Chapter 517 What's the matter
What the hell is going on?Uncle's reincarnation is not over yet?

impossible!Absolutely impossible!It's definitely over!If it didn't end, he would have to experience the loss of all five senses and die!

She had to find out from Old Man Tiandao!

Mo Xun touched the snow-white undershirt and couldn't put it down, it was so soft and comfortable!
Looking up, she saw Long Yao looking at him with complicated eyes, Guaijue stepped forward and tugged at her sleeve, "What's wrong with you?"

A white and tender little bun, looking at you with big watery eyes, instantly softened Long Yao's heart. The thing she couldn't resist the most was this cute creature.

"Mo Xun, do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

When Mo Xun experienced the tenth life, it was because of being close to her that he cursed so suddenly.

If he is going through reincarnation now, she can't get too close to him.

"No? I'm fine." Mo Xun touched his face and whole body, was there any discomfort there?
Long Yao breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine! It's fine!"

"Yaoyao, are you okay?" Mo Xun raised his head, looking at her with big innocent eyes.

Hearing his address, the corners of Long Yao's mouth twitched, her brows were erected, "You will call me sister from now on!"

The little fart child is not big or small!

"I don't! You're not a few years older than me!" Mo Xun resolutely refused to call her sister.

Long Yao pissed him off angrily, "Do you know better than you when you're older? It's impolite!"

The physical age of her court lady is only 15 years old, so she is indeed young.

"I won't shout! What's wrong with calling you Yaoyao? I think it sounds good!"

Mo Xun just didn't call her sister, ran to the side alone and touched the clothes Long Yao had prepared for him, smiling.

This new dress is so pretty!It looks better than the clothes that Aunt Zhi Ma gave him!
"Hurry up and get dressed for dinner! I'll go out after dinner!"

She is not familiar with everything here, she needs to go out to understand the situation.

"Why are you going out? Isn't it as fun outside as you think?"

Mo Xun put on his clothes obediently. The white shirt with silver moiré pattern made his little face even more white and lovely.

Seeing that he doesn't know how to comb his hair, Long Yao picked up the comb and helped him comb it patiently, "Your hair is pretty good, little guy."

The black and shiny hair is the complete opposite of the withered and yellow look at the beginning.

Mo Xun was in a complicated mood. Aunt Zhi Ma had never combed his hair before, but always let his hair be as messy as possible, and didn't let him show his true face.

"Yaoyao, you are so kind to me!" Mo Xun was more attached to her in his heart, and he wanted to be closer to Yaoyao than Aunt Zhima.

Long Yao helped him comb his hair, looked at the little guy she had made herself, and nodded with satisfaction, it really was the uncle when he was a child, he looked so good-looking at such a young age!

"We are relatives, and we will depend on each other in the future. If I am not good to you, who will I be good to?"

"Hurry up and eat!"

Long Yao took out two more bowls of beef noodles, and each person ate a bowl full of oil.

"Delicious!" The two looked at each other and smiled, eating simple noodles that felt delicious in the world.

After eating, Long Yao took out two books for him to read, and ran out of the yard by herself.

Mo Xun was also literate before, and it was taught by Aunt Zhima, he doesn't know many characters, and he can barely read.

Mo Xun marked everything he didn't understand, and asked Long Yao when she came back.

Long Yao changed into a clean court lady's attire, looked around carefully, and found that this place was really desolate.

"Mo Xun said that the vicinity is the Leng Palace, what does this Leng Palace look like?"

Long Yao walked northward and became more desolate, and finally saw the so-called Lenggong in a corner.

The Leng Palace is worthy of being a Leng Palace, there is no one deserted, and there are rotten leaves in front of the door.

The gate of the Leng Palace was guarded by General Tie, and only the occasional mournful cry could be heard from the Leng Palace.

At this time, the two little eunuchs came over with a food box each, and they were slightly taken aback when they saw Long Yao, why would there be a little palace lady here?
"Hello! Which palace are you from? Why did you come here? This is a cold palace, no one wants to come here."

Seeing that Long Yao was still limping, Xiao Lizi knew that she was also a punished little maid.

Seeing Long Yao's appearance, he thought that when they were punished, they had survived from a narrow escape, so they felt more sympathy for her.

"I originally belonged to the Sijin Bureau. Because I offended the nobles, I was thrown in the Meihua Palace over there to fend for myself. Now I belong to the maid of the Meihua Palace."

When Long Yao fell asleep last night, the memory of this little maid was slowly absorbed by her.

This little maid's real name was also Long Yao, she was a little maid from the Si Jin Bureau, and she was beaten to death because she was framed and offended the current imperial concubine.

Xiao Lizi and another eunuch, Xiao Dezi, turned pale with fright when they heard the word Meihua Palace.

The two quickly and carefully pulled her aside, "You don't want to die! How dare you say that you are a maid of the Meihua Palace?"

Xiao Lizi looked around and was relieved to find that no one was there, "Don't mention the three words Meihua Palace in the future, you know?"

Long Yao blinked, "Why?"

The two dragged Long Yao to find a place to sit down, "For the sake of our hard-fated people, let me tell you, it will save your life and you don't know how to die."

"That's right! Be careful in the future, I want to hear what's going on." Xiao Dezi also said.

Not long after he came to the palace, he had heard of the name of Meihua Palace, but he didn't know the reason.

"Do you know why this Meihua Palace became what it is now?"

Xiao Lizi said mysteriously.

Long Yao and Xiao Dezi shook their heads in sync.

"Let me tell you, it turns out that the only daughter of former great general Qi Changqing lives in this palace, and it is also the residence of former noble concubine Qi Baiying."

"It is said that this noble concubine died unjustly! General Qi was framed for treason, and the noble concubine was also accused of having an affair with the guards. The emperor was furious and ordered her to be thrown into the cold palace, but he didn't expect that the noble concubine would die a year later for no reason. died."

"After the death of the imperial concubine, this Meihua Palace has been haunted by ghosts, and no one dares to approach it until now."

Xiao Lizi was spitting all over the place, and looked around carefully from time to time so as not to be discovered.

Only then did Long Yao understand why Aunt Zhi Ma didn't let Mo Xun appear in front of others, so there was such a cause and effect!

"That's not right! You all know that the imperial concubine was wronged, doesn't the emperor know?"

This is what Long Yao doesn't understand.

Your majesty is old and confused, right?
"Hush! You can't say this in the future! We all think that he was wronged, because General Qi is a great general who loves the common people! The imperial concubine was also very kind to the slaves when she was here, so we all believe that the imperial concubine was wronged, But outsiders don’t think so!”

"General Qi's family was murdered all over the family. At that time, those who spoke for the general were implicated and beheaded. Since then, no one dared to mention this again. Naturally, the matter of the imperial concubine and the general Qi did not dare to repeat it. What if I was wronged?"

Xiao Li shook his head and let out a long sigh. The lives of those nobles are gone, and their lives as slaves are even more worthless.

If you say one more word, you will die at any time. The lives of their slaves are as cheap as grass!

(End of this chapter)

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