Chapter 515 The Prince
Long Yao tilted her head to look at this little guy, so he is still a prince?

Suddenly thought, isn't she here to assist King Beiyuan to ascend to the throne?Who is Beiyuan King?Could it be this little guy?
"You've been living here all this time? Where's your emperor father? Didn't he come to see you?"

Originally wanting to find out the details of this little guy, Long Yao immediately became discouraged after thinking about it, this guy must not be the king of Beiyuan.

Just imagine, who would pay attention to a prince who grew up in this kind of yard?
You can tell from his ragged appearance that no one here cares about him, how could he be the King of Beiyuan?

Mo Xun shook his head, "I haven't come to see me! No one here knows me, and Aunt Zhi Ma also told me, don't let me admit that I am a prince, I will tell you my identity, it is because the two of us have a secret It’s good to share together, I can’t break my promise!”

Mo Xun spoke seriously, his big watery eyes were full of trust in Long Yao.

He lived here secretly without anyone knowing, and it was his masterpiece that those court ladies and eunuchs dared not come here.

He would make noise every night, making those people think it was haunted, so no one dared to come here, and no one discovered his existence in these years.

Long Yao was struck by his clear eyes, she could never refuse such innocent eyes.

"Then I'll keep it a secret for you! We've all agreed, and it will never change!"

Long Yao began to sympathize with him a little bit, a child lives here alone, it is lucky that he did not starve to death.

"Then what do you eat?" Long Yao saw that he was thin and small, so he definitely couldn't eat anything good.

Mo Xun took out a pastry from his pocket, it was still densely covered with mildew spots, and at first glance, it seemed that the pastry had been moldy for an unknown amount of time.

"I eat all of these. Not far away is the Leng Palace. Some young eunuchs will deliver food to the people there, so I will steal some to eat by the way."

The place he lives in is not Lenggong but it is similar to Lenggong. It was originally the 'Meihua Palace' where his mother lived.

"Don't eat these things in the future! My sister will protect you from now on! Whatever I eat, you will eat!"

Long Yao picked up the pastry in his hand and threw it far away, she decided to raise this little guy here.

It takes a chance to find Dragon Ball, so she can't do nothing here, can she?
For the sake of her having the same name as uncle, she will not leave him alone.

"Really? Does that mean I can eat the noodles just now?"

The noodles he ate today were the best thing he had ever eaten.

He also ate noodles before, but Aunt Zhi Ma bought them for him. They were cold and tasted weird, not as good as today.

"Of course, I have not only noodles but also other things! My sister must raise you to be white and fat."

Ouch yo yo!

Long Yao got carried away with complacency, and even forgot that she still had injuries on her body, she grinned when she was agitated and the wound hurt.

"What's wrong with you? Who hurt you? Aren't you a god? Can't you be cured?"

Mo Xun jumped down from the table, looked at the wound on her buttocks and asked suspiciously.

"Fairies are people too! I just took medicine to get better! Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to leave!"

Long Yao looked around, it's getting late, first find a place to spend the night!

"This shitty place! How do you sleep at night?"

Long Yao limped around looking for a suitable place.

"Hey! You haven't told me your name yet?"

Mo Xun followed behind Long Yao, and carefully supported her waist.

"My name is Long Yao, where do you sleep at night?"

Long Yao asked him curiously, this guy must have somewhere to sleep, right?Do you want to go and squeeze together?
"Come with me! The place where I live is the safest place."

Mo Xun dragged her to the side room in the yard, and pushed open the door to find a haystack inside.

"It's here, I'll sleep here."

Mo Xun lifted the straw, and there was an oval grass nest under the straw.

This grass nest looks like a place where I have slept for a long time. It is dry and clean inside, and it looks like it is often cleaned up.

"Live in a grass nest? Are you kidding me?"

How uncomfortable is it to live in a place like this?
"Don't underestimate this grass nest. It's not cold when I live here in winter. You can sleep here tonight! I'll guard the door for you."

Mo Xun stood at the door like an adult, looking at his kennel with some reluctance.

Without this kennel he never sleeps well and is prone to nightmares.

Seeing him reluctantly, Long Yao pulled him back with a smile and said, "Okay! You can sleep here! I'll sleep next to you."

Long Yao waved her hand, and an inflatable bed appeared on the ground, as well as two soft silk quilts.

It's true that she came here to find Dragon Balls, but she didn't want to wrong herself, since this little guy knew her background, she didn't care about exposing more.

"You are amazing!" Mo Xun looked at her adoringly, she was indeed a fairy, she could conjure anything.

"Do you want to sleep on it? It's much more comfortable than your kennel."

Long Yao threw herself into the soft bed, curled up comfortably under the quilt, and began to snore while lying on her stomach.

Mo Xun blinked, fell asleep so quickly?

Seeing her sleeping so sweetly, Mo Xun scratched his head in embarrassment, and he really wanted to go up and try the feeling of the soft bed.

Looking down at the tattered clothes on her body, what if her bedding gets dirty?

Or decide to go back to his kennel to sleep!
Mo Xun curled up in his little den, staring at Longyao with big shining eyes, and gradually fell into a deep sleep overwhelmed by sleepiness.

"Don't! Don't! Aunt Zhima—"

"Aunt Zhi Ma, don't go! Don't go!"

Long Yao frowned, and when she woke up, she saw a small figure tightly curled up in her arms, with burning heat all over her body.

When did this guy roll into her arms?

"Mo Xun, what's wrong with you? Why are you so hot?"

Long Yao touched his forehead, it was so hot that he could bake a big pancake.

"Don't go!" Mo Xun was so burned that he was in a daze, holding on to Long Yao's hand tightly and not letting go.

Long Yao patted him on the back, feeling that the child was so skinny, "I won't leave! I won't leave!"

He took out a elixir from the storage bag and stuffed it into his mouth. The elixir melted in his mouth. After a while, he felt the temperature drop, and Long Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ouch! This kid is really worrying!"

After covering him with the quilt, she lay down next to him and fell asleep in the blink of an eye. She was exhausted!
Long Yao fell asleep and slept until the sun was three poles before waking up.

When Mo Xun woke up, he found himself sleeping on a soft bed. This night he slept very comfortably.

"So that's what it feels like to sleep on a soft bed!"

Mo Xun touched the smooth quilt, feeling a little scared in his heart.

This sudden good life made him feel unreal. What would happen if one day all these things no longer belonged to him?It's better not to have any extravagant expectations in the first place.

Mo Xun looked at Long Yao quietly, what is this mysterious woman doing here?

All that she gave him made him feel unreal, and he felt a little reluctant to part with her after only one day of getting along.

(End of this chapter)

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