Chapter 192

Wang Ke sneaked to a corner of the garden, regardless of whether the ground was dry or not, and lay down as soon as she turned over, closed her eyes comfortably, and relaxed her whole body. Wang Ke thought about waiting for a recovery before getting up to greet the guests.

Just when Wang Ke was feeling very dazed, his father, Wang Si, roared in his ears: "Stinky boy, come here to be a cat. You can't find it everywhere! Get out of here, my lord!" Looking for you!"

As soon as Wang Ke heard that Comrade Li Er was looking for her, she quickly turned over and jumped up, and said to Wang Si with a smirk, "Father, you are tired, just take a rest! Hehe."

Wang Si glanced at Wang Ke, turned around and left without saying a word.

Wang Ke followed behind honestly, but she was thinking in her heart: "What is Comrade Li Er asking me for? Don't tell me that he came here today to tell me something. I don't have the heart to talk to him today. , I'm almost exhausted!"

The two father and son walked into Wang Ke's living room one after the other. Wang Si first said to Comrade Li Er: "Your Majesty, Ke'er was outside to greet guests, so she came late, so please forgive me!"

Wang Si will definitely not tell Comrade Li Er at this time, where he found Wang Ke, and what Wang Ke is doing, if he does, who knows what will happen to Comrade Li Er, no one will know about this matter. It may be known, but it may not be expected.

How could Wang Ke not know that Wang Si was covering for himself, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "The emperor forgives the sin, I just greeted all the adults outside, so I made the emperor wait. I don't know why the emperor asked the minister. ?”

Wang Ke wants to be consistent with what Wang Si said, and the other is that he is not afraid that his words will be misunderstood. Comrade Li Er will never go outside and ask these ministers for such a trivial matter. Knowing that this kind of thing will never happen, Wang Ke certainly won't be afraid.

Comrade Li Er can only believe the words of the two fathers and sons of the Wang family. He has no other choice but to believe. Just as Wang Ke thought, he can't ask outside ministers to confirm Wang Ke's opinion for such a trivial matter. Ke didn't lie.

Comrade Li Er waved his hands and said, "Wang Qing, you can sit down first, and I will come and ask your kid."

Wang Si was also a member of the family who was looking for Wang Ke everywhere just now, but he met him. He heard that Comrade Li Er was looking for Wang Ke, so he ran around to find Wang Ke, and he had no idea what Comrade Li Er was looking for Wang Ke for. I know, when I heard Comrade Li Er tell me to sit down, I could only quickly walk to the side and sit down, leaving Wang Ke there alone, standing alone facing Comrade Li Er's question.

Comrade Li Er was teasing Wang Ke's son who was sitting in the cart, and asked Wang Ke, "Boy, how long has my grandson been born?"

Wang Ke didn't expect Comrade Li Er to ask this question suddenly. He didn't understand whether Comrade Li Er had a bad memory or did it on purpose. On the day Nanping gave birth, the family had already sent people to find Changsun Wuji and Fang Xuan. Ling took the words and told Comrade Li Er that Nanping was going to give birth, and today it was explained that it was a full moon wine. This is a fool who knows that the child has been born for a month.

But Comrade Li Er asked about it, and Wang Ke couldn't help but answer, so he had to answer honestly: "Your Majesty, my subject has been born for more than a month. On the day the princess gave birth, I asked my eldest grandson and uncle Fang to report to the emperor. of."

The meaning of Wang Ke's words is very clear, you know about this, what do you mean by asking now?Do you still want to say that I didn't tell you?That is impossible!If you want to use this to find fault with me, it's impossible. Let me make it clear first, and it's up to you what to do!
Who knew that Comrade Li Er didn't say anything to Wang Ke on this question at all. This question was just an introduction to Comrade Li Er's questioning, and what Comrade Li Er was going to ask next was the focus of his questioning.

Comrade Li Er deliberately pretended to know nothing and asked: "Then what is the name of my grandson? I have been here for a long time, but I don't know what my grandson's name is. Boy, tell me, that's good." Let me know how to call my grandson."

As soon as Wang Ke heard that Comrade Li Er wanted to ask this question, he secretly said in his heart: "Hey, I just don't know how to bring this up to you, so you brought it to my lips, very good!"

Wang Ke immediately put on a painful expression and said: "Your Majesty, I haven't figured out the name yet. The Emperor also knows that this child's name is related to his whole body. It's not easy to choose it without careful consideration." I don't have the foresight of the emperor, so it's very difficult for me. The emperor just came today. I hope the emperor can understand my painstaking efforts and solve this problem for me. How should I say, this child is also the grandson of the emperor, isn't he! "

In a word, Wang Ke pushed the matter to Comrade Li Er, and then the entire Wang family realized why Wang Ke had been waiting for this opportunity for so long in not naming the child!

After hearing Wang Ke's words, Nanping immediately understood that she must be on Wang Ke's side at this time. For Comrade Li Er, this Nanping was a married daughter, the water that was thrown out.It is absolutely impossible to be consistent with Comrade Li Er at such a critical moment.

At this time, Nan Ping was sitting beside Comrade Li Er, and took advantage of the situation to hug Comrade Li Er's arm, shaking it, and coquettishly said: "Father, you can name your daughter's child! General I’ve been worrying about this for a while.”

Comrade Li Er wanted to talk to Wang Ke at first, but he was shaken by Nanping, so he didn't know anything.In addition, Concubine Shugui felt sorry for her daughter (I don't know if she also felt sorry for Wang Ke, the son-in-law), and kept begging for Nanping on the sidelines, which made Comrade Li Er really think that this matter is none other than himself.

Seeing Comrade Li Er tilting his head and thinking hard about how to give this child a nice name, Wang Ke was overjoyed. He didn't expect that Comrade Li Er could be put on so easily, and Nanping also What made Wang Ke most happy about cooperating so tacitly with him was that Nanping's concubine Shu Guifei also helped to coax him, and directly sent Comrade Li Er into the trap set by him.

Comrade Li Er thought about it, and thought of several names, but he didn't feel good. After all, he looked at this issue from the standpoint of the royal family. He felt that the boy's name must be grand and resounding. In this way, Comrade Li Er was also passed the test, so he believed Wang Ke's words that it was not easy to choose a name.

Wang Ke was unwilling to delay so many people's time because Comrade Li Er couldn't come up with a name right away, so he secretly made a peace gesture to Wang Si.

Now Wang Si and Wang Ke are already familiar with such small movements, Wang Si immediately understood, turned around and clasped his fists to Comrade Li Er and said, "Your Majesty, it's not too early now, you can think about the name of the child slowly, Your Majesty." , there is no need to rush this moment, Yichen sees it, let's eat first."

Comrade Li Er actually had a headache thinking about it, but he thought it was hard to say anything else because he didn't think about it. Now that Wang Si said this, he just took advantage of the slope to get off the donkey, agreed repeatedly, and stood up immediately, without waiting for Wang Si. Si or Wang Ke led the way, and went outside by themselves.

Wang Si and Wang Ke hurriedly followed and walked out with Comrade Li Er, while Nan Ping and Mrs. Wang accompanied Empress Changsun and Concubine Shu, pushing Wang Ke's son to walk slowly behind.

As soon as Comrade Li Er and the two empresses came out, the ministers who had been standing together in twos and threes immediately knelt down, looking as far as the eye could see, the whole courtyard of Wang Ke's house was full of darkness.

At this time, Comrade Li Er didn't know whether he was used to it or what, he waved his hand to make everyone calm down and said: "Today is my grandson's full moon day, and all the ministers are busy working for the country on weekdays. Express your thanks. If you are not in court today, you don’t have to be formal, just let it go.”

Comrade Li Er's words made Wang Ke both angry and happy, so angry that the meaning of Comrade Li Er's words made people feel that today's guest seemed to be invited by Comrade Li Er; the happy one was Comrade Li Er These words also invisibly let Baiguan understand that Comrade Li Er valued his son very much, and it would make it easier for him to mess around in the court in the future.

Wang Ke's house is now entertaining guests, and everyone who has been here knows that it is not like other people's houses, how many people sit at a table, but the method called buffet invented by Wang Ke (others think that this eating method was invented by Wang Ke), People who know the procedure will naturally pick up the plate to choose what they like to eat. After filling it, a few people who are close to each other will stand or squat together, talking and laughing, and eating. Scoop, learn to move.

Of course, it goes without saying that there is a gang of old killers, and there is no need to say hello. A few people hold wine, a few people take vegetables, and they sit together and start munching.

Comrade Li Er and his group still follow the old rules, get a little of each dish, go to the table specially prepared for them, sit down, eat slowly, and from time to time chat with the old or old people who came forward. Just say a few words and have a drink.

Wang Ke, on the other hand, carried a glass of processed wine and wandered around, chatting with this one and that one, and after going around for a while, he came to Comrade Li Er to accompany him to have a conversation, and saw that what he said was almost the same, He ran away immediately to find his group of friends headed by Li Ke and started messing around.

After the meal, as usual, the table was moved out, mahjong was placed on the table, a large pile of poker was put aside, and everyone was allowed to choose their favorite to play.

Now the officials of the Tang Dynasty, big and small, are already familiar with the entertainment methods of these two games, so you don’t have to be polite. They find a few like-minded people and start playing on their own. Anyway, they already know that in Wang Ke If you come from the mansion, you will have two meals at noon and one meal at night, and the free time is just for fun.Everyone couldn't see anyone leaving, and they all worked hard, enjoying this rare opportunity to gather.

(End of this chapter)

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