After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 494 His Royal Highness the Prince

Chapter 494 His Royal Highness the Prince
As soon as Mo Xun reached the foot of the mountain, he staggered.

"Master! Has your headache started again?" Lin Feng stepped forward to support Mo Xun.

Mo Xun waved his hand, "It seems to be more powerful than before."

Suddenly his nose itched, and two drops of bright red dripped onto the snow-white embroidered robe.

Lin Feng turned pale with shock, "Master!"

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" Mo Xun covered his nose and mouth with a handkerchief and staggered into the carriage.

Lin Feng sighed worriedly, wondering what kind of illness the master is suffering from?

Over the past few years, the recurrence of the master's disease has become more and more serious.

Long Yao was boiling medicine in the stove, but the firewood was so damp that it couldn't be ignited, and the room was full of thick smoke.

Cough cough cough!vomit!vomit!

Long Yao choked and ran outside the door, coughing hard, tears came out!

"I'm stupid! Is it so difficult to make a fire?" Every time I cook and stir-fry, someone else makes a fire, and she uses spells. This is her first time to make a fire by herself, which is too difficult!
The smoke and dust billowed, and the other doctors who were choking on the medicine also ran outside the door.

"Your Highness! Your firewood is too wet, how can you boil medicine like this!"

The imperial doctor couldn't laugh or cry, so there are things His Highness doesn't know!
"I don't know how to light a fire! I leave the cooking of the medicine to you!"

Long Yao was almost choked to death, and decided not to go in to light the fire again.

As soon as Zisu came back, she saw Long Yao with a big face, her face was slightly stiff, "Your Highness, who is this?"

Long Yao waved her hand and wiped her face, she was still a little out of breath, it was too choking, "I'm fine, did you find out?"

"We found it! It's Guan Mu!" Zisu took the order to check the water source, but after searching for a long time, there was no clue.

When she thought there were no clues, Zisu found Guan Mu's trace on the top of the mountain.

"Guan Mu? Where is she?" Long Yao was gearing up, wanting to arrest her personally.

Zi Su shook her head, "The subordinate is incompetent, and lost track."

"Hey! And you can follow the lost person? This means that there is someone behind that guy!"

As far as she knew, Guan Mu didn't know martial arts, but the guards who protected her were very skilled.

"My subordinates don't know." Zisu felt ashamed and failed to catch the culprit.

Long Yao walked back and forth anxiously with her hands behind her back, "Take me to find Guan Mu!"

She must catch people!See who is the master behind her?Could it be her eldest sister?
"Your Majesty, take your Highness down!"

Zisu led Longyao to run wildly all the way, and finally arrived at the mountain at the source of Maicheng River.

"Those people drank the water and contracted herpes!"

Zisu checked, and the drinking water in Maicheng basically comes from this river.

"Those people are really cruel! They plan to destroy the city!"

Long Yao's back molars were being bitten by her and creaked, those people couldn't forgive her!

He quietly took out a bottle of holy spirit spring water and poured it into the river, hoping that the blisters would be dissolved when they encountered the holy water.

"Let's go!" Long Yao walked into the woods, she couldn't believe that Guan Mu ran out of Maicheng so quickly.

Maicheng was her life's painstaking effort, and she couldn't believe that the old woman was willing to let go!
Long Yao was right, she thought that everyone in the city would die before she went back, and she still had a lot of treasures in the city that she didn't take away!
At this time, Guan Mu was living in a cave not far away with her cronies, and her family had been secretly sent back to a neighboring country.

Guan Mu, who was being happy in the cave, didn't know that he was about to die.

Long Yao searched the entire mountain before finding any trace of Guan Mu, and narrowed her eyes dangerously at the two guards at the entrance of the cave.

"This old lady can enjoy it! There is still so much noise in the cave at this time!"

Long Yao was exhausted and out of breath, and it was impossible for someone who could fly to walk more than half of the mountain with her feet, and she was not angry!

Now she can't wait to drag him out and beat him up!
"Your Highness, it's just the two of us, it's impossible to deal with them!"

Zi Su has already made a clear investigation. There are four masters beside Guan Mu, each of whom is stronger than her.

"What are you afraid of! Why do you beat me with a pack of drugs!"

Who will use brute force if it is useful?
"Ah!" Zisu scratched her head, somewhat unable to understand what His Highness meant.

Long Yao swaggered to the front of the cave, pinched her waist and said, "Quickly call your master out!"

The guard was obviously taken aback, where did this stunned head come from?
"Go!" The guard wanted to silence him without saying a word.

Long Yao saw that these guys were even more shameless than her, so she did it as soon as she said it, and immediately waved her hand, white powder filled the air.

The two guards stared wide-eyed.

Zisu blinked, can it still be like this?

Long Yao patted the powder on her hands, and snorted coldly, "You guys are even more shameless than me! Now you have no face!"

Then went into the cave.

The corner of Zisu's mouth twitched, what kind of nonsense is this?
Seeing the scene in the cave, Long Yao didn't say anything, she could do it without making any noise, and the powder in her hand kept spilling out.

A group of people who were carnival fell to the ground one by one in the blink of an eye.

Before Guan Mu figured out what was going on, he lay stiffly on the ground.

Seeing a pair of white sheepskin boots in front of him, he opened his mouth wide but couldn't say a word.

"Tsk tsk, old lady Guan? You made it easy for His Highness to find you!"

Long Yao pulled her hair aside.

Looking at the old thing with loose old skin and still having fun, Long Yao almost vomited out the disgusting overnight meal.

Zisu looked for the four masters in the crowd, and sure enough, she found them in the corner.

The four fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, twitching their hands and feet.

Your Highness's medicinal powder is really useful!
"Old man! Tell Your Highness, who ordered you to poison me?"

Long Yao fed her a pill, allowing her to speak temporarily.

Guan Mu's eyes widened in horror, and he couldn't help panicking, "You, are you Your Royal Highness?"

This was the first time for her to see the real face of the Crown Princess, she couldn't move, and her whole body was covered in horror.

I heard that Her Royal Highness is a no-brainer, so she shouldn't be able to tell a lie, right?
"Your Highness! The old minister didn't poison you! It was the plague in the city, and the old minister was afraid of death, so he took his own people and fled to this mountain for refuge! As long as the epidemic is over, the old minister will definitely go back!"

Guan Mu was in tears, crying miserably and pitifully.

Long Yao sneered, did she take her for a fool?

"You are the parent officer of Maicheng! Because of the epidemic, you left 10,000+ people in the whole process and fled? You leave your post without authorization, which is the crime of punishing the nine clans!"

"You have no choice? Those people are so innocent! Should your life be worth more than those people!"

"Did you put these herpes poisonous people in the water later? Tell me! Who is the person behind you? I don't think you want to try the methods of this palace?"

Long Yao couldn't figure out what these guys were thinking?Who gave them the courage to leave the city privately?

Could it be her eldest sister?
"Your Highness, did the old minister--ahhhh!"

Before she could quibble any more, she felt like she was being tortured all over.

Guan Mu couldn't move his whole body, only one mouth yelled frantically, hoping to relieve the pain with this method.

Long Yao smiled evilly, like a Shura who was threatening his life, "Does it feel good? All your subordinates are already dead! Do you think my medicine powder is a joke?"

She had no intention of keeping those people alive.

(End of this chapter)

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