After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 518 Buying People's Hearts

Chapter 518 Buying People's Hearts
After hearing this, Long Yao knew that the matter was definitely not simple, there were many secret affairs in the palace!
It seems that she wants to hide Mo Xun well so that no one can discover his existence, and she needs a good opportunity to let him appear in front of people in an open and honest manner.

"Xiao Lizi, you won't be afraid of beheading if you tell us this!"

Xiao Dezi felt that he knew some great secret.

"Can you betray me?" Xiao Lizi squinted at Xiao Dezi, who shook his head violently.

"How could you betray you! You are my savior!" Xiao Dezi hurriedly said.

Xiao Lizi looked at Longyao again, "You are the little maid of Meihua Palace, you have become the public enemy of the entire palace now, don't betray me! I will give you food if I have nothing to eat in the future!"

Now, no one in the entire Meihua Palace dares to come here, and she is the only little maid left. When she needs help the most, as long as he gives charcoal in a timely manner, she will definitely not betray him.

"Why should I betray you? No way!"

"What do you mean I've become a public enemy?"

Long Yao didn't understand what he meant, she was just an inconspicuous little maid, who would be free to deal with her?

"You're stupid! You must have been beaten, right? You're still limping!"

Xiao Lizi looked at Longyao as if he was a fool. This child still has too little heart to understand the sinister nature of the human heart.

Long Yao nodded obediently, "I was beaten half to death! I almost couldn't survive."

Thinking of her injuries, Longyao gritted her teeth angrily.

When she meets the court lady who framed her, she will definitely take revenge!
"That's it! You were thrown into the Meihua Palace and didn't die, you are still alive! You still claim to be a maid of the Meihua Palace. Now the slaves in the palace are all fawning on the current imperial concubine. Do you know who the current imperial concubine is? The dowry maid of the former imperial concubine, she hates the one from Meihua Palace, you say you are not the enemy of the entire palace?"

Little Lizi revealed another shocking secret.

Today's imperial concubine empress managed to climb onto the emperor's dragon bed soon after entering the palace, and soon became pregnant, and was named a nobleman by the emperor.

When the former imperial concubine died, the present imperial concubine often made trouble.

Xiao Dezi shivered when he thought of the methods of the imperial concubine and empress, "You better not go to the Meihua Palace, or come to the Leng Palace to work as an errand! The people here also need to be taken care of, and it happens that no one wants to come."

There are several former nobles imprisoned in the cold palace, and none of the palace maids are willing to serve them. They came to deliver food to these people because they offended the nobles, and they were sent here after a narrow escape.

It's okay for Long Yao to think about it. If she works here, no one will pay attention to the Meihua Palace, and Mo Xun is also the safest.

"Can I come here?" All personnel transfers in the palace require the approval of the steward, so she can come here casually?

Xiao Lizi waved his hand and said: "Who cares about you? I have the final say here in the cold palace! You only get bonus money when you come to work here, don't you want to make money? Without money, how will you live when you are old enough to leave the palace? "

"Hey! I really envy you little maids, who still have the opportunity to go out! It's not like us, who have been cut on the body, and will die of old age here for the rest of our lives."

Xiao Lizi and Xiao Dezi were silent at the same time, it was because the family was poor.

"Then I will work here! As long as there is delicious food!"

Long Yao worked hard to protect Mo Xun, just work!What's the big deal?
"I promise to bring you delicious food! But it's too good! We don't have much money, and we can't bribe those eunuchs in charge, so this is the only thing we can eat."

Xiao Lizi opened the lunch box, and inside were two bowls of rice with burnt rice grains, and the meals were all leftovers.

"These are the things you two usually eat?" The corners of Long Yao's mouth twitched, it seemed hopeless to expect them to make something delicious.

"That's good! What do you eat in the cold palace?"

Xiao Dezi opened another food box, and the food inside was even worse.

Long Yao raised her forehead with a headache, "Then I also eat this when I come to work?"

She has never eaten this kind of food!

She really doesn't want to eat it!

"That's right! It just so happens that Director Zhao is looking for a little maid to work in the cold palace. I think you are suitable! Then there will be more food for the three of us! We will definitely be full."

The food for two people is too little, they are not enough to eat, the food for three people can be more, how much can a little palace lady eat?The rest must be shared among them, and it would be good to have an extra bite.

Long Yao finally understood, she said how did these two little eunuchs treat her so warmly when they saw her?They took a big turn just to let her work, so they would eat more of the meal for one more person?
"You just for one bite?"

Long Yao sees that these two little eunuchs are not stupid, why are they so stupid?
"Hey! Did you spot it so quickly?" Both of them scratched their heads at the same time, blushing with embarrassment.

They are always hungry here, so they have no choice but to think of this way.

"Are you all for a meal? I have a good way to let you eat a good meal every day, and let you have money to spend."

Long Yao can just use them to inquire about outside news, and she can use money to buy news, can't she?
She has the most treasures in her storage bag!
"What way?" The two said in unison.

Long Yao smiled mysteriously, "Help me inquire about the situation outside, I will pay you, give the steward some more money, and you can eat whatever you like?"

Long Yao took out a green bead the size of a thumb belly from her purse, which is the authentic imperial green jadeite.

"Wow! Where did you get this thing?" Xiao Lizi grabbed the bead and looked at it. There was not much of such pure imperial green jade in the whole palace.

"You were originally in the Sijin Bureau, so you didn't steal it?"

Xiao Dezi was so frightened that his face turned pale, stealing from the palace would result in beheading.

"How could it be? I'm not going to steal anything! This is what I got in exchange for embroidery."

Long Yao had no choice but to make up a random reason. This little palace maid had such a thing in her memory. Because of the outstanding embroidery, the emperor's concubine favored her and rewarded her with a lot of things.

The rewards are some food and two silver hairpins, but there are no emperor green beads.

"Do you know how to embroider?" Xiao Lizi couldn't believe it, a little court lady in the Sijin Bureau could still embroider?

Everyone in the Sijin Bureau is a skilled craftsman, who specializes in helping the nobles make various headwear and accessories. Suddenly, a little palace lady who can embroider comes out, and they have to be surprised.

"Of course! Not only can I make headwear, but I can also embroider! Do you think I can sell for money?"

Long Yao took out another handkerchief, which she had been embroidering for fun.

This kind of embroidery means nothing to her.

"It's so beautiful! If they can't sell it for a good price, then they are blind and ignorant!"

Xiao Lizi had a flash of inspiration when he looked at the handkerchief in his hand. If he helped sell the handkerchief, he would definitely make a lot of money.

Excitedly said: "Director Zhao has a hobby, that is, he likes such exquisite things! If we can bribe Director Zhao, we can save a lot of trouble when selling things."

Director Zhao is in charge of the entire Lenggong, so selling embroidery must not be hidden from him.

If they want their life in this palace to be easy, they must handle these relationships well.

(End of this chapter)

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