Chapter 193

After these few treats by Wang Ke, Wang Ke has gotten to know almost all the senior officials in the court, and he has a group of younger brothers who surround him. Now Wang Ke is more important than his father Wang Si in the court. He eats a lot, and everyone who sees Wang Ke will nod his head. There are many kinds of names. Those who are close to each other are called nephews, those who are close to each other are called Marquis or son-in-law. Called Master Xiao Wang, a group of younger brothers are of course directly called Brother Wang.

Every day when Wang Ke walks in various departments, everyone who sees him will say hello, and Wang Si's eyes are straightened.He couldn't figure out where his son got such a good popularity. In just over a year, he managed to get along like this. It was better than his old minister who had been in the court for more than 20 years. moisturizing.

In fact, it's just that Wang Si doesn't know Wang Ke's thoughts. Wang Ke is making good friends in the court now, and it's nothing more than to help Li Ke get the position in the future, so that more people can wave the flag and cheer behind to strengthen his momentum.

Li Ke didn't understand Wang Ke's behavior very clearly, but he could vaguely feel it, because he also heard that when Wang Ke talked to others, he brought the topic to himself, and then there was a burst of praise , This has also greatly changed his image in the minister's mind. He is no longer the absurd prince who only knows how to play and enjoy himself as before, but a thoughtful and capable young talent.

Li Ke felt that when ministers saw him now, they no longer respected him perfunctorily because of his status before, but sincerely respected talented people as they did before.This kind of feeling made Li Ke trust Wang Ke more, and he also obeyed Wang Ke's ideas for him.

Wang Ke's actions made his opponent even more unhappy, because Wang Ke's pride means suppressing them. For the long-term recognition of being superior, now he suddenly finds that no one is talking about himself. All he cares about is another person, and this person is the person he hates the most. It is conceivable that this kind of feeling is unbearable for anyone.

However, because my position is too sensitive, if I act by myself, it will definitely attract more attention. Regarding this issue, some people have been unable to do it for a long time, but it is not what I want to see Wang Ke being so high-profile all the time. , In desperation, I had no choice but to find someone close to me to advise me.

As for Wang Ke, there will definitely not be only one or two people who hate him. There are many people who can't get a share of it. The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. Wang Ke is no exception, and it will definitely attract others. Resentment, and not all of Wang Ke's deadly enemies are ordinary little people.Even he himself knew that it was okay to ignore other people, but he had to guard against these two people. They were the crown prince Li Chengqian and the left guard commander Hou Junji.

Needless to say, the prince, everyone knows that this is a mountain that cannot be touched, but Wang Ke is a little overwhelmed and wants to dig him out. Several fights, it seems that Wang Ke has won, but in fact he did not move. Obtaining the prince's hair, at most, will make the prince's impression in Comrade Li Er's mind worse, but at least until now, the prince's status is still unbreakable. Wang Ke is quite clear about this, but he can't Just take it easy, after all, Comrade Li Er is there to cover it, it is not so easy to get it.

As for Hou Junji, Wang Ke felt that he had been wronged, but it was because one of Hou Junji's subordinates made a mistake, Hou Junji hated himself, and he was still helping him at that time. From Ke's point of view, what is this all about? I offended a close minister of Comrade Li Er for no reason.You must know that the left guard guards the palace, and it is impossible for the commander of this army not to be a close friend of Comrade Li Er to get this position.

Wang Ke also knew that Hou Junji was one of the five core members who participated in the "Xuanwumen Incident" and played a key role in supporting Comrade Li Er's ascension to the throne, otherwise Comrade Li Er would have He would not be given such an important position as guarding the palace.Although Comrade Li Er's view of Hou Junji has changed somewhat now, but this is only a small part of the trust, and it can almost be ignored.

In the face of these two opponents, Wang Ke did not dare to relax in the slightest. He knew that it was very difficult for him to deal with them, but it was very easy for them to deal with him. The last time they fought, it was just them I didn't choose a good starting point, otherwise I wouldn't let myself be freed so easily, and I also got some benefits by the way.

Of course, after what happened last time, Wang Ke also knew that this would also teach them some lessons. If there is such an opportunity next time, he would not want to run away so easily.So now Wang Ke is always careful not to let himself make any mistakes.For the fight, Wang Ke can only wait now, he doesn't have the ability to take the initiative to attack, he can only use defense to eliminate the unfavorable factors.

But no matter how careful you are, if this thing is going to happen, it will still happen, and it will not disappear without a trace just because you are cautious. Even a small thing, as long as it is in the eyes of caring people, it can become A fuse that hits the opponent.

In the early morning of this day, Wang Ke drove to the palace as usual, and when he got to the gate of Suzaku, he met a group of soldiers walking over.Wang Ke saw that the person riding in front of him was Hou Junji in the uniform of a marshal. Wang Ke slowly parked the car aside, and raised his hand to salute Hou Junji when he passed by.

Regarding this point, Wang Ke, who was born in a military camp, still understands that no matter whether he is a son-in-law or a prince, his rank or position in the army cannot be compared with it. As long as he wears a military uniform for a day, he must Following the system of Tiantian's army, he had to salute when he saw Hou Junji.Unless I am no longer in the army and I no longer wear the military uniform on my body, or Hou Junji was arrested for assisting the prince Li Chengqian in the construction, as in the official history, then I don't have to salute him.

Hou Junji rode on the horse, cast a sidelong glance at Wang Ke, did not return the salute, and did not speak. Instead, he glanced at the car parked behind Wang Ke, and then walked away.

Wang Ke put down his hands, he was not surprised that Hou Junji didn't return the gift to him, but when Hou Junji took a look at his car, he felt a little puzzled, he didn't know what was wrong with the car he parked.

Seeing Hou Junji go away, Wang Ke walked around his car, feeling that there was nothing wrong with it, and couldn't figure out why, so he got into the car and drove it outside Li Jing's office.

When they came to Li Jing's office, Wang Ke told Li Jing what happened just now. Li Jing didn't understand what was going on, so he dragged Wang Ke to the place where Wang Ke had just parked.

After Wang Ke only showed Li Jing the specific parking spot, Li Jing couldn't help but change his expression, and said to Wang Ke repeatedly: "Nephew, you are in trouble now, where you don't stop, why do you just stop at the parking spot?" Here it is!"

Wang Ke didn't understand. Is there any difference in where it stops?Besides, this car doesn't stop right away, it has to slide forward for a short distance anyway, isn't this also a problem?

Wang Ke asked Li Jing puzzled: "Uncle, can't we stop here? I saw Hou Shuai approaching, so I immediately slowed down and stopped here. Could it be that I ignored him and just drove away?" , that is not acceptable!"

Li Jing shook his head and said, "Nephew, it's right for you to drive away. At worst, just say that you have no respect, and the emperor reprimands you, but it's not that simple when you stop here. The problem is, do you know that you park in this seat, but only the emperor can stand, and no one is allowed to stay here!"

Wang Ke looked at Li Jing suspiciously and said, "My nephew doesn't know, no one has ever told my nephew about this!"

Li Jing pointed at the place with a regretful expression on his face and said: "Nephew, think about it, the last time the crown prince went on tour, did the emperor stand here to give a speech for the crown prince? All of us stood away from here, and no one dared to step forward Go over here!"

Wang Ke recalled the scene at that time. It seemed that it was true as Li Jing said. When he told Comrade Li Er that he would donate his own money and food, it seemed that he was outside this piece of land. It was a coincidence.What made Wang Ke feel that what Li Jing was talking about was the fact that on the day the crown prince went on tour, before Comrade Li Er came out, all the ministers stood here. local.

At that time, because I was chatting with people, I didn't care about this problem. Now that Li Jing said it, Wang Ke knew that I really got into trouble today!Immediately, beads of sweat came out of his head. It was a thousand calculations, and he didn't think that such a thing would happen to him today.

In later generations, this is not a big deal, as long as it is a forbidden place, there are instructions, and there are not so many taboos about a broken place.

But it’s different now. In this era, there is a lot of emphasis. Many of them are not publicly announced, but some things that have been agreed for a long time. I don’t understand these things at all. The second comrade will not care about himself, but today's matter can't be explained clearly. If he is serious, the guy who eats like himself may fall to the ground.

Li Jing looked at Wang Ke whose face changed drastically, and knew that he had understood the stakes. He patted Wang Ke on the shoulder and said, "Nephew, hurry up and find your father. Your father is by the emperor's side every day. Look at him." Is there any way to deal with this matter, if there is any way, maybe there will be a turnaround. My nephew, don't waste time with this old man, go quickly."

Now Wang Ke had no idea, and hurriedly drove to Wang Si's place.

(End of this chapter)

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