Chapter 525 The Peacock King

The peacock standing on the tree saw the golden rice in her hand, and his hostile eyes instantly became dog legs.

"Hey?" Peacock King couldn't bear the smell of golden rice, so he jumped down from the tree and obediently came to Long Yao.

"I can't cure you yet! How about I trade these delicious things for two of your feathers?"

The golden rice in Longyao's hand shone golden in the sunlight, and the fragrance could waft for miles.

The Peacock King couldn't bear it any longer, and he pulled two feathers from his body and put them in Long Yao's hands.

A pair of big eyes looked at Longyao longingly, which meant that the rice could be eaten by him, right?

Long Yao stretched out her hand and stroked the fur on its head, "You're so cute! I'll call you Xiaocai from now on, okay? We'll be friends from now on! This is for you to eat!"

Long Yao took out a handkerchief and spread it on the ground, and put the golden rice in her hand on it.

Hey!The peacock kissed Long Yao coquettishly, and then began to eat the rice.

Mo Ling was completely dumbfounded seeing this scene. Is that peacock so spiritual?

Xiao Baozi's chin hit the ground, and he rubbed his eyes vigorously, his eyes are blurred, right?

That peacock has never been so easy to talk to!

Xiao Lizi was also dumbfounded, "Yao, Miss Yao, is this peacock so spiritual?"

"Of course, everything has spirits! Every plant and tree has spirits, let alone a peacock."

It is said that the peacock was also transformed by a drop of blood from the phoenix. It has been passed down to this day, and it is inevitable to have a spirit.

"Oh!" Xiao Lizi nodded with a half understanding.

"Well said! Animism! Well said!"

Mo Ling walked into the Peacock Garden, and he agreed with this sentence very much.

Long Yao got up and turned around to see a man in white standing not far away.

The man had sword eyebrows and star eyes, red lips and white teeth, and his black hair was raised high by the jade crown, and he was looking at her with a smile on his lips.

Mo Ling saw Long Yao's appearance clearly, time seemed to stand still at this moment, what a beautiful and spiritual woman!

"Who are you?" Long Yao looked up and down at the man in front of him, with a pair of peach blossom eyes full of charm, one could tell he was a flirt!

Before Mo Ling could speak, the little bun stepped forward and scolded, "This is the seventh prince, why don't you salute quickly, a little female official?"

Xiao Lizi was so frightened that he quickly knelt down and kowtowed, "I have seen His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince!"

He stretched out his hand and carefully tugged at the corner of Long Yao's clothes, telling her to salute quickly, otherwise she wouldn't know how she died!
Long Yao rolled her eyes and curled her lips, asking her to salute?Can you afford it?
Mo Ling waved his hand, pulled his own book boy aside and said, "You go."

Turning around to look at Long Yao, why has he never seen such a beautiful woman in the palace?

"Are you a female officer?" Judging by her clothes, she should be a female officer.

It's just that she has a few peacock feathers in her hair, which is quite funny.

Long Yao clasped her fists and said, "Exactly! I didn't know it was His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince, please forgive me."

Mo Ling looked at her with interest, a woman's salute was not a palace ceremony, it's interesting!
No one in the palace dared to challenge the imperial power!This little girl is bold!Are you not afraid of being punished?

"Why did you come to the Prince's Peacock Garden?"

Seeing that the Peacock King was alive and kicking, Mo Ling didn't intend to care about her faux pas, this was the first time he had met such an interesting little maid.

"Hey! It's for these two feathers." Long Yao showed him the feathers without any hesitation.

Mo Ling picked up a feather and looked at it, and it was indeed the feather of the Peacock King, and the feathers radiated colorful light.

This kind of colorful peacock has a problem. When it is sluggish, its feathers are gray and ugly, as ugly as it is!As long as the spirit comes, the feathers will emit colorful light.

When Long Yao saw it just now, it was on a hunger strike and sluggish. At first glance, it looked like an inconspicuous gray peacock. As long as you provoke it and let it radiate vitality, its feathers will emit colorful colors.

This is why Long Yao has been chasing the peacock.

"What do you want feathers for?" Mo Ling felt that this little girl was interesting, and his tone softened a lot.

"Of course it's useful!" Long Yao didn't intend to tell him the purpose of the feathers, if people found out that she used peacock feathers instead of phoenix feathers, wouldn't she be dead!
In fact, it is not a phoenix feather at all, it is this kind of peacock feather.

They don't know!They decided that it was Phoenix Feather!
Can you find Phoenix Feather here?nonsense!
"This is the prince's peacock garden. Shouldn't you inform the prince if you take the prince's things?"

Mo Ling thought her answer was amusing, so he wanted to tease her.

Long Yao also thought it was reasonable, and grabbed a handful of golden rice from the storage bag, "I'll exchange this with you! Your peacock will die if it eats what you hold in your hand."

The food that the colorful peacock eats is quite particular, which is very different from that of ordinary peacocks.

It only drinks mountain spring water and dew, and only eats freshly picked fruits, even if it eats food, it is fresh.

Her rice contains aura, and the colorful peacocks like to eat it even more.

"What is this?" Mo Ling was a little dumbfounded looking at the golden rice in his hand, sure it wasn't rice made of gold?

The colorful peacock has some characteristics of the phoenix. It likes things that are shiny and golden, so it naturally likes the golden rice.

"This is golden rice! I grew it myself! It's specially used for cooking porridge. The colorful peacock has some characteristics of a phoenix, so it likes golden things. Look at the peanuts in your hand. It's still moldy. Can I eat it?"

"Plus it just changed its environment, and you keep it here, so of course it's going to go on a hunger strike."

Long Yao took back the feather in his hand and was about to leave, where she was still waiting for her to mend the clothes!

"Don't go! How do you know this?"

Mo Ling didn't know why, but when she saw her small mouth talking, she found it very interesting, and her voice was so nice.

"Of course I understand! I've already exchanged this feather with you, and we're done!"

Just as Long Yao was about to leave, the corner of her clothes was grabbed again. Looking back, it was the colorful peacock king.

A pair of watery eyes were staring at her, and she let out a soft cry.

Long Yao's hair was black, "This is your master, he will give you food! I'll come and see you again when I have time!"

"Seventh prince, I will leave!"

Long Yao patted the peacock's feathers, turned around and left the Peacock Garden.

Mo Ling couldn't see Long Yao's figure for a long time, so he looked away, looked at the golden rice in his hand, and raised his red lips slightly.

"Interesting!" Knelt down and carefully reached out to touch the peacock, the feathers were really smooth and shiny.

The little bun looked at the peacock and screamed in disbelief, "Your Highness, it let you touch its fur!"

It has been more than a month since this peacock was sent here, and the Seventh Prince couldn't get close to feed it, let alone touch it.

"It really is a spiritual peacock."

"This is for you to eat."

Mo Ling stretched out his hand, the golden rice shone golden under the sun, the Peacock King seemed to have seen the baby and finished eating the golden rice in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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