity is not worthy of you! This subordinate has not been married all these years and is still waiting for First Prince."

Zisu simply smashed the jar, now that she has reached the point where she is today, she will dare to do it.

Seeing that she didn't seem to be lying, Long Yao was very happy. No wonder she asked her if she had a favorite man a few days ago, but she always hesitated and evaded.

Dare to feel that she has long fallen in love with her elder brother.

"Okay! Your Highness will help you all!" Long Yao picked up the big-headed Ye Mingzhu and ran to the imperial study in a hurry.

Only Zisu and Longbai were left staring at each other in the gazebo.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!" Zisu stood there nervously, at a loss, and began to stutter.

Seeing Zisu's silly and cute side, Long Bai suddenly wanted to laugh, so the decisive general Zisu still has such a side?
"Empress! Empress! Give me an imperial decree! I will exchange this luminous pearl with you!"

Long Yao broke into the imperial study with a shining night pearl in her arms.

"Eh? You are all here!" Long Yao greeted a group of ministers, and ran to the empress without hesitation.

boom!A night pearl with the size of a head was placed on the table by her, and the memorials on the queen's table jumped twice.

The empress twitched from the corners of her eyes, pinching her brows with a headache, "Yaoer, what are you doing here again? The empress is busy!"

The flood in the south, the food has been drowned after the water level dropped, and the people this year still don't know what to eat.

The Queen is discussing with a group of ministers how to get through this difficult time.

"Your Highness, the Empress is discussing with my ministers about the grain shortage in the south. I wonder if Your Highness has any suggestions?"

The minister suddenly spoke.

Feng Xiaoyao frowned slightly, was he planning to find fault with His Highness?
"Lord Qi, His Highness is not yet in charge of the government, so he is not suitable to participate in government affairs."

In any case, her son is a family when he marries His Highness, and she absolutely does not allow anyone to slander His Highness to trick His Highness.

"Lord Feng, I also think about the people of the world. Her Royal Highness is the future prince, and she should understand the people's livelihood in the world. If she doesn't care about anything, she is worthy of being the future queen?" Qi Qiaomai disagreed.

Now that Her Majesty the Crown Prince is not yet full, and has not been in charge of the government, it is impossible to discuss politics with the ministers according to the regulations.

In her opinion, His Royal Highness is not worthy of the crown prince at all!

Long Yao curled her lips, "What are you talking about, old man? Why am I not worthy to be a queen? Isn't it because there is no grain harvest in the south? Then plant it again!"

The south of this place is like spring all year round, and if rice is planted in this season, it can still be harvested for one season.

Long Yao thought about it again, it seems that there is no such thing as rice in this continent.

There is wheat, but they don't grind it into flour and use it, they only cook it and eat it.

She just took this opportunity to go out of the capital to teach the people here how to use flour and how to grow rice.

It's not that she likes farming so much, she can reap merits from helping the common people.

The more merits she has, the more handy she will be when fusing dragon balls.

Hearing Long Yao's words, not only the empress, but other ministers felt that the princess was messing around.

"Yao'er, can you go back first? The queen mother has discussed things before going to you, okay?"

Long Meiniang coaxed patiently.

She couldn't bear to say a harsh word to this daughter.

"Empress, I'm serious, let me go! I'll help you get things done!"

Just in time to find the whereabouts of the dragon ball, this can be regarded as several successes in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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