mechanical corpse

Chapter 105 The turmoil begins

Chapter 105 The Turmoil Begins ([-])
Chapter [-] The Turmoil Begins ([-])
A giant iron armored machine that could be called a behemoth, like a drunk who accidentally drank too much, staggered and wandered around in a blur.Xiong Fei's automatic return system doesn't work as usual, maybe Liang Yurou's mental power is too huge, she still has a lot of control over this huge monster, but she has never piloted this kind of mech before; This thing has always been custom-made, and it can be regarded as complementary to the driver. Even if other people get it, it is difficult to control it perfectly in a short period of time; besides, Miss Liang has only a half-knowledge about the use of her own spiritual power.Therefore, even if she clearly has more than [-]% of the control right now, it is still difficult to stop this guy from staggering and punching drunkenly. It seems that there are no rules to follow, but in fact he is very persistent and moving forward firmly in one direction. ...

"Boom——" Smoke and dust were everywhere along the road, and there was constant noise.The two-story steel giant "drank too much" and spread "drinking madness", and the destructive power it caused was self-evident.Fortunately, there were no survivors in this area. Even a few scattered people who were searching for supplies would have fled without a trace when they heard the loud noise.

On the contrary, there are some high-level walking corpses with no brains, fast corpses, who can keep up with the speed, and are extremely excited to hear such a huge noise. Like a group of maned dogs smelling blood...

If someone is willing to observe a little more in detail, they will be able to see a real giant dog (of course not a mane dog) among the large group of walking corpses - a giant Xiaoer, grinning his mouth, scarlet His two tongues stick out long, and under the command of the human lying on his back, he quietly and quickly hides among the dust and rotting corpses in the sky, and is tightly attached to the running corpse like a tail. behind.

Jiang Ping was unwilling to let Liang Yurou lose a part of his spiritual power inexplicably. He didn't like it very much.Fortunately, Liang Yurou said that her mental power is strong enough, even if she is too far away from her main body, she will still have her own consciousness in it within a day or two, and it will not dissipate for no reason.Therefore, Jiang Ping, who was the most powerful in battle, quietly followed up with Xiao Er, who was the fastest runner.

Recovering Liang Yurou's mental strength is naturally one aspect, but Jiang Ping's real goal is to chase after this high-tech guy's lair and get in touch with the person behind this iron lump.After all, if you want to fully understand your physical condition, it is not something that genius Xiaopang can solve with two broken scalpels...

Naturally, Jiang Ping and his group encountered some situations. Just from the giant corpse hunter, it is enough to see that at least there is an external force that has entered Wenhan City very strongly without anyone noticing it!It's just that, suddenly, a greater fluctuation began to unfold without warning among all the survivors in Wenhan City——

The first person to notice this was a guy called "Six Sons", who was a subordinate of "Poison Jackal" Song Zhe, who originally belonged to the largest group of survivors in Wenhan City, and his life was not comfortable.On the contrary, he can be regarded as an outstanding representative of the bottom people in the last days.No identity, no status, no strategy, no force, being able to survive is just a little more luck than ordinary people.Or, as humble as he is, even the god of death has naturally chosen to ignore it...

As usual, when it was time for lunch, Liu Zi tremblingly held a red plastic basin that could not be said to be a lunch box or a washbasin with his ten fingers that were not much thicker than a toothpick.With all his strength, he squeezed a smile out of his wretched, shriveled face that was not much better than a skeleton.Even though the intention was to laugh, the smile was cautious, with three points of flattery, three points of flattery, three points of awe, and a little bit of bitterness that he couldn't detect, and he grinned at the owner of the spoon with all his strength.

Being able to be a cook in a team of survivors in the last days must be the greatest wish of many little people like the six sons.Obviously, the cafeteria master is in a really good mood today, as usual, with a blank face like a beggar, he has a slight gap in his six sons, and he hasn't washed it much, and there is still a small layer of fine dirt in the basin. After throwing a spoonful of porridge soup in the "rice bowl".Under the eyes of the six sons who were incomparably surprised, the spoon, which was no less than a life-saving straw, was extended into the soup bucket again, and it was deeply pierced in, and a spoonful of thick and absolutely delicious porridge soup was scooped up again. Added it!

The master was not surprised to see this skinny young man, choked his throat, wanted to thank him with excitement but couldn't speak, he could only bow and nod to himself desperately, and held the lunch box carefully, for fear that something might happen to him. Be careful to spill a drop of soup.He was originally happy because his beautiful daughter was "fortunate" by a little boss again today and brought back a few catties of white flour, but he was suddenly hit by this young man's actions.

Perhaps it was the stagnant pool of heart that hadn't trembled for a long time, and for no reason there was a trace of bitter ripples.Damn, this world-shattering way!The master suddenly waved weakly at the young man who was grateful to him, and motioned him to leave quickly. For some reason, he suddenly didn't enjoy the feeling of being in awe of others...

Naturally, Liu Zi would not notice the slightly bitter and pitiful eyes of the master chef, he just stared at the rice bowl in his hand, and took a few steps cautiously, like a greedy child who just stole a box of candy, lightly Gently took two sips of "Herod" along the edge of the basin.Even if it was an act that seemed extremely rude before the end of the world, he felt extremely happy doing it now.

Ha, you can have a full meal today!
Liu Zi was a little pitiful and cried out in surprise in his heart, in fact, how could this little food fill the stomach of an extremely hungry young man?

There was actually nothing in the porridge, and the rice used to make the porridge was slightly moldy, and there was not much rat droppings. After all, Song Zhe and his party occupied the national granary.However, the clear soup and lack of water really seemed a bit lacking for an adult.

Liu Zi carefully held the rice bowl and sucked it slowly. After staying in the last days for so long, he obviously knew how to eat to give people the greatest sense of fullness.Gobbling is not the best way to eat. He can drink a small bowl of porridge for half an hour. Every grain of rice is tasted carefully before swallowing carefully.

Liu Zi even regretted that the first two sips were a little too fast. Although the meal seemed to be twice as much as usual, how could it stand such a waste!
The six sons "Herod" carefully ate the porridge, but regretted it with mixed feelings...

"Boom..." For some reason, the ground seemed to tremble slightly. He hid at the entrance of the air-raid shelter with a rice bowl in his hand, and joined everyone in the dark air-raid shelter hesitating whether to return.

Before he could do anything else, some dust on the roof of the cave fell down like rain.Liu Zi hurriedly bent over to protect the rice bowl, for fear of ruining his good meal.

However, the moment he lowered his head, a sharp claw directly pierced his lower abdomen.A mutated zombie with seven arms appeared in front of Liu Zi without warning.

The sixth son glanced at the zombie in front of him expressionlessly, there was no panic in his eyes, and there was a little relief-like pleasure in the calmness.

"It would be great if I drank that bowl of porridge just now..." Six sons sighed with regret when there was still a trace of consciousness remaining...

"Boom——" His body was thrown against the wall, probably because he had been hungry for a long time, and he didn't bleed too much, instead, he was dry as if he had been dead for a long time.Even so, the group of minions following the seven-armed mutant corpse were like flies seeing carrion.A swarm of bees rushed over...

(End of this chapter)

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