Chapter 488

Sure enough, as Long Yao expected, some people took the lead in robbing food at the beginning, Zisu killed a few leaders, and the rest began to line up obediently to get food.

These people are scary!
Long Yao got off the carriage and frowned slightly when she saw the appearance of these refugees.

Damn this Guan family!

"Duhuo, come here!" Long Yao beckoned, and Duhuo, who was distributing dry food, ran over in a hurry.

"Your Highness, you are looking for me!" Duhuo has been raised these days and is fat and fat. He has enough to eat every day, and has no resistance to Long Yao.

"You go to the nearby mountains to see if there is any prey?" She was tired of eating those cooked rice grains along the way, so let's get some prey to eat!

They brought a lot of corn and wheat this time, basically cooked, just for the convenience of eating on the road, and there were a few bags of uncooked ones that Long Yao ordered to bring.

She is going to use those corn and wheat to grind into flour and steam steamed buns to eat.

"Okay! Just wait!" Duhuo turned and ran to the nearby mountain.

That guy is so powerful, Long Yao is not worried that something will happen to her.

There is a courtyard next to the open space, six thatched huts, and a large courtyard. If it is not a famine year, the owner of this courtyard should be an elegant scholar.

Just looking at the furnishings in the courtyard, it can be seen that the owner of this courtyard should be a scholar.

The victims living in the courtyard were driven to the nearby courtyard, and Long Yao took Long Bai to live in.

"After tidying up here, we can barely live here. Your Highness, First Prince, you should rest first, and your subordinates will lead someone to clean it."

Zisu ordered people to start tidying up the yard.

"Little sister, I was always worried about you along the way. What did you mean just now when you said not to ask where the rice seeds came from?"

Long Bai was already on his way with a lot of worries.

"Brother, don't ask! Anyway, I will get the seeds!"

What did she say about these words?She always takes things from the pawn shop, so the ability to conjure things out of thin air doesn't make them different?
"Okay! I don't want to ask. The people who follow you are also the most loyal to you, and they won't ask."

Long Bai didn't ask any more questions, no matter what method she tried, he believed her.

"Brother, both disaster relief and food cultivation must be carried out together. Now that Maicheng is hopeless, the imperial court's disaster relief food will not arrive for a while. Do you have any good solutions?"

According to her idea, it directly robbed Maicheng's official warehouse.

Obviously going to ask for food is definitely not enough, the Guan family will not take into account her status as a princess, and even want to get rid of her and make her eldest sister Longyu the princess.

This time she went on tour in the south, the queen didn't tell the world at all, she was going on tour in low clothes.

If you go to the magistrate rashly, you will only be held back by them. It is better to hide your identity and act cheaply.

"Little sister, it's useless to say anything without food. It's useless to have money in this place. You can't even buy food!"

There is food in Maicheng, but it is ridiculously expensive. The Guan family took this opportunity to enclose land and buy and sell food at a high price to make money. Regardless of the people's livelihood, it is simply wishful thinking to let them take the initiative to take out food to help the victims.

Long Bai was also at a loss what to do at this time.

Long Yao waved his hand and said, "Brother, leave these matters to me! Don't bother with the food matters! We will distribute food relief here starting tomorrow, so that those who are willing to farm in the nearby villages will stay."

She wanted these victims to cultivate the surrounding land first and plant a batch of rice.

Long Bai didn't understand what his little sister's words meant, but he was a little worried about her.

In the evening, Duhuo came back with a wild boar on his shoulders, bloody and terrifying.

When the refugees saw her, they didn't dare to approach her easily. These people were like gods of murder.

"Your Highness, I'm back!" Duhuo threw the wild boar on the ground, and happily ran to find Long Yao.

Looking at the wild boar on the ground, Long Yao was so greedy that she wanted to grill the meat herself tonight!
"Lonely, go and clean up the wild boar, and His Highness will personally grill the meat tonight!"

She hasn't had a good meal for a long time, and she's going to be willful today.

"Ah? Your Highness, are you sure you want to grill meat yourself? Barbecue is a technical job, and only you dignitaries have cooks who can cook meat! Do you know how to cook?"

Duhuo thought he heard it wrong, how could a nobleman be willing to cook by himself?
Especially women, how can there be any reason to cook by themselves?

"What do you know? Your Highness knows everything! Hurry up and clean up the wild boar."

Long Yao took a bag as a cover, and took out many bottles and cans from it.

After the wild boars were finished, Duhuo stood aside and watched Long Yao fuss because he didn't know how to roast meat.

The boar meat on the fire is slowly emitting bursts of fragrance as the flame rises.

Zi Su and the others who were sitting around waiting to eat barbecue could not believe that His Highness could also barbecue.

Long Bai also looked at his younger sister in surprise, "Little sister, when did you learn how to barbecue?"

Barbecue is the unique skill of the chef, and no one is willing to impart experience.

"Your little sister, I am very smart! My barbecue is much more delicious than theirs!"

Long Yao lifted her chin and smiled complacently, and also praised herself a bit.

She went from a stupid dragon who doesn't know anything to a dragon who knows everything, thanks to uncle!I don't know what happened to uncle?

never mind!forget about it!Didn't the old man Tiandao say that this is the place where the uncle experienced his tenth life?Maybe the two will meet.

The seasonings were sprinkled on the barbecue, and the aroma wafted in the air throughout the night.

Duhuo swallowed hard, it smells so good!She had never tasted such a delicious food before!

"Little sister, it smells so good!" Long Bai couldn't help swallowing, it smelled even better than Yu Chu's cooking.

Long Yao cut off a piece of barbecue with a knife and handed it to Long Bai, "Brother, try it first."

"Okay!" Long Bai took a sip gracefully, and then devoured it without caring about being reserved and elegant.

"You all do it yourself!" Long Yao greeted her subordinates while eating.

Duhuo couldn't bear it long ago, and took the lead in tearing off a piece of meat and chewing on it, "It smells so good! It's delicious!"

A group of people gobbled it up, it was the first time they ate such a delicious thing!

"Little sister, you can teach your cook this skill when you go back, so you won't be afraid that those barbecued meats won't taste good in the future."

Long Bai decided that after returning home, he would also learn the skill of barbecue from his little sister, and then make it for his wife.

Thinking about it, he glanced at Zi Su shyly.

"Well, I'll teach them when I get back, or the things they make are too unpalatable!"

Some time ago, she didn't have time to teach her cooks, and she will teach them when she returns.

"Your Highness, can you teach me? I will be your cook in the future!"

Duhuo didn't expect His Highness to have this kind of skill. After teaching her this skill, she will never have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of her life!Maybe she can marry a good-looking husband!

"Okay! From now on, His Highness's meals will be handed over to you!"

Long Yao didn't plan to monopolize these crafts. Anyone can know this stuff in modern times, so it's no big deal to teach them.

(End of this chapter)

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