Chapter 501 The Soulless Man
Long Yao sneered at her provocation: "Cut! Just your soulless men? You should continue to enjoy such men!"

"Housekeeper, I'm going to see the Queen Mother."

Long Yao smiled ironically, what's the use of a man without a soul staying by your side?

Like marionettes one by one, without emotion, without freedom, she would never want such a man.

"You!" Long Yu gritted his teeth angrily.

Mo Xun's heart was hit by her words, and his whole body went stiff for a moment.

A soulless person?
Looking at the back of Long Yao going away, there was a flash of struggle in his eyes.

Long Yao got off the horse in front of the queen, "Mother, let him go with me!"

If he doesn't go, how can the people he arranged do it?
"No way! How decent is this! Look at them in white, everyone is keeping their own place, but why is he so special! This is simply not paying attention to you!"

The queen is angry, her daughter really dotes on that prince!

As the future empress, she would absolutely not allow her daughter to be restrained by him.

She also absolutely does not allow anyone to damage her daughter's reputation.

"Empress, what's wrong with this? I want Bai Yi and the others to play together! Empress, some old rules don't have to be so rigid!"

Long Yao felt tired, these are some broken rules!

Coming here, she struggles with these rules every day.

"Yao'er!" The queen was still thinking about what to say, when she saw Long Yao get on her horse impatiently and run away.

The servant smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, Your Highness will understand your painstaking efforts."

His Highness has never been restrained since he was a child, and naturally he does not stick to one pattern when he grows up. Isn't this what queens are used to?
"Look at her! Take a man to hunt. What a shame!"

The queen looked very angry on the surface, but in her heart she was not as angry as she was on the surface.

Her own daughter is also happy when a hole is stabbed in the sky.

It's just a show for the ministers to see.

"Your Majesty, let her go!" The servant smiled slightly.

Such a highness is the real highness, and it is different from the highness who abides by those rules.

Seeing that her mother was not willing to reprimand her, Long Yu was so angry that she almost broke the whip in her hand.

Why should they be punished if they make a wrong step, and she can't bear to blame the little girl for being lawless?what is this!
She lowered her eyes to block the unwillingness and hostility in her eyes, one day these will all belong to her!
Long Yao walked past her, a cold light streaked across her back, making the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Lower your eyelashes to cover the sharp eyes on your face, since you want to seek death, then she will fulfill you!

"Little sister, this is your first time participating in this hunt. How is it? Are you interested in taking a gamble?"

Long Yu couldn't see her well, and decided to charge her some interest even if she made an embarrassment.

Long Yao raised her eyebrows slightly, was she trying to divert her attention?Then she will take over!

"Okay! Eldest sister, don't cry then!"

Long Yao rode his horse and rushed into the woods first, followed by Zisu.

Mo Xun gave a wry smile, and followed into the woods.

"Master, have you softened your heart?" Lin Feng was puzzled. Ever since the master met the princess, he had become abnormal, and now his heart has become even softer. This is no longer the master.

"No! Let's go!" Mo Xun replied against his will.

Lin Feng shook his head in disbelief and followed quickly.

Long Yao took Zisu to the depths of the dense forest, and sure enough there were many mice in the dark.

"Do you think those guys will be very excited to see me alone?"

Long Yao secretly made a gesture to Zisu, Zisu understood instantly, and ran away after a deer.

This was the plan they discussed, and Zi Su could only obey orders.

"Ouch! It's really disturbing!"

Looking at the men in black surrounding her, Long Yao visually estimated that there were about a hundred of them.

Could it be that all the poisonous scorpions came out?This can be regarded as a big expense!

"Hey! Are you sprinkling? So many people appear here and think I don't know?"

"Tell me, whoever ordered you, I will let you go. As long as you are willing, you can still work for this palace. I will definitely not treat you badly."

Long Yao's mouth became parched, but the group of men in black still didn't respond.

"Hey! Are all of you dumb?" Long Yao's unintentional words were really right, the people in the poisonous scorpion are all dumb.

Without saying a word, the man in black tried to kill him with one blow with all his strength.

Long Yao jumped up from the horse and escaped the attacks of more than a dozen people.

"Oh! What a bunch of dumb people!"

Long Yao was not at a loss when dealing with dozens of people, and the red figure shuttled among a group of men in black.

Bang bang bang!
The men in black were thrown flying, and fell to the ground with such force that they wished their intestines would fall out.

The man in black was also very shocked. Didn't the master say that she is an idiot who doesn't know martial arts at all?

What is going on now?
Long Yao's small fist doesn't look big, but the strength is not covered, it is also a dragon's claw, isn't it?
With one punch, the person was beaten to the ground, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking.

"It's really not cute! It's just to provoke me!"

Long Yao didn't have a weapon in her hand, she had already used up those bows and arrows, and she was dealing with them with bare hands.

"Your Highness, I'm here!" Duhuo ran over with a large cooking spoon.

When a spoon goes down, one person's head has to be opened.

"Why are you here?" Seeing that she was living alone, Long Yao thought to herself that this is the end of the game, the show can't go on.

With one spoonful of solitary life, one person was crippled, and the brains came out from the beating.

This guy is so powerful, tearing people up with his bare hands is like playing.

"It was the side concubine who asked me to watch you because she was afraid that you would be in danger. As expected, the side concubine guessed right!"

"Screw you!"

Duhuo dug out the person's face with another spoon.

Long Yao just wants to fuck, is this guy disgusting?

"Don't use your big spoon to cook!"

Long Yao still has time to care about this.

Duhuo glanced at the big spoon in his hand, which was covered with blood and flesh, "No need! I'll use it to scoop up slop and feed it to the pigs!"

The corner of Long Yao's mouth twitched, feeding pigs with it?Thank you for thinking it out!
Duhuo took her big spoon and walked through the crowd as if there was no one in the crowd, and all the people in black fell down wherever she passed.

Long Yao had no choice but to stand aside and watch the fun, rubbing her chin with her fingertips thoughtfully.

This time the poisonous scorpion became smarter, and all the killers they sent were dumb, and she had no choice but to keep her alive for interrogation.

Seeing the dense forest turned into a Shura field, Long Yao was also very helpless.

This guy is a walking killing machine, a killing god at all.

The last person was torn apart by the solitary living, and the dense forest finally became quiet.

Mo Xun, who was hiding deep in the dense forest, frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

Lin Feng's eyeballs were smashed to the ground, "Since when did the Empress have such a big killer around her?"

Usually they only see that Duhuo likes to make food in the kitchen, and the princess only eats her cooking, but they don't expect that this is an invisible killing machine.

Fortunately, they didn't go out, otherwise they would be torn to pieces by her bare hands.

"Today's plan is cancelled, we need to think long term."

Mo Xun said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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