Chapter 489 Master
Duhuo was overjoyed when he heard that, "Really? Master, please be respected by your apprentice!"

Duhuo climbed up with the stick, and kowtowed when he knelt down.

"All right, all right! Get up quickly!"

Long Yao couldn't laugh or cry, so she agreed.Inexplicably accepting an apprentice is no one!

Anyone who can teach this kind of barbecue technique here will be honored as a master.

"Thank you, master!" Duhuo smiled and ran to Long Yao's side and began to show his hospitality.

Zisu and the others looked at Duhuo enviously, and they were envious of all the barbecue skills.

If only they could learn it too!

The next day, a food distribution point for disaster relief was set up on the square in the village.

Seeing the food, a group of people gathered around.

The refugees who got the food were all grateful.

"Thank you benefactor!" Among them, the middle-aged woman who took the lead knelt down and thanked him with the millet in her hand.

"Thank you benefactor!" Hundreds of people kowtowed in gratitude.

Long Yao waved his hands and said, "Get up!"

"Do you want to continue like this? Only rely on the government's relief food to survive the second half of the year?"

If so many refugees gather together, something will happen sooner or later, so it's better to let them have something to do.

It would be a good idea to let them farm here.

"I don't know what benefactor you want to say?" The leader is a woman named Qi Dahua, who fled here.

Because he is thick and strong, he became the leader of a group of refugees here.

At the beginning, those refugees saw that Long Yao and others were either rich or noble, and wanted to rob them, but they were killed by Zisu with a sword.

Because Qi Dahua could see that Long Yao and his gang were not easy to mess with, she led her own people to stay safe and escaped the catastrophe.

No, the good time is coming!Disaster relief food that cannot be waited for in Maicheng is available here.

"I can see that you are the leader of these people, and they all listen to you. Don't you want to farm? You just want to lead these people to wander like this?"

If you want to farm, you need people, and these refugees are the best labor force.

"To tell you the truth, we are ordinary people, and farming is our lifeblood, but you see? Today's weather can no longer plant corn and wheat."

Qi Dahua and the others are also very helpless, ordinary people depend on the sky for food, and now God doesn't give them a way to live for the common people, she can't help it, can't she?
"We don't plant corn and wheat, which take a long time to mature and can only be planted once a year. We plant white rice. In this place, according to the climatic conditions, white rice can be planted three seasons a year. If we plant it now, we can grow it by the end of the year. Harvest a season."

Long Yao's eloquence is eloquent, and she can't stop talking, but she doesn't know how much impact her words bring to people.

Rice!Even ordinary people have heard of the precious rice in neighboring countries.

In neighboring countries, only the royal family deserves to eat white rice. I heard that planting is still difficult, and the people in neighboring countries have no chance to see the true appearance of white rice. Could it be that they heard it wrong?Let them grow white rice?Are you kidding?
Qi Dahua didn't dare to believe it: "Grandpa, are you wrong! Isn't white rice something that our country has?"

If they can grow white rice, it is equivalent to saving the lives of their common people. Wouldn't their country be richer and stronger with white rice?
Long Yao smiled and shook her head, "You heard it right, it's white rice! You should have thought of the benefits of growing white rice, right?"

If white rice is everywhere in their Nvzun country, the common people can eat white rice, and the precious white rice that neighboring countries are proud of blooms everywhere, what capital does the neighboring country have to be proud of?

Long Yao heard from her mother that the Nvzun Kingdom wanted to exchange its treasures with its neighbors for rice seeds, but the neighbors would not agree no matter what.

"Grandpa, if we can grow white rice, we will all be saved!" Qi Dahua happily led others to kowtow.

The common people are saved!

"Thank you Engong!"

"Thank you Engong!"

Hundreds of people burst into tears, knelt down and sobbed for a long time.

"Get up! If you are willing to stay and grow rice, then I will teach you here! Until the day of harvest!"

Long Yao doesn't intend to leave here easily, with her guarding here, these villagers are safe, and the rice planting will not be coveted by Mai Chengguan's family.

Qi Dahua took the refugees back to discuss the next plan, while Long Yao was thinking about the next plan.

Zisu walked behind Long Yao worriedly, holding back for a long time but did not say what she wanted to say.

"You can say whatever you want." Long Yao left the village and walked towards the back mountain.

Zisu followed closely behind, and after a long time of planning, he said, "Your Highness, where can we get rice seeds?"

Long Yao smiled mysteriously, "You will know when we arrive!"

With doubts on her face, Zi Su followed Long Yao to walk around in the mountains.

Finding a fairly dry cave in the back mountain, Long Yao waved his hand, and the sacks were neatly arranged on the ground.

Zisu's legs went limp and she almost knelt on the ground, her heart curled up into a ball, what happened just now?

Why did these things suddenly appear?

Looking at Long Yao's back in disbelief, her knees fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"Your Highness?" Zisu's face was pale and bloodless, her heart seemed to be tightly clenched by someone's hands, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Long Yao turned around when she heard the voice, and saw Zisu kneeling on the ground with a blushing face, she didn't understand, so she said, "Why are you kneeling? Get up!"

Only then did Zisu feel that the mountain that was pressing on her was removed, but her heart was bitter.

Why is she kneeling on the ground?Was she just pressed to the ground like that?

"Your Highness, this subordinate swears allegiance to His Highness to the death!" Zisu bowed her head to show her loyalty.

Seeing the unknown scene of His Highness, she is already one with His Highness, if she betrays His Highness, she will surely die in the future.

"You're fine! Get up!" Don't ask too much, this is the subordinate she should want.

Zisu got up, and still looked at those sacks in disbelief. Those things were actually piled up in the cave.

When His Highness woke up, he seemed to be a different person. Could it be that the one in front of him was not the original His Highness?
Her heart is very complicated, since she expressed her sincerity to His Highness, she shouldn't doubt His Highness anymore?
"You don't have to doubt anything, I am me, and I am still your original highness! It's just that there are many things that you can think about after dying once!"

Long Yao could see what she was thinking, and explained with a smile.

"This subordinate is worrying too much!" Zisu clasped her hands together and saluted.

Long Yao patted her on the shoulder, "All important things will be left to you in the future, I trust you."

"Your Majesty obeys!" Zisu's heart was boiling with enthusiasm, she didn't know why His Highness had such supernatural powers, as long as she followed her unhesitatingly, it would be right.

"The seeds here are white rice seeds. Tomorrow you will bring someone to distribute them to the villagers."

These seeds are enough to plant thousands of acres of land, and the land around this village alone is enough for thousands of acres.

"It's Your Highness!" Zisu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and now the people in the south are saved.

What worried her the most was the Guan family in Maicheng, who said, "Your Highness, with just these few of us, I'm afraid we won't be able to protect so many people and Baimi."

(End of this chapter)

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