mechanical corpse

Chapter 107: Corpses Out of Cage!

Chapter 107: Corpses Out of Cage!

Chapter [-]: Corpses come out of the cage!
Jiang Ping followed all the way, and after a long time, he gradually realized some unusual changes around him.

At some point, densely packed countless walking corpses swarmed from all directions, consciously or unconsciously following the corpse hunter who was running wildly all the way, gathering more and more.It was the first time he had encountered such a large number of zombies in the days since he came to the end of the world. Even the last time he and Liang Yurou accidentally ran into a wave of corpses, there might not have been such a large number.

From Wang Qi, Jiang Ping also learned about the current basic situation. The zombies in this area of ​​Wenhan City were cleaned intentionally or unintentionally by the people of Ax Technology, and even a large part of them were led to the other end of the Yangtze River. .The reason why Ax Technology does this is of course not a high-sounding slogan like "for all human beings", but because it has the inevitable desire to control Wenhan City.

At this time, such a large number of zombies suddenly appeared. If it is not a special case, all the survivor forces in Wenhan City must face a catastrophe.

Jiang Ping leaned on Xiaoer's back, analyzing solemnly, Liang Yurou probably didn't need to worry, after all, Wang Qi was not a simple character, but his status as a high-level zombie was enough to deter countless walking corpses Infested.Just like Xiao Er, although Jiang Ping didn't know how the zombies radiated their aura, none of the densely packed Xun corpses around him dared to come up to Xiao Er's whiskers easily.After confirming this point, Jiang Ping made up his mind and decided to chase in the direction of the running corpse hunter.

His previous guess was really good. Although the trajectory of the giant corpse hunter was erratic, there was only one general direction.He straightened up slightly on Xiao Er's back, looked through the dusty sky, and the familiar silhouette of Yida Mall appeared in front of him...

"Sure enough!" Jiang Ping cried out inwardly. As expected, this thing was released from the black market or Fuzi Technology.

"Then, it wasn't just the poisonous jackal Song Zhe who attacked Huxin Island last night, or that guy could only be regarded as a little Luo at best. The real man behind the scenes turned out to be the ax that controlled the entire black market in Wenhan City. Technology!" Jiang Ping thought, and couldn't help feeling a little worried, Ax Technology is not an easy master to deal with.

Thinking like this, Xiao Er suddenly felt something wrong when he was sitting down, and his pace gradually slowed down, his body trembled slightly, as if he had encountered some natural enemy.

Jiang Ping got off from Xiao Er in some surprise, and looked behind him. Sure enough, after approaching the ruins like the "Eight Diagrams Array" that he had encountered before, there were thousands of densely packed behind him. The zombies were involuntarily nailed to the periphery, and no one dared to approach easily.

The giant corpse hunter also stopped in its tracks, turning and moving in place from time to time, like a drunken fist.It seems that the other party has released the control over the corpse hunter, and now the only driver of this steel giant is Liang Yurou who has a part of his mental power trapped inside.

At the moment when Jiang Ping was hesitating, Liang Yurou's voice sounded abruptly in the depths of his mind - "I've already come out! It's dangerous here!! Go away!!!"

Her voice was so abrupt that Jiang Ping instantly mistakenly thought that this disobedient little girl dared to chase all the way. Fortunately, he quickly realized that this should be the part of Liang Yurou's trapped mental power from hunting corpses. escaped from the victim's body.Since the other party had given up control of the corpse hunter, with Liang Yurou's mental strength, it didn't seem too difficult to escape.

"Hurry up, there are too many mutated corpses here, if you don't leave, it will be too late!" Liang Yurou became more and more anxious with each sentence. If it wasn't because she couldn't do anything, she might have dragged Jiang Ping to escape.

"Hmm--" Erha also turned his head and growled, with a look of approval.Samo was even more eager, and even directly lowered his head and bit Jiang Ping's trousers, as if he wanted to force him away.

"Xiao Rou, since your mental power has been released, you should be able to go back by yourself, right?" Jiang Ping asked in his mind.

"It should be right, but you can't be..." Liang Yurou asked doubtfully and worriedly.

"If you don't enter the tiger's lair, how can you catch tiger cubs!" Jiang Ping nodded, "Go back immediately and tell Yao Kun and the others about the situation here. Xiaoer and I will explore here again. Even if we can't beat them, at least we can get away. The strength is still there!"

"You don't know, inside..." Liang Yurou eagerly didn't know how to answer, but a very clear picture suddenly appeared in Jiang Ping's mind - dozens of halos of different sizes and colors in the distance "Eight Diagrams Formation" Flashed out of it, like a ghostly will-o'-the-wisp floating in the dark.

This is……

Did Liang Yurou "see" the situation?

Jiang Ping instantly understood why she was so anxious before. Inside the circular maze surrounding Yida Mall, there were dozens of spirit light clusters representing zombies scattered here and there.Just judging from the size and brightness of the mental light clusters, most of them are three points stronger than the fluctuations of Xiao Er!

No wonder this guy showed a timid look just now, and no wonder the wave of zombies following him all stopped by coincidence, and none of them dared to move forward easily.

"Xiaorou, can you see more clearly?" Jiang Ping tried to communicate with Liang Yurou in his mind.

"I don't have a carrier right now, I don't have time..."

The half-dream and half-awake feeling just now disappeared, and Jiang Ping realized that "Liang Yurou" had left his mind.

"Carrier?" He thought for a moment, then looked at the corpse hunter beside him, and sure enough, the iron giant, which had been motionless before, began to sway like drunk again.

"It's okay, this is just a part of the mental power just now, and I have taken back the rest. This little loss is still bearable, and I will drive this big guy back if I say anything today!" Before Jiang Ping opened his mouth to remind , Liang Yurou's mischievous voice began to come to mind again.Presumably, this little girl used the corpse hunter as a carrier to allocate a small part of her spiritual power to "control" this big guy again...

Jiang Ping shook his head helplessly, and was just about to refute, but who knows, the ground suddenly trembled, like a small earthquake.


Countless roars rang out, Xiao Er's legs kept swinging, her tail was clamped between her two hind legs for nothing, as if she was frozen——

In a place that Jiang Ping couldn't see, dozens of large and small zombies crawled out of the dark red ground one by one...

(End of this chapter)

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