Chapter 521

Zhao Congliang was a little bit reluctant to sell such a fine hairpin, as giving this to the emperor's concubines would definitely be sought after, and he would be freer to move around in the harem.

After deciding where to go for this hairpin, Long Yao's eyes are different again.

"This hairpin can indeed be sold for a good price. What do you want?"

Zhao Congliang decided to dedicate this hairpin to the concubines in the harem, as a way out for himself.

Long Yao could see that he didn't really want to help her sell this hairpin, she wanted this effect.

"I don't want anything, please allow me to work in Meihua Palace, I just want to find a quiet place to spend the rest of my life."

Long Yao thought a lot, she couldn't take care of Mo Xun if she went to Lenggong to work as an errand, it would be more convenient to work in Meihua Palace.

Zhao Congliang pondered for a long time, and after weighing the pros and cons, he said: "That's good! If you are on duty there, you have to keep to your duty. Don't think about what you have and what you don't have. You are also responsible for the hygiene of the cold palace, so don't be lazy."

Some time ago, the head of Ouchi ordered him to find a maid to take care of the sanitation of the Leng Palace and the Meihua Palace. It happened that he couldn't find a maid to clean the Meihua Palace. It would be great if someone was willing to clean it.

"Then I would like to thank the manager!" Seeing that her goal had been achieved, Long Yao left and returned to Meihua Palace.

Isn't it just cleaning?Isn't this a piece of cake?
When Long Yao returned to Meihua Palace, she saw Mo Xun anxiously waiting for her.

"You're back!" Mo Xun pulled her aside.

Long Yao was taken aback, "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

Seeing his flustered look, there should be something wrong.

Mo Xun took out a small box from his arms, the black and gold box with complicated patterns.

The moment Long Yao saw the box, her heart beat uncontrollably, she felt the breath of Dragon Ball!
"Yaoyao, I found this box in that corner, I can't open it."

Mo Xun was reading a book when he heard something moving in the corner and saw a mouse get into a small hole, so Mo Xun followed him to the hole out of fun, and after digging in the mouse hole for a long time, he managed to come up with such a box.

"Let me see!" Long Yao's heart was beating wildly, finding the Dragon Ball so quickly, God helped me!

When she saw the totem and mechanism on the box, her face was covered with dark clouds!

The universe is concentric buckle!This broken box turned out to be the Qiankun Concentric Buckle!

She had heard of this kind of mechanism in the God Realm, and it was created by Shen Yougu, the mechanism leader. That guy has always been obsessed with the study of mechanism techniques, and his most proud work is the Universe Concentric Button.

Many gods in the God Realm once wanted to open this concentric button, but no one was able to open it without exception!

Yougu also didn't say how to open the concentric buckle, just wondering if old man Tiandao knows how to open it?

When she was in the God Realm, she used to patronize and play, and she was not very interested in this mechanism, so she didn't study it, but now she can't open it if she wants to use it!
"I can't open it either!" Long Yao shook her head.

She is also very helpless!
Mo Xun was a little disappointed, he thought it was a treasure and gave it to Yaoyao, but now he can't open it.

"Then you keep it! It was originally a gift for you! When I grow up, I will give you a better one."

He has nothing now, even eating is a problem, how can he be qualified to give gifts?
When he grows up, he must give her the best gift in the world.

"You really gave it to me?" Long Yao was thinking of giving it back to him, since she couldn't open it, she had to find a way to open it.

Now that it's hers, can she split it with a sharp blade?

"Yeah! I'll give it to you!" Mo Xun immediately lost interest in the box, and ran to the side to read a book.

Long Yao took out a dagger and wanted to cut open the box, but she didn't.

"I'll go! If this dagger can't be cut open, there will be nothing in the world that can open it. We can only find another way to open it."

The dagger in her hand is made of chaotic black gold and iron. This thing can cut through everything, but this box cannot be opened.

What material is this box made of?

Long Yao looked at it for a long time, but didn't see what kind of material it was made of.

"Put it away first!" The Dragon Ball is found, and all you need to do is find a way to open it.

Long Yao found something to clean and began to clean up the fallen leaves in the yard.

It has not been cleaned for many years, and it has long been dilapidated.

"Yaoyao, what are you doing?" Choking dust was flying in the yard, making Mo Xun cough.

As soon as she looked up, she saw Long Yao dragging her lame leg and cleaning the yard.

"Now I am the person responsible for the sanitation of the Meihua Palace and the Leng Palace, so of course I have to take responsibility."

Cleaning the yard is no problem for her.

"Ah? After that, won't people know about this place?"

What Mo Xun was worried about was that it would be bad for outsiders to find him here.

Long Yao knew what he was worried about, and said with a smile: "As long as I don't let outsiders disturb you here, you can rest assured that you can read and read here."

These places are desolate and dilapidated, which noble person is willing to come here to find bad luck?

It's too late for those noble people to hide here!
"Okay!" Mo Xun was miraculously relieved when he heard her words.

Long Yao cleaned the yard here, and Zhao Congliang went to Yilan Hall.

Yilan Hall is the palace of the most beloved concubine of the current emperor, Chunfei, and is the deadly enemy of the current imperial concubine.

Concubine Chun looked at the hairpin in her hand and couldn't put it down, her love was written all over her face.

"Guan Zhao, this hairpin is very beautiful. Is it a new pattern designed by Si Jinju?"

Concubine Chun is now in full bloom, and beside her is a ten-year-old prince, her waist is naturally straight.

The limelight has already overwhelmed the current imperial concubine, and there are rumors in the palace that Concubine Chun is the most likely candidate for the queen.

Now the imperial concubine's original son had already died, and now she has no children, only a son of a court lady is raised under her name.

Many of those who flattered the noble concubine turned to the pure concubine's side.

Naturally, Zhao Congliang would not go to the imperial concubine to show his favor, so he found the pure concubine and came here.

"Returning to the empress, it was built by a little maid who was kicked out by the Sijin Bureau. She was almost beaten to death because she offended the imperial concubine, and then thrown into the Meihua Palace to fend for herself. Come here, it's the servant who sees her as pitiful, so she is asked to clean up the cold palace's errands over there, and stay away from this harem compound.

This hairpin was made by her herself, and she gave it to the servant as a thank you. The servant didn't dare to accept such a good thing, so he specially sent it to honor the empress. "

Zhao Congliang specially emphasized that offending the imperial concubine and empress, only in this way can they not be suspected of their intentions.

Sure enough, when Concubine Chun heard these words, her complexion immediately turned dark, "You are right! Isn't the little maid not a human being? I want to save the person she wants to kill. Tell that person after you go back." Little maid, I want her to make all the jewelry I need in the future, and I want to make it unique."

The jewelry in the Sijin Bureau was old and ugly, nothing new at all, and this time she finally found the jewelry that beat the imperial concubine.

I heard that the imperial concubine also hired a court lady to make jewelry for her, this time she also has someone who makes jewelry for her!

(End of this chapter)

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