Chapter 490 Worried Questions

Zisu's worries are exactly what Long Yao is worried about. With her current strength, she can barely fight dozens of little thieves, but against the army?Forget it then!

There is a garrison in Maicheng, and the Guan family has the right to mobilize one-third of the garrison. Wouldn't it be easy to deal with a dozen of them?
"We need to plan well, and it seems that nothing will happen temporarily."

Even if the Maichengguan family knew about their rice planting, they would not take it seriously unless it was the harvest season.

Those greedy guys will only come to grab ready-made results.

"Your Highness, this subordinate will definitely protect this place."

This is already their experimental field, and she absolutely does not allow anyone to disrupt what His Highness is going to do.

"Okay! I believe you! Then send a letter to the Queen Mother, asking her to come here in person in four months."

Four months later, it will be almost the time when the rice is ripe, and the Guan family in Maicheng wants to grab the fruit?Then let the queen see for herself what virtue this Guan family has!
"It's Your Highness!" Zisu had already guessed His Highness's intentions, and after she stepped down, she wrote a letter and sent it to the capital.

The night sky was as black as ink without any stars, and a light and petite black shadow disappeared in the small farmyard.

Zisu stood on the tree and watched Long Yao's figure disappear in the blink of an eye.

"Your Highness, are you His Highness?"

Zisu was very conflicted, His Highness still looked like the original Highness, but her methods were like another person.

Long Yao stood in the warehouse area of ​​Maicheng, condescendingly watching the guards patrolling back and forth, her red lips raised in secret.

"I will make all your food disappear tonight!"

The figure of Long Yao appeared again, standing in the granary, waving his hand and walking through the entire warehouse, and the grain disappeared wherever he passed.

Long Yao tilted her head, looked at the secret door on the wall and smiled wickedly, "Is the money here also mine?"

The secret door opened, and the snow-white silver inside almost blinded her eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk! So much money? How much money is this a plunder?"

"Yo! Still have the mark?"

Long Yao picked up a piece of silver with the word "Guan" printed on it, it seems to prevent someone from stealing the silver.

"It doesn't matter if you have words! Give it to me!"

Long Yao waved his hand, and all the money in the warehouse disappeared without a trace.

The next day.

The flood has receded, but the weather is still hot and dry.

The scorching temperature combined with the humidity above ground makes the humid air very uncomfortable.

None of these little things dampened the enthusiasm of the refugees, because today is the day for the distribution of rice seeds.

Qi Dahua was more nervous holding a small bag of seeds than holding a bag of silver.

"Miss Qi, are we really holding rice seeds?"

"Is it really a seed that is more precious than silver?"

"I think it's still a dream!"

A group of people surrounded Qi Dahua, hoping to confirm their guess.

Qi Dahua lost his mind and said: "It's true! Rice seeds!"

Even holding the seed in my arms still feels unreal.

"Are we now more expensive than the royal families of neighboring countries?"

"That's right! We have so many white rice seeds! How much white rice will we get in the field?"

A group of refugees hold the seeds in their arms, as if seeing the hope of tomorrow.

"Engong, how do we plant this?"

Qi Dahua found Long Yao and asked.

"I asked you to sort out the land a few days ago, is it almost the same?"

A few days ago, Zisu counted the number of refugees and asked them to contract land respectively, and each family reserved a piece of land for seedling cultivation.

The rest of the land has been converted into rice fields according to Longyao's request.

Now the rice fields are full of water, Qi Dahua and the others think how to grow white rice with so much water?Did Engong make a mistake?

"It's almost done! I also reserved water in the field according to benefactor's instructions. How can I grow white rice when there is no water? If you throw the seeds into the water, they will all rot?"

Holding the seeds, Qi Dahua felt a little reluctant to spoil such a precious thing.

What kind of seeds do not rot when sprinkled in water?
"Sister, don't worry. Didn't I let each of you keep a piece of land? That's for raising seedlings. Just follow my instructions."

Long Yao was a little funny, they planted the land and sowed the seeds directly in the ground, white rice seeds can also do this, but it prolongs the growth cycle.

"Listen to benefactor! This is the first time we have planted such precious things, and we still feel a little uncomfortable."

Qi Dahua smiled and scratched her head, a little embarrassed.

"It's okay big sister, I'll get used to it in the future. You are the first batch of rice planters, and when you have experience, you need to teach the rest of your planting experience!"

If rice is harvested here, the Empress will definitely promote it vigorously. At that time, it is necessary for someone to become a master to teach the rest of the experience. The first batch of people who successfully planted it will become a crucial link.

"Grandpa! Do you want to teach others such a good thing?" Qi Dahua thinks such a good thing should not be hidden?
Don't neighboring countries just refuse to sell rice seeds to their country?

"Sister, you must think that such a good thing must be hidden, but I don't think so! Since it is a good thing, everyone in the world should be able to eat white rice. Only in this way will the common people not go hungry. The yield is much higher than that of corn and wheat.”

Long Yao shared her thoughts with them and got their unanimous approval.

"Benevolence and righteousness! I admire them very much!" Qi Dahua had to admire the hearts of these adults.

The village here has entered a busy period, and the Guan family in Maicheng is in chaos.

It has been more than a month since the food and silver have been lost, and there is no clue at all.

They didn't dare to search wantonly, so they could only search secretly.

Guan Mu smashed a lot of rare treasures in the house angrily, but he still couldn't let go of his anger.

"Haven't found it yet!"

"Master, I haven't found it yet! But my subordinates have found something abnormal in a village outside the city."

A guard reported back.

"Abnormal? How is it abnormal?" Guan Mu's old face was twisted and deformed by anger.

The already old face became even more ugly.

That was the painstaking effort of most of her life!

"The untouchables in that village are repairing the land, and they have food every day, but they don't see any money."

"My subordinates guess, will the food be ours?"

They also stared at the village for a long time before they saw something.

Those people actually had food and drink, and even started farming.

They didn't know what they were planting, but they were sure they must be farming.

"Farming? Are they stupid? What are you planting at this time?" Guan Mu narrowed his cloudy old eyes slightly.

There is absolutely something wrong with these people!

"The subordinates don't know! They all poured the land into mud!"

When they saw it at the time, they also thought it was incredible. How could they pour all the water into the field?There must be a way to farm the land, right?

Now that the flood in the south has just receded, they are still afraid that they will not be able to repair the land if they do not work in the field!They were so lucky that they poured water into the ground specially.

"Oh! Interesting, take me to see." Guan Mu wants to see for himself what tricks those people are up to!
(End of this chapter)

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