Chapter 495 Assassinated
Guan Mu had never experienced this kind of pain before, and he couldn't bear it for a while, so he almost confessed everything.

Just as she was explaining, Guan Mu suddenly fell to the ground and lost his life.

"Damn!" Long Yao swears angrily.

Zisu tested her breath and shook her head, "Your Highness, she is out of breath!"

"Of course I know! There are people in the dark? I'm so mad!"

Long Yao gritted her teeth angrily, there is actually a master here!
Long Yao walked on the road angrily, didn't ask anything, and even exhausted herself to death!
"Don't let me know who killed someone right under my nose! Otherwise, I will tear her down!"

"Ahhh! I'm so pissed off!"

Long Yao snapped her teeth and claws in a fit of anger, gesturing to the air.

The corners of Zisu's mouth twitched, Her Royal Highness really looked like a child.

Mo Xun, who was standing in the distance, looked at the distraught little figure, and for some reason, his heart trembled.

The red lips rose slightly, "This is Her Royal Highness? Isn't it as unbearable as they said!"

Lin Feng was a little terrified, "Your Highness, are you laughing?"

Who doesn't know that His Royal Highness hasn't smiled since he was a child, and he didn't smile until today. This is the most terrifying thing!

"Did you tear me down? There will be a chance!" Mo Xun ignored the muttering of his guards, and left the mountain in a good mood.

The plague in Maicheng was completely brought under control after two months, and herpes was also eliminated in time due to the supply of medicinal materials.

Longyao relieved the epidemic and poisonous epidemic in Maicheng, and became an inviolable god in the hearts of the people in Maicheng.

The government's disaster relief food has also arrived in Maicheng, and everything is going in a good direction.

Without the Guan family, Longyao didn't worry about the leakage of rice, and took a group of little guys in the village all day long to catch birds and walk dogs, doing all kinds of evil.

"Look at Your Highness! Take those guys running around all day!"

"Who says it's not! Her Royal Highness is still a child!"

"If there is no Highness, we will die!"

"That's right! Look at the white rice again? It looks like it's about to ripen, and we can finally have enough to eat!"

The villagers who were busy farming looked at Long Yao who was running with a windmill in the distance, followed by a group of little guys, all of them couldn't help laughing.

Long Yao is not only their savior, but also the princess of this country, allowing them to see a different future queen.

Neighboring Prince's Mansion.

"The blister poison has been cured?" Mo Xun couldn't believe it. There is no cure for this kind of poison. How did they get rid of it?

Lin Feng said: "It is indeed resolved, it is said that the prescription was given by the empress dowager."

Mo Xun was slightly taken aback, what kind of person is that Highness the Empress Dowager?How could she detoxify that kind of poison?

"Is there a prescription?" He wanted to see how to get rid of herpes.

Lin Feng took out a yellowed piece of paper from his pocket, "Your Highness, this is the prescription, and the empress directly made the prescription known to the world."

Long Yao's idea is very simple, that is, everyone should know about these prescriptions, so there is no need to panic when encountering this kind of illness.

"Poison Dragon Grass? Ginger? Hehe! It's really not simple! Who would have thought that only these two kinds of herbs combined would be a good medicine for detoxifying blisters?"

The corners of Mo Xun's lips rose slightly, and the red figure appeared in his mind.

"The empress understands medical skills?" Mo Xun grasped the point, if it wasn't for a doctor with excellent medical skills, the herpes would not be cured at all.

Their country hasn't researched the antidote for herpes for hundreds of years, but she was able to research it, which shows that her medical skills are not low.

"Your Highness, you mean? Your illness is cured?"

Lin Feng was ecstatic at the thought of this possibility.

There is no doctor here who can find out the symptoms, and Mo Xun still suffers from headache and coma as before, and his nasal cavity is bleeding now.

"We should go to the Nvzun Country."

Mo Xun smiled slightly, Your Highness, we will meet soon.

A month later.

Today is the day when the rice is ripe, the queen stands excitedly on the ground with the support of Longyao.

Touching the ears of the rice, Long Meiniang's eyes were reddened.

"Is this white rice? Is it really white rice? Yaoer, tell the empress, is it true?"

Long Meiniang couldn't believe it. From a distance, the golden wheat waves were like shock waves, shocking everyone's heartstrings.

Long Yao pulled off an ear of rice, peeled out the rice grains, and the white rice lay fat and white in her hands.

"Mother, look, is it white rice?" The white rice with yellowish germ shone golden under the sun.

A group of ministers wiped their tears and knelt down together.

"God bless my dynasty! Long live the empress!"

"God bless my dynasty! Long live the empress!"

"God bless my dynasty! Long live the empress!"

A louder than one long live resounded throughout Maicheng.

"Hahaha! Good! Good! God bless my dynasty! All the people here will be rewarded!"

Long Meiniang is really happy that white rice has finally been successfully grown in their country!
What a feat!Cocoa can be passed on to future generations.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The unison shook the sky, and it also showed the enthusiasm in their hearts.

All the people work together to harvest rice, which is their hope in the future.

Since then, their country also has precious white rice.

The queen was reluctant to eat the white rice in the bowl, "Yaoer, why is this white rice so fragrant? I can eat several bowls without eating barbecue!"

Seeing her mother so excited, Long Yao was also happy, "This kind of white rice is not ordinary white rice, it is called fragrant rice. From now on, neighboring countries will call it white rice, and we will call it rice. Our rice is not the same as theirs!"

"That's right! Our names should be different!" The queen fell in love with the taste after taking a bite of the rice.

After Long Yao ate two bowls of rice in a row, she finally didn't have to eat those throat-scratching millets!

"Yao'er, there is one more thing I want to tell you." Before coming to Maicheng, she made a big decision for her daughter.

"What?" Long Yao didn't know why, and gnawed on a chicken leg, her mouth was full of oil.

After finishing her meal, the queen picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of tea gracefully.

"The Queen Mother has engaged you, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of a neighboring country."

puff!Cough cough cough!

The rice in Long Yao's mouth sprayed all over the table, her face turned red and her neck was thick, "What are you talking about? Don't I have a side concubine? Why are you still looking for a man for me?"

She was still thinking about how to get rid of the two men in the mansion, why did she suddenly find another man for her?

"What are you talking about? What do you mean looking for a man? They are here to make peace with us! It is also to strengthen the relationship between the two countries. It is their sincerity to send their prince here to make a marriage! There is no reason for the empress to disagree with their proposal." ask!"

The queen didn't expect that the neighboring country would be so willing to spend so much money this time and send a prince here.

Long Yao raised her forehead angrily, "It's not a question of sincerity or insincerity! It's that I don't want to get married at all! Just let my two older sisters get married!"

Those two haven't been sent yet!Why is there another one?
Isn't this sincerely trying to block her!

(End of this chapter)

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