Chapter 500
"Hehe! What bed attendant? Nothing! I fought with him all night!"

Long Yao glared at Mo Xun, then left angrily.

This family simply made her too upset!She's going out to get some air.

Mo Xun's face turned pale, isn't it good to be misunderstood?Why tell the truth?

When Feng Xuan and the two heard that they didn't go to bed, their hearts fell to the ground.

It's fine if you don't have to go to bed!

Today is hunting day.

In order not to watch the three guys fight and get jealous, Long Yao would rather ride alone on a horse than sit in a carriage.

Since the last sleeping incident, these three guys have secretly been jealous all day long in the mansion.

Long Yao is reluctant to go home every day.

"Your Highness, this time, the subordinates found out that the poisonous scorpion is active again."

Zisu has been investigating the poisonous scorpion all this time, but she didn't have any clues at first.

Just a few days ago after the Queen ordered a spring outing, the poisonous scorpions showed signs of moving around Mang Mountain.

"Do you think it's a coincidence?" She wouldn't believe it if it was a coincidence.

It has been a while since the poisonous scorpion disappeared, but it was a coincidence that she reappeared just because she wanted to go hunting in the spring, or she was still active near Mount Mang?nonsense!

"The subordinates don't believe this is a coincidence! Not only the poisonous scorpion, but also others are wandering around."

Zisu's guards are in charge of the safety around Mang Mountain, and she knows the surrounding situation best.

Suddenly, many unfamiliar faces appeared, so it was natural to send someone to watch them.

"Hey! I just said that those people don't know how to behave themselves. As soon as I come out, those killers will come after smelling it! It's hard for them."

Those people really worked hard!Does she look so easy to bully?

"The order goes on, I don't need too many people around me, I have to give them a chance, right?"

Now that those people are here, give them a chance to get rid of themselves.

You can't let them have a good time, can you?

"Your Highness, you will be in danger." Zisu watched Longyao's force grow rapidly, with enough self-protection, it was impossible to deal with too many people.

"It's okay, at most I'll be injured, it's not so easy to kill me! It's important to catch the mastermind behind the scenes."

There were always some annoying flies staring at her which made her very unhappy.


Zisu had no choice but to obey the order.

Mo Xun raised the curtain on the window and looked at Long Yao's back for a long time, then withdrew his reluctant gaze.

After all, the two have different positions, and he has to make up his mind after all.

"Lin Feng, let's start today."

Lin Feng naturally understood what Mo Xun said, and nodded slightly.

Mang Mountain, the natural hunting ground of Nvzun Country.

Whenever there is any major festival, the queen will order to come here for hunting and barbecue.

Only at this time, when the prey is the most, even the slaves who feed the horses can eat a piece of barbecue.

This is the day they are looking forward to.

Rows of tents have already been set up, waiting for the empress and all the empress and ministers to enter.

As soon as Long Yao arrived at the big account, Mo Xun arrived with wine and food.

"Your Highness, you must be hungry too, eat something."

Mo Xun hesitated again and again, and decided to carry out his plan, he couldn't afford to wait.

"Forget about the wine!" Long Yao took a sip of the broth, and then swallowed it calmly.

Seeing that she had already drank the broth, Mo Xun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Highness, I also want to participate in this hunt."

Mo Xun couldn't bear to think of this assassination.

For the benefit of the country, he cannot have an affair with his sons and daughters, and he has no choice but to do so!
"Go! I approve." Long Yao met his eyes for a long time, and finally agreed to his request.

"Thank you Your Highness! Then I will go back first."

Mo Xun turned around and left the big tent without looking back. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, the fortress he had just built would collapse again because of her.

He himself didn't know what it was for!
The first time he saw her, a voice told him that he must get this woman.

When he returned to his own country, he was also thinking about her day and night, and his mind was full of her shadow.

The prince of a country is not allowed to come and kiss, but he still came!Just for the obsession in his heart.

He was always hesitating between the interests of the country and his obsession with her. He was sure that he fell in love with her, the kind he liked very much, and finally he decided to keep her by his side and become an obedient puppet. keep her.

When the day when the female respected the country falls, the two will be opposites of life and death, and he doesn't want her to see that kind of scene.

Only by turning her into a puppet without desires and needs will she not feel heartbroken, she will not fight against herself, and she will always stay by his side.

Long Yao didn't know his extreme thoughts, and her heart was very complicated at this time.

"You still did it to me after all?"

How could she not know that there was medicine in the broth she drank just now?

Right!The positions are different, and he doesn't know his past and present lives, so he takes her as an enemy for granted.

Then he laughed at himself, "Didn't you kill me when you were in the God Realm? Were we enemies or lovers in the previous life?"

According to scattered memories, he killed a woman because of her.

Those who chase after him and run after him, preferring not to be dignified and vexatious, but to let him take a second look at things are also done.

In the end, he killed himself and used himself to make atonement, what is this?
"That's all! He didn't know all the things in the past, and now they are even more opposed. I can understand what you did."

Long Yao got out of the tent, looked at the setting sun and murmured, "Why is it that the setting sun is setting every time I look at the sky?"

The next day.

Long Yao was riding on a horse, dressed in a fiery red dress, she was particularly conspicuous among the royal ladies and aristocratic women.

When the empress saw Mo Xun beside Long Yao, her expression sank slightly.

"Who asked him to participate!"

It doesn't count that he went to Lefang with his daughter, but he still wants to show his face to hunt?
If Yao'er hadn't pleaded with her in advance for the debt last time, she would definitely not let him go!This time, he did something even more extraordinary!

"Returning to Your Majesty, it was permitted by Her Majesty the Empress." The servant who followed the Queen said.

The queen slapped the table, "Presumptuous! What is the occasion today? He is also worthy of hunting with the princess! Let him come back obediently and keep his own place!"

If it wasn't for her daughter's face, why would she indulge a prince of an enemy country like this.

"Yes!" The servant quickly came to Long Yao.

The servant smiled and said, "I have seen Your Highness!"

"What's the waiter here for?" Long Yao spoke kindly to the person in front of her.

This person is the servant of her mother, who has been very kind to her since she was a child, and Long Yao also respects him very much.

"Your Highness, His Majesty sent a message to let the concubine do her part."

The servant said it tactfully, and it was also to not embarrass Long Yao.

Long Yu sneered from the side, gloating and said: "Little sister, don't you feel ashamed, I'm ashamed for you! You, the concubine, should be taught a lesson, look at your brother-in-law? Kitty."

What Long Yu is most proud of is that her concubines are all obedient and obedient.

(End of this chapter)

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