After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 522 Reaching a Consensus

Chapter 522 Reaching a Consensus
Zhao Congliang was overjoyed, "Your Majesty, don't worry, the servant will definitely warn the little maid what to do and what not to do."

After spending so long in the palace, Zhao Congliang naturally understood what to say and what to hide.

His sense of humor also won the trust of Concubine Chun, who nodded in satisfaction.

"This is a token to enter and leave the Sijin Bureau at will. I will promote her to the seventh-rank 'Sijin'. I will participate in the palace banquet of the ministers in a month. You ask her to make a pair of jewelry for me. Just go to the Finance Bureau to get any material! If you can’t do it well, you will die!”

Now Concubine Chun is in charge of the harem, and it is still up to her to promote a female official.

In order to overwhelm the imperial concubine, she took a risky move.

Just looking at this hairpin, it was impossible for the people in the Sijin Bureau to make it. She was looking forward to what skills this little maid had not shown.

"Yes! The servant must be optimistic about her! Madam, this silk handkerchief was also embroidered by that little maid."

Zhao Congliang handed over the silk handkerchief again.

Concubine Chun took a fancy to that handkerchief with just one glance, "Is this really embroidered by that little maid?"

A little maid who can make jewelry, her embroidery is even more brilliant, which made her very curious.

What kind of person is that woman?

"Exactly!" Zhao Congliang was proud of himself, now his thigh is secure enough, right?
"Okay! Great! Bengong is still thinking about what kind of clothes to wear with such gorgeous jewelry! It just so happens that I also handed over Bengong's clothes to her! The dress bureau's designs are really ugly."

Concubine Chun touched the Phalaenopsis on the handkerchief and couldn't put it down. This kind of pattern was quite rare, and she had never seen it before.

"Let her make a piece of clothing for Bengong to see first, and finally decide whether to hand over Bengong's clothes to her! Let others do your errands in the cold palace! Let her concentrate on making Bengong's jewelry .”

Concubine Chun temporarily changed her mind just to be on the safe side.

Let her make a normal dress that she usually wears first and have a look at it!

Zhao Congliang kowtowed and said, "Thank you for your grace, my servant obeys!"

"Then you go down! It will be to your advantage if this matter is done."

Concubine Chun couldn't put it down holding the hairpin, and she could imagine that she would be the most beautiful woman on the day of the banquet.

Zhao Congliang straightened his back, and this time he was finally proud.

Xiao Lizi waited anxiously on the path, and was relieved when he saw Zhao Congliang's figure.

"How is it, steward? Are you all right?"

Xiao Lizi was afraid that it would be bad to offend the nobles, and their lives would be lost.

Zhao Congliang gave him a sideways look with contempt, you coward!
"Look at your potential! How can you make mistakes when you are an old man? This time we have to curry favor with that little maid. Although her status is not noble, she has also won the favor of the pure concubine. As long as she does a good job this time , we will have a bright future.”

Zhao Congliang took the token in his hand and went to Lenggong, just in time to see Longyao cleaning the fallen leaves.

"Ouch! Miss Yao, you can't do it! Now you are no longer a disheveled little palace maid."

Zhao Congliang's face-changing kung fu is superb, and his attitude when he met Long Yao that day is one and the same.

"Boss, do you have a fever?" Long Yao raised her head and met an old face smiling like a chrysanthemum, she couldn't see it, her face was wrinkled.

Zhao Congliang was not angry because of her words, but still smiled and said: "Miss Yao, you are now the seventh-rank Sijin of the Sijin Bureau! You are no longer an ordinary court lady."

As he spoke, he took out a token with the word 'gold' on it.

Xiao Lizi looked at Long Yao enviously, and said, "Miss Yao, you will be the Si Jin of the Si Jin Bureau in the future, and you will also be a seventh-rank female official."

There is a clear difference between female officials and maids of honor. Female officials are officials who manage certain things in the harem. The highest officials of the Sijin Bureau are Si Gong as the sixth rank, Si Jin as the seventh rank, and below that there are eighth rank Si Bo and ninth rank Sishi.

Long Yao was conferred the title of seventh-rank Sijin just after she came up, and it was also to give her the authority to easily access all the materials used by the Sijin Bureau to make jewelry.

Female officials below the seventh rank have no right to take those materials at will. It can be said that Concubine Chun has gambled a lot this time.

"Really?" Long Yao didn't understand the female official system they set up here, but she also understood that being a small female official is better than being a small palace maid.

"It's true! Concubine Chun let you be this female official with conditions."

Zhao Congliang explained the requirements of the pure concubine again, this kind of errand is not so easy to handle.

Long Yao was also lost in thought. To put it bluntly, Concubine Chun is still a concubine, and her jewelry and clothing are all standard, so she can only focus on novelty.

The hairpin she sent out was not a phoenix, but a phoenix. Wearing it by a concubine was not considered to be over the limit. If it was to create a whole set of jewelry, it would be a bit tacky to always use a phoenix. She needed to think about it.

"Thank you steward! I will definitely take care of this matter." Long Yao just wanted to use this time to gain a firm foothold here.

"Si Jin said seriously, we will be regarded as equals in the future, and things here will need Si Jin to take care of us."

Zhao Congliang sighed in his heart, he had been in the palace all his life before he was a seventh-rank official, and this little palace maid with excellent craftsmanship has become a seventh-rank female official, and I am afraid that there will be troublesome things to deal with in the future.

Zhao Congliang had to say a few words: "Miss Yao, you have an unusual status now, and you have offended many people. You must know it."

Long Yao knew that he had good intentions, "Thanks for the manager's advice!"

Instead, he took out a pill and handed it to Zhao Congliang, in order to help him for the sake of reminding her, he couldn't let him die so quickly.

Maybe he knows the inside story about Meihua Palace.

"Boss, I know you have leg problems, and taking a lot of medicine is useless, try this pill."

His leg disease was no ordinary leg disease, and ordinary medicine could not cure it at all.

Zhao Congliang was taken aback for a moment, "How do you know I have a leg problem?"

Only a few people knew about his leg disease. Could it be that Xiao Lizi told her?
Xiao Lizi shook his head as Steward Zhao stared at him, "It's not me!"

"Guan Zhao, I saw it myself. If you believe me, you can eat it. If you don't, you can do whatever you want. I will leave first."

She has to go back and think about what kind of jewelry and clothes to make.

Zhao Congliang looked at Long Yao's back and narrowed his eyes slightly. Is this really just a little maid?
Not only is she skilled in craftsmanship, but she can also tell right away that she has leg problems. Such a person is definitely not an ordinary person.

I don't know if it's good or bad that he has something to do with her?

When Long Yao returned to Meihua Palace, she saw Mo Xun practicing handstand.

The originally dilapidated palace was cleaned up, and it was still a sight to see. Except for the absence of those luxurious things, it was still possible to live in.

"You have been standing on your head for so long, come down and rest!"

Long Yao smiled and helped him down from the wooden stake, seeing that his little face was flushed with sweat, "Look, you're hot."

Mo Xun chuckled, "Yaoyao, I've already been able to stand upside down for a stick of incense."

Speaking of his own talent in martial arts, he is quite proud. In just a few days, he has been able to stand upside down on a wooden stake for a stick of incense.

(End of this chapter)

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