Chapter 486 Disagree

The empress looked at Longyao disapprovingly, she had never been out of the capital, if something happened when she went out, how would she survive for the rest of her life?
"Yao'er, don't be so self-willed! You have never been out of the capital, and the mother doesn't trust you at all."

Long Meiniang trembled while holding Long Yao's arm. This daughter was born prematurely and almost lost her life. The Queen was killed while protecting their mother and daughter. Whenever she thought about it in her dreams, she still had lingering fears.

If she goes out to the capital again, she will be beyond her reach in whatever happens.

"Oh! Old lady, let my brother go with me. I'm sure I'll be fine with General Zi."

Long Yao decided to settle the marriage between the two of them before leaving, and then take her elder brother out to see the world.

With a black line on the queen's forehead, the queen left her two children, and they all wanted to leave the capital. What happened to her to make her live!
"I don't allow it! How can your brother go out? You are not allowed to go!"

Long Meiniang didn't let go, and the minister who was acting as a stake was relieved.

It's fine for His Majesty the Crown Prince to leave the capital, if the prince also leaves the capital, won't he be laughed out of his teeth?
"I don't care! I'm going!"

"I'm here today to exchange an imperial decree for the Queen Mother, hey! I will exchange this Ye Mingzhu with you!"

Long Yao said with a shameless smile.

The queen can't laugh or cry, these are the beads in her warehouse, and they are used to exchange imperial edicts with her?How dare she say it out loud?
"What imperial decree do you want?" The queen asked the courtiers to retreat before asking her daughter.

Long Yao chuckled, "Emperor Mother, give Zisu and elder brother a marriage?"

Cough cough cough!The queen took a sip of tea and sprayed it on the table.

"What did you say? Your elder brother and Zisu?" Long Meiniang was a little surprised. Did her eldest son's crush turn out to be Zisu?

She always knew that her eldest son had someone in his heart, so she never traded his happiness for the interests of the royal family, and wanted him to get his own happiness.

If the person in his heart is Zisu, it might not be a bad thing.

"Is it what they both want?" Long Meiniang also wanted to make their couple happy, so she asked this question.

This also reminded her of when she was young, she was originally in love with the queen, but they separated for various reasons. In the end, she had no intention of going to the harem, and those people had no choice but to let her marry the queen.

She loves so hard, and doesn't want her children to live so hard.

If you are not in love with each other, then don't mess with the mandarin ducks.

"Of course I am willing! Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to you to ask for an imperial edict?"

Long Yao doesn't know what it's like to love someone. When she sees the atmosphere of those people who love each other get along together, she feels very envious, just envious.

"Okay! Since the two are in love, the queen mother will make an order."

Long Meiniang wrote a marriage decree with a splash of ink.

By the way, there is another imperial decree to order the princess to hunt on behalf of the sky.

In the end, the empress failed to escape Longyao's soft and hard thinking, and still gave her the imperial edict to leave the capital.

Satisfied with the edict, Long Yao went to find her elder brother.

ten days later.

At dawn, a carriage and a team of more than a dozen horses were driving on the official road, walking unhurriedly.

In the carriage, Long Yao was still sleeping in the dark, with snot bubbles popping out.

Long Bai raised his head from the book, seeing his little sister was angry and funny.

Zisu, who was guarding by the side, occasionally glanced sideways at the carriage, with a faint smile on his usually serious face.

"Buns, dumplings, pickled fish, hot pot,,,,"

Long Yao fell asleep and was still thinking about food.

Long Bai chuckled, "I don't know what you're talking about, either?"

Smiling and shaking his head, he continued to read.

The capital is a month away from the south, and the further south you go, the more desolate it becomes.

Seeing the fields being destroyed by the flood, Long Yao also felt heartbroken. Food is the most important thing for the people, how can the common people survive without food.

Long Yao knelt down and grabbed a handful of wet soil, "It's still very wet!"

Rice can be grown at this humidity, but unfortunately, there is no such thing as rice in this place.

She should first see how refugees live.

"Your Highness, even if we see that the fields have been washed away, there is nothing we can do about it?"

Perilla is also very helpless. Corn and wheat can only be planted once a year, and the output is still low. Now the planting season has passed.

"Let's think of other ways." Long Yao felt that these lands could be salvaged.

She can provide rice seeds, but it needs a valid reason.

She has hardly seen high-yield crops here, and she still needs to go to the mountains to find them.


Looking at the tall city wall, Long Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When she saw the refugees at the base of the city wall, her heart was lifted again.

The imperial court has allocated relief funds and food, why are there so many refugees here?Didn't it mean that the refugees all got the disaster relief funds and returned to their hometowns?

"Go and ask what's going on?" Long Yao dismounted and found a group of old men.

There are six or seven old people leaning on each other, all of them are ragged and skinny.

"Old man, shouldn't you go back to your hometown?"

Long Yao asked one of the old men, and only this old man still had the strength to keep his eyes open.

"How do we go back? We haven't eaten or drank, and we haven't received disaster relief funds from the court. How can we go back?"

The people at the bottom are the most helpless. When encountering natural disasters and man-made disasters, the people are the first to suffer.

"The imperial court has already allocated disaster relief funds, but the magistrates didn't give them to you?" Long Yao looked at the weak people around, they were mostly old, not many young and middle-aged people.

"My lady, you are either rich or noble. You are definitely not from our Maicheng. The magistrates here have people in the capital, and they have eaten up all the disaster relief funds! We can only wait to starve to death."

Another younger person came over at this time and said.

There are mostly women squatting at the foot of the city, and there are also quite a few men. At this time, who cares about the men's faces?

You can't open your eyes when you're hungry, so who cares about your gender?
After learning about the general situation, Long Yao returned to the carriage, "Brother, is the magistrate here in Maicheng the surname Guan?"

Long Bai nodded slightly, "It is indeed the Guan family, it is your elder sister's Yue family."

The official name of Maicheng is Guan Juhua, who is the mother-in-law's family of the eldest daughter Longyu. The Guan family is the most noble in Maicheng, and they are also the magistrates of Maicheng.

Just because the millet and wheat produced here account for one-tenth of the national harvest, the Queen conferred the title of "Wheat City".

The Guan family was originally an aristocrat in Maicheng, and because the head of the Guan family became a magistrate in Maicheng, he became even more unscrupulous in collecting people's fat and anointing.

Especially after the eldest princess married the direct son of the Guan family, the Guan family became even more arrogant in Maicheng.

In the past few years, the Guan family has openly accepted bribes. The empress wanted to investigate and deal with the Guan family, but she has not done anything so far because of the extensive involvement.

Long Yao frowned tightly, "The Guan family has done too much this time, since the Queen Mother doesn't deal with the Guan family, then I will clean it up for her!"

(End of this chapter)

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