Chapter 526 Repairing Clothes
Mo Ling looked at the rejuvenated peacock, and became more interested in that little female officer.

Seeing a handkerchief on the ground, he picked it up and looked at it. The embroidery on it was exquisite and beautiful.

"She is a spiritual little maid, why did I forget to ask her name?"

"Go and find out where this little female official works."

Holding the handkerchief, Mo Ling raised the corners of her lips slightly, what an interesting little lady!

"Your Highness, could this be arranged to approach His Highness on purpose?"

Xiao Baozi thinks it's better to be careful.

The seventh prince is now in the age of dancing elephants, and he is quite appreciated by the emperor. He is the most qualified candidate to compete for the crown prince. What if it is a beauty trick entrusted by other princes?
"You think too much! Go check it out!"

Mo Ling raised his leg and kicked his ass, always so much nonsense!
"Let's go!" The little bun clutched his butt and ran away!
Mo Ling carefully put away the handkerchief in his hand, and began to clean his peacock garden by himself.

Long Yao walked on the road satisfied with the peacock feather, and Xiao Lizi regained her strength after wiping off her sweat.

"Miss Yao, why did you see His Highness being rude? Fortunately, the Seventh Prince has a good temper, otherwise you will be punished!"

They are slaves in this palace, don't they always bow their knees wherever they go?Fortunately, she didn't even salute the prince when she saw her!
"What do you know? In short, you just need to talk less in the future!"

Long Yao doesn't want to salute anyone, if she salutes others will suffer!
She can't help it!
"Hey! Why don't you listen!" Xiao Lizi persuaded Long Yao all the way.

In this difficult palace, be careful!

After being nagged all the way by him, her ears were almost callused, and she finally returned to the Department of Clothes Bureau.

Zhao Congliang breathed a sigh of relief when he finally came back, afraid that she would cause some trouble if she went out.

Seeing that her hands were empty, Liu Wumeng was a little speechless, "Where are you looking for?"

Long Yao didn't answer her words, and said: "You should have a place for spinning here, right? I need a quiet place."

"Yes!" Liu Wumeng personally took her to her own dedicated place.

He drove out his two assistants, and said to Long Yao: "No one here will disturb you, please!"

Speaking of which, he wisely exited the room.

Long Yao took out the peacock feathers hidden in her bosom, plucked off all the feathers, mixed with a drop of potion and started tanning.

Feathers cannot be directly spun into silk threads, they need to be tanned and special techniques can be used to embroider on clothes.

Long Yao was busy in the room for an hour, when the people outside were about to get impatient, the door of the room suddenly opened.

Long Yao held two balls of thread in his hands, emitting colorful fluorescence under the refraction of the sunlight.

hiss!There was a sound of gasping, and Liu Wumeng stepped forward excitedly, carefully picking up the ball of thread.

"You did this? Didn't you just go in empty-handed?"

This is where Liu Wumeng is puzzled.

"Of course I have to hide the things I found, so why not put them on the bright side?"

"Let's go! Go mend the clothes." When Long Yao arrived at the embroidery room, the dress had been neatly placed on the stand.

Liu Wumeng and others followed to the embroidery room, and they all wanted to see how she mended the dress.

It stands to reason that there is already a hole in that dress, and there is no possibility of repairing it.

Even Zhao Congliang was curious about how she repaired it, and followed her to the embroidery room to watch.

Long Yao took her time and checked all the utensils, and it was the embroidery needles that made her dissatisfied.

He took out a small cloth bag from his purse, which contained more than a dozen light blue thin needles.

Liu Wumeng was a little puzzled, are the embroidery needles they have here not easy to use?

Facing those slender embroidery needles, she had a feeling that she wanted them very much. The embroidery needles looked very easy to use.

Long Yao threaded the needle without dragging his feet.

Be optimistic about the stitching of the whole garment before starting the first stitch.

As Long Yao's technique became faster and faster, the speed was dazzling.

The colorful silk threads are pierced by the ice crystal needles, the holes in the robe are gradually disappearing, and the embroidery on the clothes is gradually becoming clear.

In less than half an hour, a complete robe was displayed in front of their eyes.

"You, how did you do it? How come so fast?" Liu Wumeng couldn't wait to pick up the robe and looked at it repeatedly, it was exactly the same as the new one!
Even if this robe could be repaired, it would take them a day, but she only took half an hour?

The rest of the maids in the Clothing Bureau also rubbed their eyes in disbelief, they were right!Sure enough, like new!
When I looked at Long Yao again, my eyes were different!

In these places, it is all about craftsmanship, and people with such craftsmanship are enough for them to admire!
Zhao Congliang's old face is full of gratified smiles, this little girl is really capable!

"That's it! Didn't you all see it? I've already repaired it for you, can you take me to choose the fabric yourself?"

Long Yao insisted that she take it with her to choose the fabrics, but she also had her own considerations. She is still a female official, and there are rules about which fabrics can be moved and which ones cannot. who?
"Okay! I'll take you there."

Liu Wumeng carefully put away the robe, and then took Long Yao to the warehouse.

Zhao Congliang and the others couldn't go, so they had to wait in the front yard.

A group of little palace maids chattered around Xiao Lizi and came up to ask about Longyao's affairs.

Xiao Lizi was very flattered, he had never seen a little palace maid so warm to him!
Then she held her head high and started bragging about Long Yao's abilities!

Along the way, Liu Wumeng glanced at Longyao from time to time, no wonder she was directly appointed as a seventh-rank female officer, she was convinced.

"What kind of fabric do you want to choose?"

Liu Wumeng's attitude is completely different from before, and she wants to make friends with such a craftsman.

"I want to see it before I talk! This is for you!"

Long Yao took out a needle and handed it to her, just now she saw her staring at her needle and couldn't bear to look away.

"Really give it to me?" Liu Wumeng couldn't believe it at all, who wouldn't want such a good embroidery needle?
The embroidery needle is easy to use, and it will be more handy when embroidering.

The embroidery needles made by the Sijin Bureau over the years are extremely difficult to use, and it takes a long time for them to choose one for their own use.

"Is this the new embroidery needle that your Sijin Bureau just made?"

Liu Wumeng then asked.

Long Yao shook her head, "No, I made it for myself!"

It is not difficult to make such a needle, it is a matter of material.

"I'll just say it! How can those high-minded people in the Sijin Bureau create such a good thing?"

Liu Wumeng has always hated those people in the Sijin Bureau.

"Don't worry too much, I'm not talking about you!" Only then did she realize that she was also a member of the Sijin Bureau.

Those people in the Sijin Bureau always like to suppress the new maids, they beat and scold them if they don't like it, they don't think about improving their skills, they only want to curry favor with the nobles and think that one day they can fly to the top of the branch, like this People are what she disdains the most!
(End of this chapter)

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