Chapter 540
The envoys of Flying Eagle Kingdom are full of pride, just a child, isn't it a piece of cake to deal with?
"Since that's the case, I'm sure. Has Si Jin found a suitable candidate?"

The emperor kicked the ball to Long Yao again, since you said you can win by finding a child, then leave it to her!

Now he has nothing to do, none of the generals is willing to stand out, so he can only rely on this ignorant girl.

This is all a matter of emphasizing civility over martial arts!
"Someone has chosen, come in!"

Long Yao made a sound, and saw Mo Xun walking straight and unrestrained outside the hall, dressed in white with cloud patterns.

Mo Xun didn't look sideways, and it was the first time he faced so many people without any stage fright.

The emperor took a sip of tea and almost choked himself to death. The child she was talking about was his son?

She glared at Long Yao fiercely, this woman is so bold, she made her own claim without discussing it with him!

"The boy has seen His Majesty!" Mo Xun knelt respectfully.

The emperor could only suppress his unhappiness, "Get up! I heard that you are good at archery, are you sure you can win?"

The emperor was also puzzled, this little girl dared to let his son play, there must be a trick, he just believed her once.

"Return to Your Majesty, the boy has only practiced archery for less than three months."

Mo Xun answered truthfully.

The corner of Long Yao's eyes twitched, boy, what you said is too straightforward!

"This, this? How can this be done?"

"Isn't this a joke?"

"That's right, the official thought we could get [-]% back!"

A group of ministers exploded in an instant, and there was a commotion. The little doll who had only practiced archery for a few months went up to compete. Isn't this courting death?
The eyebrows of the emperor's anger trembled. Is this to continue to be ashamed?
"Hahahaha! Is there no one in your Muchen Kingdom? Send a baby who has just practiced archery for three months to compete? Is this a plan to lose to our contract?"

The envoy laughed wildly. Sure enough, they came in the right way this time. As long as they suppress their prestige, will they worry about not getting the contract to cede the city?
Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds to get a city and send a beauty away!
Mo Xun was not angry even being ridiculed, and said unhurriedly: "Since the envoy is so confident, then let's see the real chapter in the martial arts competition, please!"

"Hahaha! Then please!" The envoy laughed wildly and went to the martial arts arena.

People who love to watch the excitement followed the emperor to the martial arts field.

Mo Xun followed Long Yao, squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "Yao Yao, I will definitely not embarrass you."

Long Yao poked his forehead dotingly, "It's not to embarrass me, but don't embarrass yourself. From now on, this world will be yours."

In this world, even if she wanted to grab it, she would grab it and give it to him.

Mo Xun nodded, "Oh! I will definitely give you the world, so that you can walk sideways no matter where you go, and you don't have to worry about being bullied anymore, and you don't have to look at anyone's face anymore."

This is the result of Mo Xun's desire to fight for the world, he is not for the [-]th or [-]th position, he just wants to give Yaoyao a free world.

"Okay! I believe in you." Even without this world, she would have a good life, as long as she understood his sincerity in her heart.

"Yeah." Mo Xun took Long Yao's hand, and happily jumped to the martial arts arena.

He wants to earn face for Yaoyao today!

"Go! Since he is so crazy, let them know what is the craziest!"

Although Mo Xun has only practiced archery for a few months, it is Long Yao who can't help but teach!Now his archery skills are invincible in the entire Mu Chen Kingdom.

"Of course! Look at me!"

Mo Xun took his own bow and arrow from Xiao Lizi's hand, and the appearance looked ordinary. Could the things Long Yao gave him be ordinary things?
Of course not!

The envoys of the Flying Eagle Kingdom felt it was unfair when they saw that Mo Xun was using his own bow and arrow.

"You guys can't afford to lose, right? Is it really okay to cheat like this with the bows and arrows I'm used to?"

The envoy's muscles trembled as he laughed.

This is really not afraid of embarrassment!Is it really okay for a big country to be so vulnerable?
Those who watched the excitement also raised their foreheads. Isn't this embarrassing?What kind of trouble is this?
Mo Xun walked over with a cold face, "It's not that I don't use other bows and arrows, it's because those bows and arrows are vulnerable and can't bear my strength. If the envoy thinks there is something wrong with me using my own bow and arrow, then Please ask the envoy to test it for himself."

Mo Xun threw the bow and arrow to the envoy.

The envoy originally thought it was such a great bow and arrow, so he didn't pay attention to it.The moment he received the bow and arrow, the envoy staggered under the weight of the bow and arrow.

The envoy was secretly startled, what kind of material is this bow and arrow?Why is this thing so heavy?
No wonder I saw two young eunuchs carrying the bow and arrow just now.

Little Lizi is still rubbing his sore arm!

His arm was almost broken by the weight of the bow and arrow just now!
"What kind of bow and arrow are you?" Unconvinced, the envoy tried to pull it twice, but it couldn't move at all.

Now the envoy's expression became a little unnatural, and the audience outside the venue didn't understand why.

These two don't seem to be at war, why are they chatting like good brothers?
Mo Xun picked up the bow and arrow with one hand, "This is the bow and arrow I usually use for practice. Since the envoy refuses to admit defeat, let's start the competition!"

The envoy didn't want to lose face, so he pretended to be calm and said, "Then let's start!"

He didn't believe that a child could draw this bow and arrow!

"The two sides have three chances to compete, whoever hits the most bull's-eye will win!"

Li Delu explained the rules of the game on the sidelines, which were the same rules for the three rounds just now.

"Then come!" The envoy took the lead in shooting with his bow, and shot the first arrow.

The envoy's archery skills were really good, and the first arrow hit the bull's-eye.

Mo Xun calmly picked up three arrows.

Everyone was slightly taken aback, is this going to shoot three arrows at once?

"This?" The emperor didn't believe that he could hit the target, even the original General Qi didn't have such ability.

The three arrow feathers flew across like shooting stars and nailed to the target.

"Okay!" Liu Guogong sat in the wheelchair, and his boring eyes became brighter.

He couldn't help but applaud loudly, he couldn't help admiring his archery skills at such a young age.

"Good! Good!" The emperor couldn't help being excited, and his heart was full of blood.

The comparison is who has more arrows nailed on the bull's-eye, and now Mo Xun is leading.

The envoy's face was ugly, why was he careless?
How could this kid draw such a heavy bow and arrow?

"Envoy, it's your turn!"

Mo Xun smiled and showed his small white teeth. It is not so easy to win against him.

The envoy coughed in embarrassment, and said stiffly: "Watch more! I don't believe you can shoot three arrows at once next time!"

The envoy gritted his teeth and shot two more arrows.

Two more arrow feathers were nailed to the target, which was the maximum amount of arrow feathers he could shoot at one time.

The envoy raised his chin proudly, he could also shoot two shots at once, is it equal now?

Mo Xun calmly took out a black ribbon from his bosom and covered his eyes, Yaoyao said, let them know what madness is!
Three arrows hit the bowstring, and the bow and arrow shot again and landed on the target accurately.

Mo Xun took off the black ribbon, his red lips raised slightly, "Is it better?"

Anyone with a discerning eye will know that the victory and defeat have been divided.

Even if the envoy shoots a few more times, he will not be able to catch up.

(End of this chapter)

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