mechanical corpse

Chapter 106 The turmoil begins

Chapter 106 The Turmoil Begins ([-])
Chapter [-] The Turmoil Begins ([-])

Countless terrified screams sounded from the deepest part of the air-raid shelter, and a group of zombies came from nowhere, like a tide, rushing towards the not-so-small air-raid shelter entrance, densely packed from a distance, like a group of zombies trapped in the entrance of the air-raid shelter. Like clogged ants.

Since it was lunch time, the precautions would naturally not be so cautious, and most of the people hiding here were a group of useless people who were not of high status.At best, they are just a group of cannon fodder that can be sacrificed at any time, or insignificant little people who are discarded.The so-called defense forces are mostly used to prevent these poor people from escaping secretly, and they are not considered combat power at all.

The master chef who just cooked for the six sons carefully took off his yellow and black "white coat" that had been soaked in all kinds of oil and vegetable dirt. I don't know whether it was worn by a doctor or a cook before. wear.The master has always regarded it as a symbol of his identity, as if wearing it can give him endless power.It was strange to say that he could never have imagined that he could easily decide a person's fate with just a small rice spoon in his hand.The skinny boy before bowed again and again as if he was flattered. Apart from making him feel a little bit sad, he felt an inexplicable pleasure when he recalled the grateful eyes of the other party.

Perhaps, he didn't realize that before he knew it, he already regarded himself as a real superior among these poor people...

"Old Liu, hurry up, something seems to have happened outside." A woman who still had some charm hurried over and shouted at him.

"What are you panicking about? I guess some guys fought over half a steamed bun again. What's worth it!" He shook his head disdainfully, still fiddling with the "work clothes" in his hand, and said, " You just came here, and you will understand the situation here after a few more days."

As if he had been there, he explained calmly, and he couldn't help but feel a little more angry when he looked at the woman.She has the right and power to fuck his daughter, so he naturally has certain "rights" to fuck other women. Although this woman is nearly forty years old, she must be the kind of woman with power and power before the end of the world. Well, he's still a white-collar worker.

Old Liu has been staring at her for a long time, he is very knowledgeable about current affairs, little girls dare not touch her, but this woman is not noticed by any powerful people.Today, taking advantage of the happy opportunity of the "son-in-law", I carefully mentioned a word, but I didn't expect that she would be promoted immediately and entered the kitchen with me.Hmph, she's a woman with no power and power, and she's an old man, who else can she rely on if she doesn't rely on herself!
Half showing off and half habitually tidying up the "white coat" he had taken off, Lao Liu looked at the woman with an obviously more aggressive look.

"I don't think so, the commotion this time is too loud..." The woman who was about to say something suddenly closed her mouth subconsciously, and Lao Liu lowered his head to sort out his "white" coat", but did not notice the horror in the woman's eyes.

"Ha, let me just say, don't look at my clothes are old and worn out, as long as it's on this foundation, no one would dare to look down on my clothes—" Old Liu Yangyang only had time to say half of his words, and his hands The familiar white, yellowed and blackened coat was instantly dyed a dark blood red...

"Ah—" There was another heart-piercing scream...

Of course, what happened to Liu Zi is not an isolated case.It's not just the thousands of people in this small air-raid shelter, it's not just the survivor bases under Song Zhe's sphere of influence, it may even be not just Wenhan City!

The dense, endless, tide-like tide of corpses that hadn't appeared for a long time gradually emerged in this dilapidated city full of holes for no reason...

"...The wave of corpses appeared suddenly. Although there is no sign, it is undoubtedly related to the group of Axe Technology. Moreover, the attack direction of the wave of corpses has certain regularity, especially the high-level zombies who take the lead , it seems that someone is secretly manipulating, and most of the attack directions are concentrated in a few relatively large survivor bases in Wenhan City..."

Feng Ziqian frowned slightly, a trace of doubt flitted across his beautiful but heroic face, his cherry lips parted slightly, and he asked, "Can you find a way to get in touch with Antarctica, Axe?" I am afraid that technology will make a big move in the future, and the headquarters must notify in advance!"

"No, I've tried many times. With our current communication system alone, dark magnetic waves can't reach that far, but..."

"But what?"

"However, in the black market occupied by Axe Technology, I detected a signal station large enough to definitely have the ability to send dark magnetic waves to the South Pole!"

Feng Ziqian frowned slightly. Fuzi Technology had been plotting in Wenhan City for a long time, and the government power he brought was only more than [-] people, and he had no strength to resist it.Looking at the current situation alone, Ax Technology must have some big moves, and even this wave of corpses cannot escape the dark hand of Ax Technology behind the scenes.

"What exactly are they trying to do?" Feng Ziqian frowned, forming a faint "Chuan" between his smooth brows.

"Boss Feng, should we find a way..." A soldier whispered, wanting to propose something.

"No!" Feng Ziqian shook his head resolutely, "Although we don't know what the opponent wants to do, it is our only advantage. Even if the opponent knows the existence of such a government army, we can It may not necessarily be able to calculate our specific strength."

"Hmph! Since they want to make some noise, we might as well wait and see what happens. The survivors in Wenhan City will send people to contact them secretly. There is no need to worry about those who have no eggs. Others are more or less For some purposes, try to let them know about the conspiracy of Axe Technology. These characters have been struggling for so long in this apocalypse by virtue of their own strength, and gathering together should cause some troubles for Axe Technology..."

Feng Ziqian's frown gradually relaxed. She never believed that there was any hopelessness in the world. Just like the man who was like a god of war she knew before, the world never belonged to the weak.Do your best, use all available resources, turn defeat into victory, dare not say, at least you can achieve the best results!

Thinking of this, under the circumstances that all the subordinates mistakenly think that their eyes are dazzled, a casual faint smile floats across the woman's iceberg-like face, just like a snow lotus quietly blooming on the Wannian Glacier...

(End of this chapter)

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