Chapter 503 Power
Long Xiao was obediently serving the empress at this time, just after serving the empress to sleep, the moment she turned around, her innocent eyes became extraordinarily cruel, and the corners of her slightly raised lips became a little more cruel.

Since she can't get the empress' favor, what she wants is the unparalleled power in this world!
How can that useless princess get this power?This kind of power of life and death should be in her hands!

People's desires are endless, and what she wants is the power to rule the world.

The moment Long Xiao left, he didn't see any change on the Queen's face.

The queen slowly opened her eyes and sighed softly, "What do you think they will do to my Yao'er?"

The servant standing before the queen's bed collapsed said, "Your Majesty, why are you bothering?"

The servant hurriedly took out a small box from his pocket, which contained a black pill.

The queen got up again, her face became extremely pale, she picked up the pill in the servant's hand and put it into her mouth.

Feeling better, she said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to stay with Yao'er for long. If she doesn't live up to herself and can't protect herself, what awaits her will be death."

"None of my two daughters is worthy of great responsibility. One has no brains, and the other seems harmless on the surface, but is actually ruthless. Only Yao'er is the best candidate for the queen. Even if she becomes the queen in the future, she will definitely be the queen." Be kind to her brothers."

The empress knew very well the temperament of her children, if she went, her youngest son would be devoured by those two elder sisters.

Even her sons would not have a way out under the hands of those two, and she could only do her best to plan for her youngest son to secure this position in her lifetime.

"Your Majesty, but your current body?" The servant looked at her worriedly.

The queen smiled helplessly, "My body is fine. No one can tell that I am at the end of my strength after taking these pills. The prescriptions of these medicines are ancient prescriptions, and no one can tell."

"Your Majesty! You are taking your own life to protect His Majesty! You must take care of yourself!"

The servant knelt down and couldn't help the redness of his eyes.

He has been by His Majesty's side all these years, how she got to the top step by step, she is the one who knows best.

"Old man, what's there to cry about? Everyone is mortal. As long as Yao'er can become a queen, I will have nothing to regret in my life."

The queen closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Who would have thought that the empress, who is still full of vigor during the day, would be haggard and physically and mentally exhausted at night?
Even Long Yao couldn't see the abnormality in her body, which shows the uniqueness of this medicine.

Spring Hunting is thrilling every day, and at some point there was a rumor in the capital city.

The content of the rumors makes people dubious, but some rumors are as if they have seen it with their own eyes.

Rumor has it that Her Royal Highness brought her man to the club and lost her qualifications to be a princess.

The concubine connives at men to show their faces, and advises men to practice martial arts and literature, which violates the ancestral etiquette. Such a person is not worthy of being a concubine.

The princess and her man must be severely punished as an example to others.

The most serious rumor is that the princess killed innocent people indiscriminately during the disaster relief period, and even distributed the private land of the nobles to those untouchables, which is really unreasonable.

It is also rumored that the princess is the reincarnation of a spirit, and she can change things out of thin air. Those white rice seeds are created by spirits, and eating those white rice can control people's minds.

All kinds of vicious rumors were poured on Longyao, and Wanmin begged the Queen to burn the ghost to return the world to peace.

A book of memorials was placed on the queen's table. Looking at the contents above, the queen's face was extremely ugly.

"Presumptuous! When did my youngest son become a monster!"

Crash!The mountain-like memorial was swept to the ground by her.

The servant hurried forward to offer a cup of hot tea, and comforted him, "Your Majesty, it's not surprising that those people said that. Wasn't the birth of His Majesty the Empress a vision from heaven? Let's just ignore them."

After the servant said this, the queen remembered the situation when her youngest son was born.

At that time, because of the war, she had to fight in person, and because she was pregnant with Liujia, the queen accompanied her on the expedition.

While fighting on the battlefield, she began to have labor pains, and she was about to give birth.

It just happened to catch up with the tense battle, and her side was doomed, but she didn't expect the reversal to come too quickly.

When the enemy general was about to kill her, she was protected by the queen in her arms, and the queen was stabbed through the heart by the enemy general.

Just when the enemy general wanted to kill her again, suddenly her stomach hurt extremely. At the moment of life and death, the sky was full of red clouds, illuminating the entire battlefield.

The enemy army also stopped moving at the vision looking at the horizon at that moment.

It was also at that moment of crisis that she tried her best to give birth to the child. Along with the birth of the child, there was an illusory golden dragon phantom.

The phantom of the golden dragon jumped out from the child and charged into the enemy's camp. Wherever it passed, the enemy turned into powder and disappeared without a trace.

The phantom of the golden dragon also burrowed back between the child's eyebrows and disappeared.

Quiet!The entire battlefield was as silent as death!

Long Meiniang hugged her child and hugged her husband for a long time without saying a word.

Only their army remained standing on the battlefield, and the enemy suffered heavy losses.

The people who thought they were going to die saw a dragon's shadow save them with their own eyes, making them think it was a dream.

"God bless me!"

Finally, a uniform voice resounded through the sky.

Long Meiniang announced immediately that her youngest son was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

The identity of Princess Longyao was conferred by Long Meiniang herself on the battlefield, and all the soldiers who saw that scene with their own eyes were convinced.

That's why her two older sisters are jealous of Long Yao.

She was conferred the title of Empress Dowager at birth, which is the first time in the history of the female venerable dynasty!
The queen recalled the situation when her youngest son was born, and she still has lingering fears.

If her youngest son was not born at that time, she would not be what she is today.

"At that time, Yao'er was born, saved the soldiers on the battlefield, and allowed us to expand our territory again. These old bastards didn't remember the kindness of the past, and bit my Yao'er back. It's really presumptuous!"

The empress thought of these old things only caring about her own interests, so she wanted to take her youngest child into surgery, this is absolutely unforgivable!

"Your Majesty, calm down! Our Highness is the savior of the people in the south. As long as those people come forward to testify, His Highness's reputation will naturally be preserved."

The servant packed up the memorials, remembered those who framed His Highness, and mourned for them for two seconds in his heart.

I am afraid that those people really angered His Majesty this time!

"Yes!" The queen thought of something, and issued several secret decrees overnight.

The spring hunting was over, and the queen returned to the palace ahead of schedule, leaving Long Yao to take care of the follow-up matters.

Long Yao finished the matter and rode back to the imperial city.

Walking on the street, those ordinary people saw her avoiding her one after another, and all of them cast their eyes like snakes and scorpions.

His cold eyes swept across the pedestrians on the left and right, Long Yao was a little confused.

What kind of vision do those people have?
(End of this chapter)

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