Chapter 493 Herpes Poison
Long Yao finally had enough rest, and when she opened her eyes, it was still dark.

The stars in the night sky are bright and bright, Long Yao rests his chin on one hand and looks up at the starry sky.

"You god damn old man! It's really annoying to put me here and not give me the clue of Dragon Ball!"

These days, she was restless for no reason, and she was still very restless.

Thinking of the missing of the Dragon Ball and her inability to go back to Peach Blossom Island, the whole person becomes very irritable!

When she was sad, a person hurried into the yard alone.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! The people over there who were in good condition suddenly became seriously ill again!"

A doctor ran over as if his butt was on fire.

"Aggravated? Take me to have a look!"

Long Yao didn't care about complaining about the old man Tiandao, and chased the doctor to the front yard.

As soon as he reached the front yard, he heard a painful scream.

"How could this happen?" Long Yao stepped forward and held one person down, lest she resist and scratch herself.

"Hold them down quickly! Don't let them scratch themselves!"

Long Yao carefully checked her pulse and discovered that this is no longer a plague, but herpes!
"Your Highness! No! I can't suppress them!" Even Zisu, a general, can't suppress these people, which shows how strong they are.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !
Seeing a group of people seem to be in a hallucination and self-harming, they don't even notice it.

Some even pulled out their own eyeballs.

Seeing that this is not going to work, a group of people have already self-harmed bloody.

"You guys spread out!" Long Yao made a formula in his hands, and countless ice blocks covered the entire courtyard.

The crowd who retreated saw a scene that they would never forget.

The blue ice needles are shone by the moonlight, which is bitingly cold.

"Go!" With Long Yao waving his hand, the ice needles seemed to have life, and they all pierced into those crazy people.

Just now, he was still choking his neck and digging out his own eyes, and hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes, wishing that all the people he had killed would stop struggling.

The ice needles will slowly melt in their bodies, and when the ice needles disappear, they will be able to move.

"This?" Huai'an rubbed her eyes vigorously, she thought she was also hallucinating.

Several doctors opened their mouths in shock, what kind of treatment is this?
"What are you looking at? Hurry up and help them detoxify!"

There are few doctors here, and there are many patients, if she doesn't take action, these people will be strangled to death by themselves.

"Yes, yes!" The dozen or so doctors did not dare to be negligent, and the most important thing was to treat the sick and save the patient first.

As for what you saw just now, just treat it as an illusion!

"Your Highness! No! We have never seen this kind of disease!"

Several doctors looked around and ran over sweating profusely to complain.

"Someone deliberately poisoned them! Did these people eat anything?"

Long Yao is still very confident in her medicinal materials, and the treatment of those plagues will never be repeated.

These are herpes poisons, and it is obvious that someone has poisoned them again.

"Poison? What kind of poison? We haven't heard of it!"

An imperial doctor who has been following Longyao has a sad face.

She had never heard of this kind of poison.

"Herpes poison! A plague occurred in a neighboring country many years ago. It is said that this herpes poisoned three cities! In the end, the city had to be burned and massacred to prevent this plague from spreading to the whole country. Do you think it is such a big deal? Never heard of it?"

Long Yao found that book in an unoccupied corner in the treasure house of the palace, and there are many secret things in it.

The imperial doctor shook his head, "I really haven't heard of it."

Maybe no one of the age of the imperial doctor was born at that time.

"I've never heard of it! If no one puts this kind of poison, it will never appear here!"

Long Yao saw the contents of the book, so she went to the pawn shop to check the book information.

Herpes has also appeared in the God Realm. Most of the people in the God Realm are cultivators, and their bodies are different from ordinary people. They were not infected. The unlucky ones were those ordinary people, and they were quickly controlled in the end because of a medicinal material called poisonous dragon grass. is the antidote.

There is a characteristic of herpes virus, people will not be infected if they do not eat it into the body, if the infected person does not pay close attention to treatment, the whole body will fester into pustules.

If the festered pustule is not cremated, the water in the underground river will be polluted if buried in the ground. If a good person drinks the well water, he will be infected again. The infection spreads very quickly.

In other words, this herpes virus incident is man-made.

"Put it in! Your Highness, what do you mean? Someone deliberately harmed us?"

The imperial doctor couldn't believe it, but there are 10,000+ people here!

Who is so insane!
If this herpes poisonousness is really as serious as His Highness said, wouldn't Maicheng be unable to keep it?

"Send people to the nearby water sources to find useful clues! Find out who deliberately poisoned it! Then order the whole country to search for poisonous dragon grass!"

It shouldn't be hard to find poisonous dragon grass. This kind of medicinal material is very common. Most doctors will only use it as a medicine primer for treating women's diseases.

There aren't many left in her pawn shop, let's take it out and boil it into a concoction to restrain the people in Maicheng.

"Yes! Your Highness!" A group of people split up.

After comforting the patients, Long Yao returned to the backyard exhausted.

On a mountain not far from Maicheng, a man in white stood with his hands behind his back.

"My maidservant has seen the prince!" Guan Mu knelt down and lowered his head, his humble appearance didn't have the arrogance he once had.

"What have you done?" The man covered his face with a silver mask, and his hoarse voice was a sexy sandy voice.

Guan Mu trembled all over, "I don't know what the servant did wrong?"

"What did you do wrong? You have been treated like a noble here for so many years, so you have forgotten your duty?"

"How do you say those people are also people under your jurisdiction, so you want them to die?"

The man in white looked at the dotted city in the distance, feeling a little unbearable.

The common people are the most innocent victims at all times.

"Your Highness, this is also for the sake of our great cause! Now that the Empress Dowager is here, as long as the common people dissatisfy her, our plan will be further advanced!"

Guan Mu didn't dare to look up at the person in front of him, because this person was a murderous demon without blinking an eye.

"Is it necessary to sacrifice so many people to deal with a mere princess? This is herpes! If it is not controlled well, we will all suffer!"

The white-clothed man's words were already full of hostility.

"Prince, forgive me! This servant has calculated that even if the people here are dead, it will not spread to our country. There is a big mountain not far from the city of our country. There is no one inhabited there, and it is the isolation zone that isolates the poison!"

Guan Mu was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out, and he didn't know if his life would still be alive in the next moment.

She did it also to destroy the evidence of what she had done before.

Mo Xun took a deep breath, if she wasn't needed here, he really wanted her head!

"This is the only way the matter has come to this point! It's best to be able to control it as you said! Otherwise, I will let you drink herpes poison!"

Mo Xun snorted coldly, turned and left.

Guan Mu seemed to have been drained of strength, and suddenly fell limp on the ground.

"Scared me to death! How can His Royal Highness feel so oppressed at such a young age?"

Looking at the white back, Guan Mu didn't dare to take another look.

(End of this chapter)

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