Chapter 496
The queen lost her temper because of her anger, and said: "No! They sent His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and only you can marry him! No one else can!"

The queen was not joking this time, the prince of a neighboring country can only marry her youngest son, and the rest will never think about it!

With the relationship with neighboring countries, her youngest son's throne can be secure!
"I won't marry! I won't marry even if I die! Marry whoever you love!" Long Yao flung her sleeves and left the dining hall angrily.

Long Meiniang was so worried that her hair almost turned gray, this is not worrying!

Angrily shouted: "Zisu! No matter what method is used, even if it is tied, I will help her back to the capital!!!!"

The corner of Zisu's mouth twitched, this mother and daughter are really enough.

The matter in Maicheng came to an end, and most of the rice was left as seeds and filled into the treasury, and the empress ordered people to guard it strictly.

Wait for the next planting season to come before distributing the seeds to the common people, and vigorously promote rice planting in the coming year.

The news that the Nvzun country has white rice has spread throughout the country, and naturally it has also spread to neighboring countries.

The emperors of neighboring countries panicked. They actually planted white rice in such a short period of time?

Hearing the news, Prince Mo Xun decided to leave for Nvzun Country as soon as possible. The thing about detoxification has not been figured out yet, and the thing about planting white rice within a few months after he came out made him feel that the mastermind of all this is definitely that highness.

He had to figure out what was going on!

The crown prince's guard of honor has already set off, but Long Yao just refuses to marry.

The queen was so forced that she had no choice but personally ordered her to be tied up, and Zisu personally guarded her and sent her back to the capital.

Queen's Palace.

"Zisu, let go of me! Hurry up! I want to pee! I want to chug!"

"Who is your master? Zisu, let me go!"

"Don't let me go, will you? Then I'm going to pull the bed!"

Long Yao was tied into rice dumplings and thrown on the bed, no matter how much she yelled, no one paid any attention to her.

Feng Xuan, who was standing by, twitched his eyes when he heard her rude words, "Your Highness, stop shouting, no matter how loud you shout, she won't let you go, and I dare not let you go."

Holding a glass of water, Feng Xuan slowly fed it into her mouth, and then gently wiped off the water stains at the corners of her mouth.

They also don't want His Royal Highness to get married, the emperor's order is hard to violate, and they can't do anything about it.

"Fengxuan, can you let me go? Do you want me to marry Zhengfei? What about Baiyi? Is he willing?"

Long Yao intends to move her emotionally, hoping to let her go.

She is now tied tightly, and the other end is tied to the bedside post. The one with both hands tied is so strong that she can't move, except for her head, which is still tied with ropes.

Even if she wanted to go back to the pawn shop, she couldn't go back, and there was someone guarding her all day long.

pissed her off!

At this time, Pei Baiyi came in with a bowl of porridge, it was a bowl of white rice porridge, and he taught them how to make it.

"Your Highness, don't even think about it! We won't be fooled by you!"

"This is the white porridge that Duhuo taught us to cook. You haven't eaten for a day, please eat some."

Pei Baiyi smiled and shook his head, His Highness is simply a child who hasn't grown up.

Long Yao turned her head, she was very angry now, "I won't drink!"

"Your Highness, you are obedient, and you finally came back, so don't be angry with the queen, okay?"

Feng Xuan carefully helped her up and stood up, since she couldn't sit down, she could only stand.

"I won't listen! I won't eat either! Let me go!"

"Zisu, go and tell the empress, if she doesn't let me go, I, I won't eat!"

Long Yao was fed by two people like a puppet, but she refused to eat.

Zisu was stunned when she came in, and replied respectfully: "Your Highness, the emperor's order is hard to break, why don't you resist? I heard that the crown prince has already moved into the inn and will get married in three days."

"What? Three days? Is the royal wedding so fast? Are you pigs? Didn't you tell me such an important thing?"

Long Yao's headache, liver pain, and body pain ached.

It was jumping and trying to escape, like a big bug that was jumping, but when it ran to a certain extent, the rope couldn't be pulled.

Seeing Long Yao's cute little movements, the three of them couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Your Highness, don't struggle. The rope used by the Empress is a national treasure, the Qiankun Rope. The knife keeps cutting and burning."

Zisu had no choice but to carry Longyao back and put her on the bed.

Now Long Yao has no energy to struggle at all, this is simply wanting her life!
"Your Highness, the Empress is also doing it for your own good, please think about it carefully?" Zi Su cupped her hands and exited the room.

Fengxuan and Pei Baiyi stood beside her bed, seeing her reluctance, they couldn't bear it either.

Softly persuaded: "Your Highness, we don't want you to marry the main concubine, but we are willing for your highness's future. Your highness, you have to understand the empress's heart."

"Yes, Your Highness, you have to understand the Queen's heart."

After the queen came back, she specially summoned the two of them to the palace and told them a lot. They really didn't expect the queen to do that for His Highness, and everything was considered for her.

"Am I building a villa by the sea? The waves are big? What are you doing here? I don't know how to deal with them yet. Another one?"

Long Yao was lying on the bed with nothing to love, mumbling endlessly by herself.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, "That's right! So what if you marry me? I must make him retreat!"

The whole country celebrates the grand daughter's wedding.

Long Yao Diao Erlang sat on Long Yu, resting his chin with one hand, almost fell asleep in boredom.

The guard of honor had just returned to the city from the ancestral temple and was about to pick up the concubine, but Long Yao lay down on Long Yao and fell asleep.

Getting up at night has to go through various procedures, Long Yao has long been sleepy!

"Master! Master! Wake up! Go back to sleep and pick up the concubine, and the time will pass!"

Duhuo was so forced that he had no choice but to bite the bullet and come over to wake Longyao up.

None of the others dared to wake Long Yao up, for fear of being beaten!
Mo Xun, who was in the post station, endured the urge to eat people and followed the rules of women respecting the country.

"Our Highness also asked, does the prince have any hidden diseases? Or is he still a baby? Is there a woman in his heart? If our Highness tells you, she can return it!"

Zi Su carried on business and brought Long Yao's original words.

"What! You are deceiving people too much! Let our prince wear a veil, why do we need so many requirements?"

Lin Feng was going to be pissed off by the rules here.

Women's Zunguo doesn't take men seriously at all!

How will their prince live in the future?
"The prince has no hidden illness, has never touched a woman, and has no one in his heart." Mo Xun suppressed the hostility in his heart, and said every word through gritted teeth.

Zisu was finally satisfied, "Then invite the Empress Dowager to get on the sedan chair."

puff!Mo Xun spurted out a mouthful of old blood, what the hell is this called?

Enduring the risk of being pissed off, Mo Xun sat on Long Yu in a red dress.

Seeing Long Yao sleeping in the dark, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, and the anger just now dissipated.

He endures!

"Get off!"

The guard of honor set off in a mighty way and returned to the Tainu Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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