Chapter 538 No way
Mo Xun's eyes are full of intractable ice, no matter who you are, anyone who dares to threaten Yaoyao is not allowed!

"Me?" The emperor was speechless. He seemed to be very patient with his lost and recovered child. He really didn't know how to answer his questions.

Said he was his father?Said that he once suspected that his mother had an affair with someone and killed his mother?Or did he kill his mother's whole family because he wanted to get those things from the past?
He can't even say that!
Now that he was able to see his son who had been lost and found again, he felt even more gratified, and he hoped that his son would be able to live his life without any worries.

"Mo Xun." Long Yao called him softly, telling him not to lose his composure and show off his feet.

Mo Xun understood, put away his hostility, and became that innocent child again.

The emperor was immersed in his own fantasy, and didn't notice any difference in Mo Xun at all.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "You will know who I am in the future! I will come to see you in a few days."

The emperor fled in despair.

He didn't know why he ran away, maybe it was the face that looked very similar to Ah Ying, or it was because he felt guilty for wronging Ah Ying.

In short, the emperor's heart was very complicated. He was happy that Ah Ying had left him a child, but he was also afraid of facing the child.

Mo Xun looked up at Long Yao, "He ran away."

Puchi!Long Yao laughed out loud, this child is really straightforward.

"This is the first time you have met your father, why are you so calm?"

Long Yao was very curious, why a child would be so calm when seeing his father, just like meeting a stranger.

"What reaction do you want from me? Originally, he was dispensable to me. Isn't it all because of him that I can live like this?"

Mo Xun picked up the shovel and continued weeding. He would rather live a peaceful life with Yaoyao than become the emperor's son.

When he avenges his mother, he will leave this cage.

Long Yao didn't know what Mo Xun's plan was, but she just felt sorry for him, and felt that he was so mature as a child.

One big and one young were weeding in the field talking and laughing, but the emperor couldn't calm down when he returned to the imperial study.

"Li Delu, I saw Ah Ying's child! It's my child."

The emperor is still in a state of wandering spirit, he always feels that this is still a dream.

Li Delu thought he had misheard, the emperor had never mentioned the name of the former imperial concubine for so many years, what happened now?
"Your Majesty, you?" He thought the emperor was bewitched.

Normally the emperor would never hear a single word about the former imperial concubine, but today he took the initiative to mention it?

The emperor came back from the state of wandering mind and said: "Aying left behind a child, that child is seven or eight points similar to me, and has a birthmark on the neck like me, exactly the same birthmark, do you think this is left by Aying? My only thought?"

The emperor was like a madman, and now his mind was full of Mo Xun's innocent smiling face.

His smiling face was the same as when he first met Ah Ying. At that time, Ah Ying's smiling face was so innocent. I don't know when it started, but he never saw that smiling face again.

"Your Majesty, is this true? The original rumor——"

Li Delu didn't dare to say any more, for fear of offending Longlin again.

The emperor didn't get angry this time, and said in a good mood: "That's all rumors! This child's birthday is August [-]th, can't you figure it out if you count the days?"

During that time, the emperor stayed in Meihua Palace all day long, and Li Delu was always by his side every day. He was one of the people who knew the situation best.

"Yes! The old slave can figure it out! So, is it really the prince left by the imperial concubine?"

Li Delu was watching how the emperor and the imperial concubine loved each other. The two were inseparable every day. At that time, he thought that the emperor had finally found the one who loved him. Who would have thought that those things would happen later?
I hope that the imperial concubine's spirit in the sky will not blame the emperor, the emperor had no choice but to sacrifice his empress back then!

I hope that the prince left behind by the imperial concubine can also understand the emperor's helplessness at the beginning.

"I saw him today. Don't let the news out about this matter. Take some time to send something to him."

the emperor ordered.

"Yes, the old slave obeys the order." Li Delu quietly exited the imperial study.

He cast a gloomy glance at the emperor sitting behind the table, and when he turned around, his eyes were filled with haze.

The night is like ink, and there are no stars in the sky.

Long Yao suddenly opened her eyes from her sleep, Mo Xun also opened her eyes at the same time, the two looked at each other and hid behind the door.

More than a dozen men in black walked into the Meihua Palace with gentle steps.

There was a strong smell of blood in Meihua Palace.

Long Yao kicked the man in black on the ground, "Speak up! Who sent you here?"

In the end, Long Yao still had a life left, and she had to ask who knew Mo Xun's identity so quickly.

Those who come here to assassinate don't think about it, they are definitely here to assassinate Mo Xun. Now the only one who knows his identity is Zhao Congliang, who is the emperor.

It is impossible for the emperor to kill his son so soon, unless there is an inner ghost on the emperor's side.

"Hmph!" The man in black would rather die than speak.

Long Yao said unhurriedly: "I know you are tough, but I don't know how long you can be tough!"

Long Yao stuffed him with a elixir, and before a quarter of an hour had passed, the man in black began to look dazed.

"Who sent you here?" Long Yao asked again.

The man in black said in a daze, "It's Zhou, Zhou."

Well!The man in black's lips were black and purple, his head tilted and he lost his vitality.

Long Yao clicked his tongue twice, "It's so useless? You can't resist even a single pill, so you belched?"

Is this the quality a dead soldier should have?So useless!

Mo Xun's small eyebrows raised slightly, and he glanced at the man in black on the ground, "Yaoyao, what is Zhou? Prime Minister or Queen Mother?"

The current queen mother is the eldest sister of the prime minister, who else can have the surname Zhou besides them?
Long Yao was also quite surprised, she had never met the Queen Mother, so she didn't know her temper, but her surname was indeed Zhou.

"This news is spreading so fast now, it seems that someone really can't tolerate you."

Long Yao took the medicine powder and sprinkled it on every man in black, and the corpses and traces were wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Mo Xun picked up the broom and cleaned the black clothes left by the man in black, "Yaoyao, did the emperor have a mole?"

Regardless of his young age, his heart is like a mirror, this palace is indeed a place that cannibalize people.

"I'll go to the imperial study room tomorrow." She wanted to ask the emperor what was going on?

The son who just recognized him during the day, but wanted to kill him at night?
In the imperial study room, the emperor had a gloomy face and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"You mean someone is going to assassinate? The palace compound is tightly guarded, how could someone come to assassinate?"

What the emperor cares about now is not about Mo Xun's life or death, but about his imperial power being provoked.

Long Yao stood aside and sneered. It was true that the royal family was ruthless. Yesterday, she looked guilty and affectionate, but today she changed into another look. This change is really fast!

(End of this chapter)

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