Chapter 527
Long Yao smiled and said nothing, this girl is really straightforward, her likes and dislikes are written on her face.

"It's okay, I don't care! What's your name?"

Long Yao has a good impression of this girl.

People who can still retain this kind of temperament in this palace have not been punished to death. Either she is lucky or has someone to back her up. Being with such a person is beneficial and harmless.

"You can call me Wumeng! What's your name?"

Liu Wumeng couldn't put it down holding the needle in his hand, and he didn't have any grudges towards her just now.

"My name is Long Yao." Long Yao said lightly.

"Ah! You are Long Yao?" Liu Wumeng looked her up and down with strange eyes.

Long Yao's name is well-known in their circle, not because of her good work, but because of her courage to contradict the imperial concubine and empress.

"You know me?" Long Yao was a little puzzled, this body had just entered the palace for more than a month, and was beaten to death for offending the imperial concubine.

"So you didn't die! All the maids know your name! You are really lucky."

Liu Wumeng was amazed that he was not beaten to death by the imperial concubine, and even became a seventh-rank female official. Is this a blessing in disguise?

If the imperial concubine found out that the maid she punished not only survived but became a female official, would she be pissed to death?

"Why do I feel that you are taking pleasure in other's misfortune?" Long Yao realized that this girl is also a big-hearted girl.

"No, no! I think you're still alive and you've become a female official. The imperial concubine is going to die of anger!"

Liu Wumeng also didn't want to see the imperial concubine, and that imperial concubine had hit her hard, so she was very vengeful, so I will remember that time!
"Don't you want to see the imperial concubine so much?" Long Yao didn't understand, what kind of disgusting thing is that imperial concubine, no one likes her?
"Of course! Let me tell you, the imperial concubine used improper means to rise to the position. I don't like this kind of talent! Don't tell others that you betrayed me!"

Liu Wumeng hugged Longyao's arm affectionately, the two of them were like a pair of intimate little sisters.

Long Yao was a little speechless, isn't this guy too familiar?Just now he despised her!So close to her now?

"I won't say it!" Long Yao has never been a talkative person, and she doesn't bother to care about these messy things.

"That's good! I only got along with you because I saw that you have real skills! I'm not convinced by ordinary people! Why don't you come to us with such good embroidery skills? I'll ask Lin Sigong to dig you over!"

Liu Wumeng is like a chirping parrot, the more he talks, the more he feels closer to Longyao, and he simply wants to poach the wall.

Lin Sigong is the highest female official of the Department of Clothing Bureau, who manages all the affairs of the Department of Clothing Bureau. These days, it just happened that she was out of the palace to visit relatives and was not in the palace, so Liu Wumeng was temporarily taking care of the Department of Clothing Bureau.

"I want to get up where I fell down." Long Yao said that Liu Wumeng understood that she wanted revenge!The excitement is so exciting!
Liu Wumeng's big eyes were bright and gossiping, "Do you want revenge? This is not too exciting! If you need me, just look for me! We are sisters now!"

The corners of Long Yao's mouth twitched a little, this girl is really familiar, and she is also a girl who doesn't take too much trouble, her temperament is very similar to her apprentice Bai Guoer.

"Okay!" Long Yao agreed, saving the girl from saying anything earth-shattering and weeping.

Liu Wumeng was gearing up, "Come to me if you need anything!"

Finally arrived at the warehouse, Liu Wumeng opened the door of the warehouse, said: "You can choose all the fabrics here, that is, the fabrics on this shelf are used to make clothes for the emperor and queen mother. You can choose the rest."

"Okay! I'll pick and choose." Long Yao searched in the warehouse, and after looking at hundreds of pieces of cloth, she didn't like any of them.

Liu Wumeng almost fell asleep following her, "I said Yaoyao, why haven't you chosen yet? These fabrics are the best."

The places she brought her were all places where the most expensive fabrics were placed, and the colors were the most popular.

"Is that all?" These fabrics are too fancy, even if they are embroidered with flowers, they will cover up their elegance, and they seem to overwhelm the host.

"The good ones are here! And the fabrics in the room next to it are all fabrics that have been squeezed for years! You don't want to see those, do you?"

Liu Wumeng looked at her like an idiot, the backlog of fabrics was for Concubine Chun, did she die?

"Show me!" Sometimes a backlog of fabrics is a good thing, and maybe you can actually pick one out!
"Okay! You have to think about it!"

Liu Wumeng took her to the next warehouse, where no one came for a long time and it was dusty.

"These fabrics are dirty, I think you should choose something else!"

Just as Liu Wumeng was about to go in, he was choked out by the dust, standing outside the door and yelling worriedly.

Long Yao continued to search for the fabrics she needed, "You wait for me outside the door."

She saw two bolts of fabric in a nice color, which was the best color for the effect she was going for.

It's just that the two pieces of fabric are placed too high, and it really takes a lot of effort for her to get them.


"What's wrong with you?" Liu Wumeng heard a scream, and ran in quickly regardless of whether the dust was choking or not.

She saw Long Yao holding two pieces of cloth in her arms, but she was knocked down by the crooked shelf.

"Yaoyao, I'm here to save you!" Liu Wumeng couldn't move the shelf with all his strength.

Seeing the little girl sweating profusely in anxiety, Long Yao's calm heart warmed up.

A little girl I just met cares about her so much, this is her first friend here.

She really doesn't have any female friends!
"I'm fine!" Long Yao also helped to push the shelf, the fabric shelf was too heavy for the two little girls to push.

"Yaoyao, wait for me! Be sure to wait for me!" Liu Wumeng ran out of the warehouse as if his butt was on fire.

Long Yao was sweating profusely from the pain, her current body was too weak, it was lucky that she was not crushed to death.

"Hurry up! It's here! Help save people!"

Behind Liu Wumeng, three or four guards rushed in.

"Yaoyao, how are you? It happened that they were patrolling nearby, so I dragged them here!"

"You hold back!"

Liu Wumeng ran in first to check Longyao's situation, and he was relieved to see her.

"Hurry up and save people!" The leading man ordered.

Several people worked together to support the frame, and Long Yao's legs were able to be pulled out.

"How are you?" Liu Yunhong quickly helped Long Yao up, and found that her calf was already stained red with blood.

Long Yao stood up and shook her head, "I'm fine! Thank you very much!"

Liu Wumeng quickly supported Long Yao, and shouted anxiously, "Are you okay? Your legs are hurt!"

It was the first time Liu Yunhong saw his sister so nervous alone, so he looked at Long Yao curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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