Chapter 539 Imperial Power
Long Yao smiled just right and said: "Your Majesty, it is a fact that we were assassinated last night. Only Your Majesty can leak the news. I hope His Majesty will investigate carefully. Do you think there is something secret about that child?"

Long Yao's words are meant to offend the emperor, since you only care about your imperial power, then don't blame her for not saving face for you.

The emperor's face turned blue and red, this woman is really bold!

Thinking of her ability, I can only suppress the unhappiness in my heart, "I will find out about this matter, are you ready for the gifts from various countries in a few days?"

Since this woman is saving his face, he will make things difficult for her first. If this matter is not handled well, then he will have an excuse to kill her!
"Let's wait and see, Your Majesty! I hope His Majesty will investigate the matter of the assassination. Those who dare to challenge the imperial power are unforgivable crimes!"

Long Yao smiled and exited the imperial study room, since he was looking for excuses, then she will go along with it!

Since you care so much about imperial power, then she will talk about imperial power!Who wouldn't!

The emperor was panicked by her angry chest!
It's really difficult to raise only women and villains!
The meeting of various countries is the biggest joyous event in Mu Chen Kingdom, and the streets of the capital are decorated with lanterns and festoons to welcome the envoys of various countries.

All the ministers in the Qingliang Palace looked at the warriors of the Flying Eagle Kingdom with frowning faces.

The emperor almost turned his hair gray!These people are so ignorant of flattery that they came to show them off!

"What? Doesn't anyone in the dignified Mu Chen Kingdom dare to come out and fight?"

The warrior of the Flying Eagle Kingdom is eight feet tall, his eyes are like copper bells, and his sinews and muscles are like small mountain peaks full of explosive power to catch prey.

Looking at the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty with disdainful eyes, they really are a group of stinky literati who can't stand on the stage.

The emperor's face was displeased, as expected, these people were not kind.

"What? Are you all helpless?"

The Flying Eagle Kingdom had just arrived at the main hall and wanted to compete with Mu Chenguo in archery, and had already lost three of them in a row.

Originally, Mu Chenguo valued literature over martial arts, and lost three generals in a row, the emperor's face was so stinky.

Che Jianguo's Shichen hid aside to watch the excitement, and the two countries competed and they just reaped the benefits!
The hall fell into silence for a while, and Mo Ling, who lost the game, also had an ugly expression.

He was the third to lose the match, and now there is no one who dares to come up to the ring.

At this time, Long Yao came in with congratulatory gifts for the two countries, breaking the quiet atmosphere of Qingliang Hall.

"Your Majesty has met His Majesty!"

Long Yao lowered her head slightly to salute.

Everyone in Qingliang Hall was stunned. This woman is so bold. Didn't she see that the emperor was on the verge of explosion?

"Pingshen! What are you doing here at this time?"

The emperor's tone was very displeased.

This female officer is too blind!Come to block him at this time!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is here to give gifts to the two countries. Please take a look at it."

Long Yao just came out to help him smooth things over when he saw that the emperor was at his wit's end, so he didn't know a good heart?

"Oh? Then open it and let me see."

"This is a congratulatory gift from our country to you, congratulations on your new king's enthronement."

The emperor smiled but didn't smile, and now he finally came to his senses, and most of the depression in his heart was eliminated.

An important court official is not as good as a female official who can help him solve his problems.

The envoy Che Jianguo said with a smile at this time: "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty, then we will accept it."

The warrior of Flying Eagle Kingdom stood awkwardly in the center, staring at the woman.

Originally looking for someone to compete with, why did this woman come out to join in the fun?
"Open it and let the adults take a look!"

Long Yao waved, and Xiao Lizi opened the gift covered with red cloth with someone.

A ray of colorful light spread out in the hall, making all the ministers cover their eyes.

hiss!The sound of gasping for air spread out in the hall, and the emperor rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

All the ministers dropped their jaws to the ground in shock. Was this exquisite skill really made by the Sijin Bureau?

The two gifts were lifelike, Shi Chen of Che Jianguo rushed to the statue of Bodhidharma, and bowed down to the statue of Bodhidharma.

Che Jianguo worships Bodhidharma, and the statue of Bodhidharma in front of him is ten thousand times more exquisite than the statue of Bodhidharma made by the master sculptor in his country.

On the statue of Patriarch Bodhidharma, inlaid with polished and smooth gemstones of various colors, totems made of Sanskrit are carved on the gold body. Others don’t know the meaning of these Sanskrit words, but the envoy of Che Jianguo understands it!
Turning around and bowing respectfully to the emperor, "Thank you for your great love for our monarch, Che Jianguo will never betray your majesty!"

The emperor didn't understand what those totems meant, so he took a peek at Long Yao, why don't you explain?The latter didn't look at him directly.

The emperor was angry for a while, so he could only laugh and say: "Excuse me! The envoys please hurry up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Che Jianguo envoy returned to his seat with the statue in his hand and continued to wait for the show.

When the envoys of Flying Eagle Kingdom saw the lifelike eagle with wings spread, all of them stared wide-eyed in shock.

"Hahahaha! Your Majesty, I didn't expect such skilled craftsmen to exist in your country? This eagle is worthy of our king!"

The envoy changed the topic again: "Even if it's a gift for our monarch, our game needs to continue! I wonder if your majesty can find someone?"

The envoys are still relentless, this time they came here to show them off, absolutely can't just let it go!

The emperor's relaxed smile froze on his face, "This?"

Looking at the civil and military officials looking at the sky and the earth, they just don't answer the emperor's words. How can they answer?
The seventh prince's martial arts is the highest among all the princes, who would dare to challenge him even if he failed?
cough cough!The emperor pretended to cough and asked for help from Long Yao, this little girl usually has a lot of small thoughts, why did she ignore him today?

Or let her salute and hack these people to death!
The emperor now only thinks about some things.

Long Yao saw that the emperor was helpless, so she said: "Your Majesty, the archery skills of the warriors in the Flying Eagle Kingdom are admirable. The previous generals lost to the warriors, but it was just to give the envoys a face. After all, in our country It’s too embarrassing for you to lose as soon as you come up on the land, isn’t it a disrespect? Since the envoys insist on comparing themselves, a child in our country is enough to deal with a strong man, I wonder if the strong man will still have to compete?”

Long Yao's words made the three who lost the game feel better, and the emperor also heaved a sigh of relief, as long as the little girl interjected, the scene would be saved.

All the ministers also began to pay attention to Long Yao, when did there have such a smart female official in the palace?

The envoy of Feiying Kingdom was stunned for a moment, and almost died of anger, "What are you talking about! Are you insulting us?"

How dare a little female officer make such a statement, which is obviously a bully!
"The envoy is calm and calm. What the officer said is true. Since you are on our country's land, you are going to do as the Romans do. Is it possible that the envoy is afraid?"

Long Yao smiled provocatively, this was the best opportunity for Mo Xun to show his face, how could she let it go?
"Hahaha! What a joke! Are we still afraid that a child will fail? Then let's have a competition. If you lose again, you can't blame us."

This time they came here to show them off, and to marry a noble Princess Mu Chenguo back.

(End of this chapter)

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