Chapter 504
Zisu, who was following Longyao, also frowned slightly, the atmosphere in the capital was not right.

It has been a month since the queen came back, and they just came back a month late. Why did the common people in Kyoto look at them so complicatedly?

"Get out of the way! This is a spirit!"

"Oh my god! Why hasn't she been killed yet? She has already made the queen unconscious, how can she still have the face to come back?"

"Keep your voice down! Aren't you afraid that she will eat you too?"

"Shut up! Hurry up and go home and close the door!"

For a moment, the people on the whole street panicked and dispersed one after another.

Those eyes of horror and disgust fell on Li Longyao, making her feel uncomfortable.

In the blink of an eye, there was not even a shadow of a depressed dog on the street.

"What's the situation?" Long Yao cast a glance at Zisu, who shook her head in confusion.

Long Yao pursed her lips and slandered in her heart: She can understand those unruly nonsense, when did she become a ghost?
And the Empress, wasn't she still fine a month ago?Is it possible that he is really unconscious now?
no!She wants to enter the palace as soon as possible!
"Zisu." Long Yao whispered in her ear.

Zi Su nodded and left quickly.

drive!Longyao rode her horse and galloped, she needed to go to the palace as soon as possible to find out.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the palace, they found that something was wrong, and the guards guarding the gate had also changed.

As soon as Long Yao got off the horse, someone covered her mouth and hid in the corner of the wall.

"Your Highness is me!"

Seeing that he was about to lose control, Pei Baiyi hurriedly spoke out.

Long Yao blinked, turned around and saw Pei Baiyi wearing a veil, "Why are you?"

"Shh! Your Highness, keep your voice down." Pei Baiyi looked around carefully, and found that no one was paying attention, so he dragged her to hide.

"What's going on here?" If everyone around her had to hide like this, things in the capital would not be as simple as they appear on the surface.

"Your Highness, the entire capital is now under the control of the Eldest Princess and the Second Princess. For some reason, Your Majesty has not gone to court for many days, and my mother has not been able to see Your Majesty."

"Feng Xuan and I didn't dare to go out of the house. This time we were able to come out because our mother went to the house to pick us up. She planned for us to find His Highness, but I didn't expect to meet His Highness here."

"All the guards in our residence have also been replaced, Your Highness, what shall we do?"

Pei Baiyi panicked, they had never encountered such a thing before.

Now in times of crisis, they can only rely on His Highness.

Long Yao patted his hand to comfort him and said, "Don't worry, I'm here for this matter! Where's Feng Xuan?"

"Feng Xuan is watching the wind ahead! I thought I would come to the gate of the palace to see the situation first, but I didn't expect to meet His Highness, so I called him over."

Pei Baiyi was about to leave when Long Yao stopped him, "I'll go with you."

Now that the guards have been changed in these places, she shouldn't try to scare the snake, she needs to think about it in the long run.

When the two reached the corner of the city wall, they saw Feng Xuan anxiously waiting there.

"Your Highness!" Seeing Long Yao's figure, Feng Xuan greeted her happily, holding her arm tightly.

The moment they saw Long Yao, they seemed to have found their backbone, and their nervous mood miraculously calmed down.

"Don't worry! I'm here for everything, follow me back home first!"

Long Yao dragged one of them with one hand, escaped the watching guards and returned to the Tainu palace.

When the three arrived in the room, Long Yao said, "Tell me what you know."

"Okay!" The two finally explained the whole story.

The spring hunting ended a month ago, the empress returned to the capital first, and the empress's family also returned to the capital.

When she went to court the next day, the queen became very angry in the palace because of the gossip about the princess.

Originally, the empress was dealing with the rumors about the princess, but after half a month, she suddenly stopped going to court. All the affairs of the court were presided over by the eldest empress and the second empress.

After the two presided over the government, they suddenly changed all the imperial guards in the imperial city, and all the major mansions placed their eyeliner.

The various policies originally ordered by the queen to be reformed were also revoked by the two to maintain the regulations of the ancestors, and won the support of many stubborn old people, including the two princes who supported them.

Those old nobles also stood in the camp of the two of them. Those old families got a lot of benefits because of those old rules, so they naturally wanted to support them.

Some ministers loyal to His Majesty were anxious but had nothing to do, because they could not see His Majesty at all, and because their resistance was suppressed.

The rumors about the princess became more and more intense, to the point where all the people begged for their lives, and the queen ordered the princess to be burned to death to thank the world.

Long Yao was able to return to the capital smoothly, and it was the two of them who deliberately let them go. How could they catch a turtle if they didn't enter the capital?
Long Yao sneered, "Is this a combination to deal with me? I really can't wait."

I don't know what role that Mo Xun played in it?
"Your Highness, what do we need to do?"

Pei Baiyi said anxiously.

The two of them are men, and there is nothing they can do in this country of women with many rules.

"Don't worry about anything, just stay at home. I will get my mother-in-law to pick you up as soon as possible. Mother-in-law's house is safer than mine."

Long Yao knew that she was not dealing with one or two people this time, she would not die but only suffer some injuries, but they couldn't do it.

These days she came here, thanks to their care, she can't implicate them.

"No! Your Highness, we are not going back! We will be there wherever Your Highness is!"

Feng Xuan looked at Long Yao imploringly, all their hopes rested on His Highness.

Pei Baiyi also nodded, "Your Highness, let us stay!"

They don't want to leave His Highness, this is their home.

"Okay? Then you stay in the mansion, don't go anywhere, and wait for my news."

Long Yao quickly left the Tainu Palace and arrived at the palace in the dark.

Mo Xun looked at the petite figure who was leaving, and lowered his eyes, "Lin Feng, tell the princess to stop her from seeing the queen."

"Yes!" Lin Feng quickly disappeared into the room.

Long Yao dodged waves of guards and rushed to the queen's bedroom.

The queen's bedroom is next to the imperial study, when Long Yao found it, it was pitch black, and there were only a few guards.

"What's going on? Could it be that the empress isn't here?"

If the queen was imprisoned in their bedroom, there should be many guards, but there are only so few guards here.

"It doesn't matter! Go in and have a look first." Long Yao silently jumped from the window into the Queen's bedroom.

The dim light in the dormitory did not block Long Yao's gaze, and she could see everything that her eyes passed.

There is no shadow of the queen here at all.

Long Yao quickly exited the dormitory, there are ghosts inside.

As soon as she rushed out of the Queen's bedroom, Long Yao was surrounded by a group of people.

"Sure enough, it's still too late." Long Yao was worried about her mother, and she had to break through even if it was a trap.

Standing in front of the crowd, Long Yu looked at Long Yao who was about to be caught, and the corners of her mouth rose in pride.

(End of this chapter)

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