Chapter 545 Official Kilns
Long Yao looked in the courtyard, and there was a vegetable garden behind, which was exactly what she liked.

She is not used to eating those things outside, and she can farm by herself again!

This time she went out of the palace, she also picked the vegetables in Meihua Palace, and gave the emperor what she couldn't take away.

Three days later.

Holding a piece of white crystal, Long Yao was explaining to the artisans of the official kiln.

This is an essential thing for firing colored glaze, quartz.

Long Yao didn't expect that she could still find things like quartz in this place.

The craftsmen of the entire official kiln sat around Longyao, all holding a small notebook in their hands, carefully recording every word Longyao said.

This is to teach them the craft!

Whose family has a unique skill that is not hidden, for fear of being learned by others, it is good for my aunt to teach them all her skills!
Li Wu decided in his heart that she would be his master for the rest of his life!

It's not just him who thinks so, but the whole official kiln thinks so?

"Grandma, what do you mean by saying that white porcelain cannot be fired in our land because it contains too much iron?"

Can iron lumps still come out of this soil?
Long Yao nodded, "Indeed! Look."

There was a pile of soil on the table, and Long Yao held a magnet in his hand and sucked it around in the soil, and the magnet was covered with iron filings.

"This is the iron in the soil. If you don't suck it out, you can't see it, right?"

The magnet absorbs in the soil, and every time it will suck out some iron filings.

"Is this too amazing?"

"That's right! If we didn't use this magnet to absorb it once, we really wouldn't know that there is so much iron in this soil!"

"Then can we use this method to remove the iron foam in the soil?"

A group of people had a great time playing around a pile of soil, and it was the first time they saw that they could suck iron foam from the soil!
"It's possible, but it's a little troublesome!"

If white porcelain can be fired, there will be many orders in the future. If it is too troublesome to use a magnet to absorb the iron mottle in the soil.

"Then what should we do?" Li Wu was a little uncertain. If his aunt hadn't told them why they couldn't make white porcelain, they would still be at a loss.

Let them think of a way, their heads are froze, what are they thinking?

"Vinegar! We can use vinegar to remove the iron mottle in the excavated soil in advance."

Vinegar has the effect of corroding iron, coupled with magnets to absorb iron foam, the conditions for firing white porcelain must be met.

"Can this work?" Li Wu scratched his head. Can this method work?
Long Yao was not sure at the beginning, she dared to say so after trying many times, coupled with the magnetic adsorption effect, it could still meet the requirements.

"Let's get some for experimentation first."

Long Yao spoke, and a group of people couldn't wait to try it.

Seeing piles of porcelain clay, Long Yao grabbed a handful and looked at it, and sure enough there was a lot of iron foam inside.

Although the land around the imperial city is the best porcelain clay, the iron content in it is still uneven.

A group of people followed Long Yao and poured vinegar on the porcelain clay, waiting for the iron foam to be dissolved by the vinegar.

If white porcelain cannot be fired temporarily, let's fire colored glaze first!

After two months of hard work, the first batch of colored glaze has been fired successfully.

Looking at a set of glazed plates, Li Wu's eyeballs were about to hit the ground.

Long Yao is not very satisfied with these glazed plates, the patterns are still a bit messy, it is already very good to be able to bake them like this, let's just use it!

The first batch of glazed plates were sent to the palace, and the emperor was overjoyed, displaying them in the morning court for a long time.

The ruling and the opposition are in turmoil, and their country can also make colored glaze!

What is glass?That is a priceless treasure!
The news that the official kiln can make colored glaze has spread, and the whole country is in a state of excitement. Is their country able to make colored glaze?
With the first batch of colored glaze, there will be a second batch, and successive colored glazes will be sold in various treasure pavilions, and the price is still high.

The popularity of colored glaze hadn't subsided yet, and then white porcelain began to go on the market again.

The emperor was holding a white porcelain vase, showing off again in the morning.

Civil and military officials no longer know what to say, that woman has such great ability?
Some ministers were afraid that the woman would have cholera, and advised the emperor not to let her cover the sky with one hand.

The emperor didn't listen to the slander of those ministers at all, because Longyao's income from using the official kilns was all filled into the treasury, and those ministers wanted to get in to gain benefits but failed, so they attacked Longyao.

The emperor looked at the increasingly filling treasury, and didn't listen to those ministers at all, and still supported Long Yao to let go.

Years go by, day after year, eight years in a blink of an eye.

With the support of the porcelain and colored glaze industry, Muchen Kingdom's treasury is full, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

On the streets of the imperial city, a group of soldiers walked slowly on the street, surrounded by a young man in white on a white horse in front of him.

Sitting on the back of the horse, Mo Xun straightened his spine, and his beautiful face as cut by a knife made the world pale.

Wearing white clothes on him is like a god descending, and the corners of his lips will rise slightly because he thinks of something beautiful on his serious face.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty will choose a concubine for you when you return to Beijing."

Next to Mo Xun was Ning Yuan, the commander of Beiyuan Army.

At first glance, Ning Yuan looked like a romantic and suave boy, but he was never ambiguous when fighting, and he was known as the cold-faced Shura.

Mo Xun has been looking for the whereabouts of the Beiyuan army outside, and he found it in a valley.

The Beiyuan army recognized the master when they saw the token in his hand. They have been fighting with Mo Xun all these years and made great achievements, especially when dealing with Beidi. If the Beiyuan army hadn't arrived in time, The 20 soldiers of Mu Chenguo were about to die in Beidi.

It was also in this battle that the Beiyuan Army officially appeared in front of the world.

Mo Xun gave Ning Yuan a sideways look, "Why? Do you want a wife?"

The Beiyuan army lived in the valley all year round. Many of them had already married and established businesses, and their families also lived in the valley.

When the Beiyuan army was not fighting, they would farm and graze. When Mo Xun went there, what he saw was a beautiful picture of a paradise.

When Mo Xun left, he took half of the Beiyuan army with him, and left half of the Beiyuan army to protect those old and weak women and children.

Ning Yuan chuckled, "That's right! I haven't been separated from my wife for so long!"

The Beiyuan army has been the Beiyuan army for generations, and the next generation is also the Beiyuan army.

Ning Yuan also took over from his father's squad and became the commander of the Beiyuan Army.

He thought that he would stay in the valley for the rest of his life like his father did, but he didn't expect that they would go out of the valley to fight one day.

"Why don't you go back and replace the lieutenant general?"

Mo Xun laughed and teased him.

This guy talks about thinking about his wife, but in fact it is his wife who is fighting, right?

Don't look at his appearance as a weak scholar with a little white face, but his heart is dark!If you don't fight for a day, your skin will itch!
"Don't! Follow the prince to fight this time. If I didn't cheat him and lose the bet, he would be the one who came out with the prince. I'd better continue to fight with the prince obediently!"

When Ning Yuan thought of his lieutenant general, he wished he had to go back to the valley. His lieutenant general was not only his lieutenant general, but also the military advisor of the Beiyuan Army, and even his good buddy. That guy was even more aggressive than him. He lost the bet, so why not hunt him down for three days and three nights?
(End of this chapter)

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