Chapter 491 Unusual

Guan Mu was taken by his dog legs to Laowangzhuang.

What I saw was that there was no need to worry about food and clothing, and every piece of land was watery.

A group of people are busy doing something on the ground.

"What does this group of people rely on to survive?" Guan Mu was a little puzzled, and he didn't see any granaries for them here.

"My subordinates have checked, and there is a rich family in the yard over there. These untouchables hired by them are farming the land, and the food distributed is all given by them."

The guard replied truthfully.

"Rich households? Have you found out their origins?" Guan Mu didn't think there would be any benevolent people who didn't want to benefit.

Those people must be planning something, what can be planted at this time?
What are they doing?
"These people can't find out their history, it's very mysterious." The guard also wondered, the route of these people when they came could not be found.

"Don't startle the snake, first observe for a while!" Guan Mu, the old fox, decided to observe for a while before speaking.

"Yes!" A group of people quietly left Laowangzhuang.

Long Yao stood not far away with Zisu, watching the dozen or so people walking away with their mouths slightly upturned.

"Tsk tsk, I really can't wait! Is this the old lady Guan?"

Patriarch Guan has personally stepped out, which means that this place has been targeted by her.

"It's the one with the surname Guan! Your Highness, we need to strengthen our defenses." Zisu tightly clenched the saber at her waist.

If anyone dares to harm His Highness, the knife in her hand is not a vegetarian!

Zisu looked at her eyes. The village was surrounded by mountains on three sides. It was easy to defend but difficult to attack. It should be easy to defend.

"Go to the places where there are many refugees and gather people. There are really many people here."

These months are a critical period, absolutely nothing can go wrong.

"It's Your Highness!"

When Zi Su returned to the yard, she saw Long Bai arranging flowers.

Smiling and shaking his head, "What are you doing?"

Hearing her voice, Long Bai's heart beat uncontrollably, and he said softly, "Are you back?"

Zi Su nodded slightly, "I'm back! We don't have time to spend with you after we get engaged."

"It doesn't matter, at least I can see you every day now, I am already satisfied, you are also helping my little sister, I won't blame you."

Long Bai held her hand tenderly. These hands had already been covered with a thick layer of calluses from holding knives all the year round. It was not smooth to hold, but it made him feel at ease.

"Okay! Just don't blame me! The matter here is settled, and we will get married when we go back." Zisu held his hand and showed a gentle smile.

Long Yao stood not far away, looking at the two of you and me, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

"Is this called love? What does it look like to be happy with each other?"

Long Yao unconsciously covered her heart, she didn't feel anything here, her heart was beating every day, just to supply the blood needed by the whole body, but it never beat for anyone.

Long Yao stood with her hands behind her back, staring at the setting sun that was about to set in a daze, day by day passed, and there was no sign of Long Zhu.

The days are like flowing water.

The rice seedlings have grown, and the green is very gratifying.

According to Long Yao's instruction, Qi Dahua neatly inserted clusters of seedlings in the paddy field.

Long Yao was also planting seedlings in the paddy field in coarse clothes, and Zisu followed her example.

"Your Highness, this is the white rice seedling! It looks so special."

Zisu looked at the seedlings in her hands, as if she saw the prosperous future of their Nvzun country.

"When they grow up, you'll find them even more special!"

Long Yao kept planting the rice seedlings in her hands, and soon the paddy field was planted by her alone.

The seedlings, which are as neat as a straight line, look vibrant under the sun.

There are people planting rice seedlings everywhere in the paddy fields, and people throwing rice seedlings into the paddy fields on the ground. The whole Laowangzhuang is busy.

Everyone had a hopeful smile on their faces.

The news here also spread to the major cities, and the refugees who were waiting outside to beg for a bite all rushed to Laowangzhuang.

I heard that there is food for life there, as long as you work, you can eat.

When a group of refugees arrived at Laowangzhuang, what they saw was not a decadent scene, but a busy scene during the busy farming season.

For a time they thought they had entered another country.

"What do you do? If you come to work, hurry up and register."

Wang Qin, who was waiting at the entrance of the village, saw a group of people looking around from afar. This kind of thing has been happening these days.

Wang Qin also just arrived here a few days ago, because she can read, Long Yao ordered her to keep accounts and record the list of people living here.

"Yes! We are here to find work." A group of people hurried forward to register.

Looking at the tidy and busy village, they also have the idea of ​​settling down.

Today's Laowangzhuang has been enlarged many times, and around the original place of Laowangzhuang, many earth embryo houses have been built, in which the refugees who settled here lived.

Due to the decrease in refugees, Maicheng finally opened its gates.

On this day, Longyao entered the city swaggeringly with Zisu, but there was no sign of a disaster year in the city, but the people here all looked like their eyes were above their heads.

What cat disease is this?Could it be that they were infected by the Guan family?
"Your Highness, there is something wrong with the people here."

Zisu saw that many people had sallow faces and were unable to walk.

Only then did Long Yao carefully observe the surroundings, and she was shocked when she saw something on a woman's face.

Grabbing Zisu, "Go! Get out of here!"

Zi Su didn't know why and was dragged out of Maicheng.

The two trotted all the way out of the city, Zisu said: "Your Highness, what's going on?"

"Plague! The city has been closed for so long, and it has caught the plague. Fortunately, it hasn't reached the outbreak period yet! Let's go back to the village and close the road!"

Long Yao casually scanned the passers-by entering and leaving the city, and found that their plague was in the incubation period, and she needed to go back quickly to prepare.

"What!" Zisu was also shocked.

There was a plague in the center many years ago, and the entire Tai Hospital was sent out for that plague, and it took a lot of manpower and material resources to barely control the plague.

Even so, countless civilians were killed and injured, and several cities became empty cities.

"We have to go back and prepare the medicinal materials for the treatment of the plague. You should send a letter to the Queen Mother and ask her to bring the medicinal materials here."

She will never allow this plague to spread!

"It's Your Highness!" Zisu didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to pass the letter to Empress Feige.

The people in the village got the news that there was a plague in the nearby city, and they set up sentry patrols one after another, for fear that someone would fish in troubled waters and come to the village.

"Gen Gong, is there really a plague in the city?"

Qi Dahua was appointed by Longyao as the village head of Laowangzhuang, and now he looks up to Longyao.

"Yes! Hurry up and boil those herbs into water for the villagers to drink, once a day."

Long Yao led people to pick a lot of herbs on the mountain, and boiled them into potions for the villagers to take every day.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the news of the plague in Maicheng to spread throughout the surrounding cities and villages.

(End of this chapter)

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