Chapter 502
There is no other person in the entire continent who is so powerful and agile.

Judging from her age, she should be young, but her strength is astonishing. It will take a lot of effort for them to fight against such a person.

If it doesn't work out, she will tear it up like a rag.

Lin Feng was unwilling, because today was an excellent opportunity to kill the Empress Dowager, just because that person missed it.

"Master, do we want to treat her?"

Lin Feng's intention was obvious, whether to turn her into a puppet together.

Such a person becomes a puppet, and he is absolutely invincible on the battlefield, which is only beneficial for them to annex the empress.

"Don't let the princess find out." Mo Xun acquiesced to Lin Feng's method.

Since her master is about to become a puppet, such a good resource cannot be wasted.

"Yes!" Lin Feng rejoiced in his heart, it seemed that the master did not soften his heart towards the princess, and everyone around her agreed to become puppets.

Mo Xun quietly withdrew from the dense forest with his own people.

Long Yao secretly hooked her lips slightly, leaving so soon?What a wasted opportunity!

"Master, are you alright?" Duhuo said, wiping the blood off his hands.

Long Yao waved her hand, "It's okay, what can happen with your protection? Let's go!"

Today's plan was a complete failure, Long Yao held his breath, this little girl will really make trouble.

Long Yao had a solitary follower, and none of the prey in the dense forest escaped their clutches.

The center of the big tent was full of people, and the prey was almost piled up like a mountain, except for Long Yao.

Longyu sneered, "Zisu, why hasn't your master come yet? I'm afraid you are ashamed to see people because you haven't caught prey?"

Zi Su folded her arms around her chest and said, "Eldest Empress, don't speak too soon."

"Seeing that the time is approaching and my good sister hasn't come yet, aren't you afraid?"

Longyu was proud on the face, if a dignified princess lost the bet, it would really lose her face.

"Sister, isn't it too early to say?"

Long Yao leisurely rode on the horse and walked over in a leisurely manner.

Behind her was a mountain of prey.

It's just that this mountain-like prey has grown two feet and is moving forward steadily.

Everyone was slightly taken aback when they saw the mountains of prey, and they could still walk on their own even if they were all dead prey.

The prey was thrown to the ground, making a loud noise.

Only then did a group of dumbfounded people see clearly that the prey could walk by itself, it was clearly someone walking with a mountain of prey on their backs.

That guy was lucky not to be crushed into a pulp by these prey.

"Ouch! I'm exhausted! Your Highness, why are you hunting so many prey?"

Duhuo didn't understand, these prey were all prey with better fur, the most precious ones were the two white deer and the few white foxes with snow-white fur, these were rare and good things.

"Of course it's for fun! These furs are rare to see. Wouldn't it be better to make a cloak and give it to the empress?"

Long Yao crossed Longyu and came to the empress, "Empress, I'm back! The bet between me and eldest sister can be seen by a discerning eye, right?"

"Empress, these furs are all given to Empress, do you like it?"

Long Yao held the Queen's arm, and looked intimate like a normal mother and daughter getting along.

The queen pinched her smooth face and smiled dotingly, "You! When will it stop!"

Her daughter is her most precious treasure, and having her by her side is like seeing her husband.

This daughter looks most like her husband.

"Why should I stop? If I stop, the empress won't have nothing to do?"

Long Yao said coquettishly.

"You!" The mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled.

Seeing them getting along without any grievances, Long Yu's eyes turned red with jealousy.

Why!Why do they have to be careful when getting along with the empress, but she doesn't need it?
Let's wait and see!
Mo Xun stood in the distance, watching their getting along with him, he was also envious in his heart.

In his royal family, there was no such family affection at all, and he admitted that he was envious.

As soon as Long Yao returned to the tent, she saw Mo Xun sitting there again, "Why are you here again?"

Mo Xun beckoned gracefully, and poured himself a glass of water, "Come, Your Highness, sit down and drink tea."

Long Yao sat down aggressively, picked up the tea bowl and drank it in one gulp, when she put down the tea bowl, she lowered her eyes to cover up her different emotions.

The corners of Mo Xun's mouth rose slightly, and he said in a good mood, "Your Highness, did you encounter any danger while hunting?"

Long Yao rolled her eyes in her heart, didn't he know if there was any danger?Ask knowingly!

"No! With Alone living by my side, it's easy to deal with a hundred or ten people."

Long Yao just wanted to tell him on purpose, so that he had better not act rashly.

Mo Xun was slightly taken aback, thinking this was a warning to him! '

"It's good that you're not in danger." Mo Xun's face was a bit unnatural, which was well covered up by him, and if it wasn't for Long Yao's keen observation ability, she wouldn't be able to spot his strangeness.

"Mo Xun, I don't want to beat around the bush with you, let's get straight to the point! Why are you here?"

Long Yao doesn't think that the dignified prince of a country came here to play, could it be that he wanted to kill her?
The things she drank these two times had drugs in them. How dare you show off those rotten drugs in front of her eyes?
It's just that this kind of medicine is a bit insidious, so she has to be wary of him, in case someone around her is attacked, it will be difficult to handle.

"What does Your Highness think I'm here for? If I say that I fell in love with Your Highness at first sight, that's why I'm willing to come to the Nvzun Country, do you believe me?"

When he said this, he himself didn't quite believe it.

"You don't come here! It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it! Do you have any tricks to attack me? If you dare to deal with my empress, I will make you die ugly!"

Long Yao snorted coldly and left the big tent. If he dared to touch her mother, she would make him die early!
Mo Xun's eyes darkened, as expected, she was not the dandy she appeared on the surface.

For a moment just now, he couldn't bear the pressure on her.

Dark as ink.

In another big tent, Long Yu was furious, "Trash! It's all trash!"

clap clap clap!
The whip in Long Yu's hand slapped the person kneeling on the ground fiercely.

The man kneeling on the ground was already covered in wounds, the corners of his mouth were also bleeding, and he hung his head without saying a word.

Long Yu didn't give up until she broke the whip in her hand, "I'm going to prepare for the next assassination after I go back this time, I don't believe her life is so big every time!"

The man's eyes were dim, and he nodded and left the big tent.

Long Yao stood on a tree and watched a man leave Long Yu's big tent with her own eyes.

Tsk tut twice: "Are you so blatant?"

How dare someone come to her big tent to discuss matters, so she is not afraid of being caught by her?
Long Yao is very sure that the poisonous scorpion is Long Yu's self-raised killer. In order not to reveal the secret, their tongues will be cut off to avoid trouble in the future.

Long Yao had to admire her big sister's ruthless methods, but she didn't know that if she was oppressed for a long time, she would suffer backlash.

Long Yao's eyes flickered, dim and unclear, let her kill herself!
But her second sister, Long Xiao, might be the most ruthless wolf.

(End of this chapter)

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