Chapter 519

Long Yao naturally also understands these principles. It is very difficult for a powerless little court lady to get ahead in the harem. If she wants to live well without causing trouble, she needs some means of self-protection.

"Then you should contact Mr. Zhao and tell him that you have something good to give him."

As far as good things are concerned, she has plenty, and winning people's hearts is the most important thing now.

It's not too late to inquire about other things after she has gained a firm foothold.

"All right, all right! You leave this matter to us! You just said that you want us to inquire about things outside. What do you want us to inquire about?"

Xiao Lizi held the beads in his hand and was reluctant to let go. Who wouldn't be jealous of such a good thing?

He was a little reluctant to give it back to her!

Long Yao has seen his little thoughts, so let's bribe you two first!
"This bead is given to you, I just want to ask you, have you heard of Beiyuan King?"

As soon as Xiao Lizi heard that the beads were given to them, he quickly put them away, "Then we will not be polite!"

Then he shook his head in bewilderment, "Haven't heard of a Beiyuan king? The emperor has many princes, and only three were crowned kings. I've never heard of a Beiyuan king."

Xiao Dezi nodded in agreement, "There is no Beiyuan king you mentioned."

Long Yao is a little strange, this is obviously Mu Chen Kingdom, how could there be no Beiyuan King?
Then who is the King of Beiyuan?

"Why are you looking for that king?" Xiao Lizi looked Long Yao up and down, he looked so good-looking, did he want to climb high like those court ladies?

Long Yao knocked his head once, and the hat was crooked, "What kind of eyes do you have? I don't like climbing high branches! Don't look at me with those eyes!"

She really didn't bother to be the concubine of these princes and emperors, she didn't have the freedom to be a little maid.

"Then why are you asking about the King of Beiyuan?" Xiao Lizi said after finishing his hat.

Seeing that it was getting late, Long Yao said: "It's fine if there is no such king. In the future, if you hear any news from outside, please come and tell me. Your benefits will definitely be indispensable."

Long Yao limped and left the cold palace.

Xiao Lizi and the two shook their heads, "This little maid is extraordinary! Her skills alone are enough to curry favor with us, and I will cover her from now on! What are your plans?"

Xiao Lizi bumped into Xiao Dezi beside him with his arm.

In this imperial palace, people with craftsmanship are treasures. The most popular are people from the Sijin Bureau and the Siyi Bureau. She was originally from the Sijin Bureau, and her craftsmanship is still top-notch. They must first curry favor with her. .

Xiao Dezi nodded, "I think the same as you! We will cover him together from now on."

They were lucky to meet such a talent.

Long Yao limped back to Meihua Palace, unaware that there were two little eunuchs secretly planning to cover her!

"You're back!" As soon as Long Yao came back, Mo Xun's small figure ran over.

He thought she wasn't coming back!Seeing that the sun is going down.

"Are you hungry?" Long Yao pinched his face, which was slippery but still a little thin.

In the future, she will definitely feed him a fat white bun like a bun.

"Hungry! I thought you weren't coming back!"

Mo Xun took her hand, carefully helped her to the stone table, and even took out a cushion to help her under it.

Long Yao finally sat down, the wound on her buttock still stinged a bit, and then said: "Why don't I come back? If I go, I will take you with me, don't worry!"

Mo Xun was relieved when he got the right words, picked up a book, and showed Long Yao what he didn't know or understand.

"Let me see, the meaning of this sentence is this—"

Taking advantage of the sun not yet setting, Long Yao taught him everything he didn't know.

The afterglow of the sun hit the two of them, like a heart-warming picture scroll.

"I see! I've never heard of these things before!"

Mo Xun smiled happily, he was interested in many things in the book.

He couldn't go out here, and could only read books to pass the time.

Long Yao knew a person's loneliness, and she sympathized with him very much, "Don't go anywhere here, don't let people know your existence, will I teach you to read and write and kung fu every day?"

All her aptitudes have been locked up by the old man Tiandao, and she is a trash as the saying goes!If you want to practice martial arts, forget it!
Just because she can't practice martial arts doesn't mean she can't teach others, right?

"I can practice kung fu?" Mo Xun's big eyes were shining brightly. Aunt Zhi Ma knew a little kung fu back then, so he was very envious at that time.

"Of course! Although I don't know kung fu myself, it is more than enough to teach you. Come here first today! Let's eat first!"

"Let's eat something different today!" Long Yao had already eaten enough beef noodles, so she wanted to change it up today.

When it comes to food, Mo Xun wants to drool, "What shall we eat?"

"Greedy cat! Look!" Long Yao waved, and there were three dishes, one soup and two bowls of rice on the stone table.

Looking at the still steaming hot food, Mo Xun swallowed in disbelief, "It smells so good! So much food?"

This is the first time he has eaten so many vegetables in such a big age!Still a hot meal!

"Hurry up and eat it! Taste it!" Long Yao helped him pick up a piece of sweet and sour fish. This kind of fish was raised on her Xingyun Island, and the meat is very tender.

"Oh! It's delicious! What kind of dishes are these?" Mo Xun was overwhelmed by his taste buds after taking a bite of the fish.

Long Yao took a sip of the soup first, and then said: "This is Jinlin fish, eating it is good for your body, and it can make you smarter, so drink some soup."

Long Yao helped him serve another bowl of seaweed and egg soup.

This kind of seaweed looks similar to seaweed, but it is more nutritious than seaweed, which is what he needs most for his current small body.

"Yaoyao, did you cook these? Are the meals so delicious?"

Mo Xun fell in love with this taste after drinking a bowl of soup. He likes to eat all these dishes, and this rice, it looks appetizing and smells delicious.

"The food I cook is much more delicious than this! I don't know if other people's food is good or not. I'm only used to eating food made from these vegetables!"

What Long Yao said was ambiguous, and what she said was correct, she was still not used to the food made of vegetables outside.

She only has the habit of eating vegetables that she grows herself.

"Oh!" Mo Xun nodded half understanding.

After a while, the two of them ate up a table of dishes.

Mo Xun hiccupped, "Yaoyao, will we all eat so much delicious food in the future?"

Will eating like this always make me poor?Have nothing to eat in the future?

"That's right! When you are growing up, the clothes don't fit you well. I want to raise you up white and fat. When you grow up, you will be a tall and handsome guy!"

Long Yao smiled and touched his face, isn't Uncle Mo Xun a handsome guy?Still the kind of handsome guy with a height of 1.8 meters [-].

No matter what happened to this Mo Xun, she would definitely raise him to be as handsome as the uncle.

"I'm afraid that if I keep eating like this, I won't have anything to eat in the future."

Mo Xun knew from a young age what is meant by a long flow of water, good things don't have to be eaten in a day.

In the past, he would eat half of the food he stole and keep the other half, so that he would be hungry in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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