After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 514 The Little Palace Maid

Chapter 514 The Little Palace Maid

The little maid was dragged by several young eunuchs and thrown into a deserted courtyard.

"Bah! How dare a little maid fight against her master? Let her fend for herself here!"

A sharp voice broke into Long Yao's ears, making her frown uncomfortably.


The sound of the door closing and locking.

Long Yao tried her best to open her eyes, but she felt unbearable pain all over her body.

"Fuck! What's the situation?"

Long Yao touched her butt with her hand back, hiss!She gasped in pain.

It really hurts so much!It is estimated that the flesh is broken!
Looking at the blood on her hand, Long Yao gritted her teeth angrily, "This old man, who is wrong to make me become, why am I still a court lady who was beaten so badly?"

I looked up and glanced around, I don't know what kind of broken place it is, it's dilapidated and damp and gloomy.

Just thinking about moving, Long Yao grinned in pain, and lost consciousness from the pain down to the waist.

"Let's heal your wounds first!" Since you can't move, let's lie down on the ground resignedly!

Taking out a pill and taking it, the wound on his body is slowly healing.

Although the injury cannot be healed at once, it is much better than before, at least he can move.

"Wait, you old man! I have taken back all the high-level pills! If I hadn't tried my best to cover one, there would be no good pills!"

Long Yao took out a jade bottle, which contained a high-grade elixir that she refined herself, which might save her life at a critical moment.

There are quite a few other pills, but they are not as effective as this one.

"Forget it! If you come here, you will be safe. Let's see the situation here first."

Long Yao, who couldn't move just now, can barely stand up with some support.

I limped and walked in this yard, and found that it can still be lived in after tidying up.

"I don't know where this place is? Why doesn't this maid have any memory?"

Long Yao tapped her head, but it was still empty.

In order to be able to survive, let's eat something first!

This body has been starved for an indeterminate amount of time, and now the hungry chest is stuck to the back.

"Fortunately, I brought a lot of food."

Xue Hualing's little life in the pawn shop was very nourishing. There were a few guys who knew how to cook, and they followed those cookbooks. The food they made still looked good, and the taste was quite good.

Long Yao asked them to store the excess in the pawn shop for emergencies, no, she used it!
Long Yao slid all the food they stored into the storage bag.

Take out a bowl of beef noodles, still steaming just like they were just made.

"Wow! This is what people eat!"

Ziliu, after a mouthful of hot noodle soup, the whole person feels comfortable.

Long Yao had no choice but to sigh, eating and drinking is the life of a person.


Just after Long Yao finished eating, she heard a sound, touched her stomach, it shouldn't be the sound from her stomach.

He lowered his head to meet a pair of big wet eyes.

what! "Who are you!" Long Yao was so frightened that she threw the bowl out.

The boy in front of him was covered in dirty clothes and disheveled hair like a little beggar.

The most noticeable thing is his pair of big black eyes, which are clear and bright without being stained with dust.

"Boy, where did you come from?" It took Long Yao a while to realize that those big black eyes were those of a child.

"Are you a fairy? I saw that you can become edible."

The threat in the milky words couldn't be more obvious.

Long Yao gritted her teeth angrily, she actually saw it!

"So what? Is it possible that you still have to tell others?"

Long Yao raised her eyebrows slightly, the brat has a lot of eyes, and dares to threaten her!
A child emerged from somewhere in this broken yard.

Long Yao looked around, there are too many places to hide such a child.

"I'm hungry." The little guy didn't shy away from threatening her.

He was threatening her!He just wanted something to eat?

Long Yao chuckled, "Tell me, little guy, who are you? If you don't tell others what you saw today, I'll give it to you! This is our eternal secret, okay?"

Long Yao lied and coaxed, hoping that this little brat is not a talkative one.

"Okay! This is our secret, Lagou!"

The little guy stretched out his little black finger and pointed.

Does he have a secret too?This is the first time someone is willing to share a secret with him!

"Okay! Lagou!" Long Yao didn't dislike his dirty little paws, and Lagou agreed that this would be an eternal secret between the two of them.

"Hey! This is the beef noodles I ate just now, you can eat it!"

"After eating, tell me your name and why you are here."

Long Yao took out another bowl of beef noodles and put it on the stone table.

This stone table is the only thing that can be used in this broken yard.

"I can tell you my name right now, my name is Mo Xun."

Then he picked up the bowl and started to eat hungrily.

He was sleeping in his kennel just now, and when he heard the movement, he carefully observed the outside. She suddenly made a bowl of delicious food, and saw how delicious she ate, so he crawled out of the kennel beside him. .

"What! What did you say your name is! Mo Xun? I don't seem to hear clearly! Say it again!"

Long Yao was dumbfounded, what is going on?

A gust of wind blew by, and the fallen leaves on the tree fell on Long Yao's head without even noticing it.

Long Yao felt bad after hearing his name!After standing there stupidly for a long time, he mechanically turned his head to look at the little guy who was devouring his food.

Mo Xun?Are you kidding me?
Is this uncle?
Isn't the uncle's tenth reincarnation experience over?

Long Yao was confused, is this the same name or the same person?
Why didn't that Tiandao old man tell her clearly what was going on?
Long Yao scratched her head irritably, if she couldn't figure it out, she would stop thinking about it, it's important to find the Dragon Ball first!
"What's the fuss about? That's my name! I've been called it for ten years."

"I still want to eat!"

Mo Xun still didn't feel full after eating the noodles, so he looked at Long Yao pitifully while holding the bowl.

The corner of Long Yao's mouth twitched, I dare to say that this kid is ten years old, so why does he look thin and small, just like a child of seven or eight years old.

"Let's eat!" Seeing that he has the same name as the uncle, Long Yao felt a little closer to him in her heart.

"Mmmmm! Delicious!"

Mo Xun was satisfied with the beef noodles, he had never eaten such a delicious thing.

Mo Xun had to eat three bowls of noodles in a row before he was full.

"Tell me, who are you?"

Long Yao didn't dare to sit down, so she had to lie down on the stone table, she needed a good rest, her small body was too weak.

Mo Xun sat down beside her after eating and drinking, swinging his legs.

"I am Mo Xun! I was born here, so my mother can be regarded as the emperor's concubine! I heard from Aunt Zhima that my mother was imprisoned here before I was born, and my mother died when she gave birth to me." Yes, I was brought up by Aunt Zhima, and Aunt Zhima died two years ago, so I am here alone."

The words spoken by a child are calm and breezy, as if telling someone else's story.

(End of this chapter)

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