Chapter 544 Glass Cup

The emperor didn't understand what Long Yao said about the soil quality problem, but he noticed that Long Yao seemed to understand very well the firing of porcelain.

"Do you know how to burn porcelain?"

The emperor wondered, who did this woman belong to?Not only is embroidery unrivaled, but the craftsmanship of jewelry making is also unmatched. Now that she can fire porcelain, what else can she not know?

Now that such a talent is in the palace, it seems unreasonable not to use it.

"Yes! I can also burn glass!" Long Yao is not modest, these things are not difficult for her.

If she wants to further protect herself in this palace, she must grasp the economic lifeline of Mu Chen Kingdom. If these things are fired, she will be the savior of the entire Mu Chen Kingdom.

"Liu Li! Are you sure!" The emperor was quite frightened by her words, Liu Li is a priceless item in Muchen Kingdom. '

He keeps every glazed bead as a treasure, what if there are more colored glazes?

"Of course, glass is more difficult to make than porcelain, but officials can do it too."

Talking, Long Yao went to the kitchen and took out a glass cup. The cup was not as transparent as the modern ones, and there were some dark red chaotic patterns on the cup. Not bad.

"This? This is colored glaze?" The emperor held the colored glaze cup and couldn't put it down. A colored glaze bead the size of a thumb was already a sky-high price. How could there be such a big cup here?
"Beautiful! So beautiful! This is the most beautiful glass I have ever seen."

The emperor wiped the cup with the sleeve of his dragon robe, wishing he could keep it for himself.

The corner of Long Yao's mouth twitched, this emperor seems to be a collector!

"Since His Majesty likes it, I will give it to His Majesty."

This kind of cup with impurities is not rare for her, it's just something she uses to practice her hands.

Here she discovered the material for making glass, the purity is not high, and the glazed glass made by firing is amazing enough.

This can only be done under limited conditions.

"Really give it to me? Hahaha! Great! This is much more valuable than my two glazed beads!"

The emperor had already forgotten why he came to find Longyao today, so he held the cup carefully for fear that it would break in the next moment.

After watching it for a long time, I realized that this was made by Longyao? "Are you going to make money with white porcelain and colored glaze?"

If they can have such glass, will they still worry about the treasury not being filled?

Long Yao nodded, "That's exactly what I plan to do! I still need His Majesty's support. As a young female officer, I'm already struggling here. If I come out again, I'm afraid I won't survive tomorrow."

She took the risk to do all this not for the sake of the emperor, but for Mo Xun. When he ascended the throne, he would not be troubled by the empty treasury.

During this period of time, she couldn't open the Dragon Ball box either, so she was idle, just looking for something to do.

"Great! If you can really make white porcelain and colored glaze, I will order you to go to the official kiln to be a female official, and I will give you an imperial edict that you can enter and leave the palace at will, and the official kiln will be handed over to you." Already!"

The official kiln is just an official kiln now, and the stewards in it study white porcelain all day long. After so many years, there is no progress at all.

If there is someone who can lead those people to study white porcelain, I believe his official kiln will be able to create new glories.

What Long Yao wanted was the emperor's words!
"Then it's settled!"

Long Yao also wanted to leave this place of disputes in the harem, it was just in time for her to go to the official kiln, and the women in the harem would find fault with her when they had nothing to do.

A few days ago, Tian Longyao went to the official kiln in the spare time when she was out of the palace to buy, and fired this glazed cup by the way. Those people in the official kiln were eagerly waiting for her to teach them how to make white porcelain and colored glaze. !

This is what Long Yao meant by slapping the emperor on the sidelines today, as long as the emperor agrees to her request, everything will be a matter of course for her to leave the palace.

three days later.

Zhao Congliang and Xiao Lizi arrived at Guanyao together in a carriage.

"Hey! Girl, how can you get used to living in such a mess?"

Xiao Lizi carried Long Yao's burden on his back, and he didn't forget to complain when he helped her out of the car.

Zhao Congliang knocked him on the back of the head, "You brat, girls can suffer, but you can't?"

The official kiln is too dirty, there is muddy water everywhere, and the craftsmen walking back and forth are also covered in dirt.

Li Wu, the steward of the official kiln, had already brought people to wait in the courtyard.

Seeing Longyao's carriage, Li Wu greeted him happily, "Hey! Auntie, please slow down!"

Li Wu was also a eunuch, and the craftsmen used in the official kiln were all eunuchs from the inner city. Unlike the folk pottery kilns, the official kilns were recruited from outside.

In the official kiln, eunuchs are used to keep the technology from leaking out.

"Guan Li, why did you change your address to me?"

When she first came to the official kiln to make the glazed cup, people here were very wary of her.

Li Wu, who was the leader, treated her even more furiously. It wasn't until she fired the glass cup that his attitude towards her took a 180-degree turn.

At the beginning, I took her to talk about some firing techniques, but later I was impressed by Long Yao's erudition, and I called her aunt directly in the meeting.

"Grandma, you don't know, the manager can't sleep well these days, and he's standing in the courtyard all day waiting for grandma to come!"

A round-faced little eunuch smiled.

The dozens of people here have all seen their aunts make colored glaze with their own eyes, and that is priceless colored glaze!Who wouldn't want to learn such a technique?
"Guard Li, are you afraid that I won't be able to run away?" Long Yao only felt physically and mentally relaxed here, which made her more comfortable than in that palace.

These people only admire capable people, and they won't just think about fighting for favor like those harem women.

"Isn't it? The last time I saw my aunt's skills, I couldn't sleep for several days! I was afraid that the emperor would not let me go, so wouldn't I be happy for nothing?"

Before leaving, Long Yao told them that she wanted to teach them how to make colored glaze!
Who is not moved!

"Don't worry! Am I here?"

Long Yao followed Li Wu to her residence, which was a very elegant small courtyard.

The wisteria flowers in the courtyard are in full bloom, exuding a burst of sweet fragrance. There is a small stone table under the flower stand, and it is a comfortable thing for several people to sit around drinking tea and chatting.

"Grandma, are you satisfied with this small yard? Those boys cleaned it for you."

In the official kiln, there are a bunch of old men, and suddenly a woman comes, and they can only do so much.

Long Yao is very satisfied with the environment here, it is quiet and quiet, "I am very satisfied, Xiao Lizi, let's clean up!"

"Okay!" Xiao Lizi is quite satisfied with this small courtyard, although it is not as good as Meihua Palace, it can still accommodate people.

Zhao Congliang also went to clean up their own house. This time the emperor sent them here to take care of Miss Yao.

None of the maids in the palace, Longyao, were brought along. Those were all sent by the Queen Mother and Concubine, and none of them were reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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