Chapter 492

Guan Mu was furious, and the city was full of plagues. As a magistrate, she should go out to appease the people, but she didn't do so, but hid at home and yelled.

"Why am I so unlucky! The city was infected with the plague just after it was opened! Who let those people in!"

"The silver and food have not been found yet! There is another plague!"

"Cut all those guarding the city!" Guan Mu thought it was outsiders who infected the people in the city.

Blame all the blame on the defenders of the city.

Guan Mu got angry at home and killed more than a dozen guards in a row before giving up.

Seeing more and more dead people in the city, Guan Mu didn't dare to step out of the house, fearing that he would also be infected with the plague, and finally couldn't help it, and prepared to flee overnight with his own people.

Without magistrates, Maicheng is like a pan of loose sand, leaving only the people of the city to fend for themselves.

The gates of the city were closed, and [-] people were forced to stay in the city.

"What? That old thing Guan ran away!" Long Yao received a report from the secret guard, and angrily punched a tree beside him.

"Yes, Your Highness, now only General Huai'an is guarding the city gate, not allowing entry and exit to prevent the plague from spreading."

General Huai'an is the guard of Maicheng. After knowing that Guan Mu had absconded, he led people to guard the city in order to prevent the plague from spreading outside.

"Let me think about it!" The follow-up medicinal materials haven't arrived yet, and she doesn't have that many medicinal materials in her hand.

Does she really want to get medicinal materials from the pawn shop?

do not care!You can't just watch hundreds of thousands of people live and die.

"You go and gather our people to follow me!" Long Yao didn't care so much, and took Zisu to the cave where the food was originally stored.

In the blink of an eye, the cave was full of piles of herbs and bottles and jars.

"Your Highness! You will expose yourself by doing this!" Zi Su turned pale with shock. If His Highness's difference from ordinary people is revealed, His Highness will become the public enemy of the whole world.

"I can't control that much now! It will take time for the medicinal materials to arrive, but now time waits for no one! Those who went to the nearby cities to buy medicines have not returned, which shows that the epidemic situation in those cities is already very serious!"

After learning about the outbreak, Longyao had already sent people to the nearby city to purchase the medicinal materials needed, but there is no news at all, which shows that the situation there is already serious.

"Your Highness?" Zisu wanted to persuade her again, but was stopped by Longyao.

"Don't say any more! Take people to carry the medicinal materials!"

Long Yao made up her mind, turned around and walked out of the cave.

Zisu looked at Longyao with complicated eyes, "This subordinate will definitely not let anything happen to you."

"Move the medicinal materials quickly!" The medicinal materials in the cave were quickly moved to the old carriage.

Dozens of carts of medicinal materials arrived at the gate of Maicheng.

"Open the city gate!" Long Yao yelled while riding on the horse.

The soldiers guarding the city looked at the carts of grain and medicinal materials, and ran to report to Huai'an happily.

Huai'an trotted all the way to the top of the city tower, almost falling in panic on the way.

"Who is under the city?" Huai'an looked at the long queue and did not open the city gate immediately.

This is an epidemic area, who would be so kind to send so many medicinal materials?
"Presumptuous! Your Royal Highness is here, so hurry up and open the city gate!"

Zisu then took out the token and roared angrily.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness!"

"Quick! Open the city gate!" Huai'an swallowed hard, and ran to the city gate with weak legs.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty welcomes Your Majesty!" Huai An took the lead and knelt down outside the city gate.

Long Yao flew off the horse, "Hurry up and take me to check the epidemic situation."

Regardless of the kneeling people, they rushed into the city quickly.

"Yes!" Huai'an chased after Long Yao and waited carefully.

Seeing that Long Yao didn't wear a face towel, she was so frightened that beads of sweat covered her forehead, "Your Highness, you should put on a face towel first!"

"What to bring? I'll be fine! Tell me about the situation in the city."

Long Yao was walking on the streets of the city, looking at the place that was bustling a few days ago, now she felt desolate.

"It's Your Highness!" Huai'an didn't dare to lie, and told the truth about the situation in Maicheng.

According to Huai'an, Guan Mu's family fled and took all their belongings, and some officials also fled Maicheng with them.

Together, those officials hollowed out the entire granary in Maicheng, leaving an empty city.

"Bastard! Didn't any of the officials in Maicheng stay behind except you?"

Long Yao wished she could kill those bastards now.

"Your Highness, calm down! Except for us and the common people, all the other officials have left!"

Huai'an was terrified, could it be possible that His Highness will also implicate her?She didn't do anything!
"Get up! You've done a good job! Your Highness will give you a credit! Those guarding the city will also give them a credit!"

"The most urgent thing now is to treat the plague first!" Even if she really wanted to kill those people now, it was not the time yet.

"It's Your Highness!" Huai An regained his spirits, it turned out that His Highness didn't blame her.

The people who had the disease in Maicheng gathered in a compound, and Long Yao led a group of doctors to treat them day and night.

Long Yao was so tired that she lay on a pile of weeds and fell asleep.

Zisu guarded her side dutifully, and sighed, "Hey! How can you look like a princess after exhausting yourself like this?"

In her impression, the eldest princess and the second princess would not tire themselves out like this because of the common people.

Huaian came over at this time and said, "General Zi, Your Majesty is too tired, this is the broth I asked the cook to cook."

"Let His Highness rest, and drink it after His Highness wakes up." Zi Su took the broth, carefully put it on the fire and simmered it over a low fire.

"it is good!"

"General Zi, why did His Highness come here suddenly? It stands to reason that the capital city should not know about the epidemic here."

Huai'an was very curious. Her Royal Highness had arrived not long after the plague broke out here, which she couldn't figure out no matter what.

"Your Highness is here for disaster relief, and His Highness discovered the plague, and His Highness ordered you to be notified of the plague. Unfortunately, Guan Mu didn't pay much attention to it at first."

Thinking of that old fellow Guan Mu, Zisu's teeth itch with anger, wishing to drag her out and beat her up.

When Long Yao discovered the plague, she secretly ordered someone to notify Guan Mu, hoping that she could figure out a countermeasure, but the old thing ran away!
"His Royal Highness came to relieve the disaster? But we didn't see it?"

Huaian had question marks all over his head.

"How can I let you know that His Highness is coming? Maicheng is not allowed to enter, so we will provide disaster relief in nearby villages, and the effect will be the same."

Zisu is now a little glad that they didn't come to Maicheng back then.

"What I said! Listening to the discussions of those refugees, a good man appeared in a nearby village. It turned out to be His Highness!"

Huai'an was a little puzzled, didn't he hear that Her Royal Highness is ignorant?The empress dotes on her very much, how could she be willing to let her come to such a dangerous place?

"You don't need to inquire too much, you just need to follow His Highness's instructions."

Zisu turned her head and glanced at Long Yao quietly, her Highness was no longer the previous Highness.

(End of this chapter)

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