mechanical corpse

Chapter 108 Chapter 140

Chapter 108 Chapter [-]
Chapter [-] Corpse Dance
The ground trembled uncontrollably, Jiang Ping looked up, and the cobweb-like formation composed of countless ruins that he drove by before began to collapse slowly, with rocks piercing the air and dust splashing everywhere. In a blink of an eye, the entire giant About half of the building collapsed...

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu入孻味咔哭crying.It's just that, although they all looked terrified, none of them ran away.

Jiang Ping didn't have time to react to the sudden change.As the corpse hunters ran all the way here, it was very easy to find the location of the mastermind behind the scenes. Unexpectedly, they couldn't even touch a single hair of him!
Fortunately, Liang Yurou's problem is not serious at this time, it's just that it's much easier for him and Xiao Er to get out.

Before Jiang Ping had time to do anything, he turned around and ran towards the group of zombies who didn't know how to escape.Before leaving, he didn't forget to grab Xiao Er's tail who was stupefied there with one hand, and dragged the silly dog ​​into the middle of the group of zombies involuntarily.

Perhaps it was because Xiao Er exuded the high-level zombie's "bastard" spirit, but the frightened zombies didn't dare to move, and one person and one dog mixed in.Jiang Ping hid his body, and randomly picked up some rotten meat and rags from the walking corpses on the side and piled them on his body, then his eyes were scattered like a zombie, and he moved forward without any fluctuation or purpose. look...


With a roar, the first thing Jiang Ping saw was a pair of blood-red eyes!The pupils are dark and bright red, and the entire eyeball is three times larger than that of an ordinary adult. Countless bloodshots are like densely packed twigs, distributed irregularly on the white sphere, and finally in the center of the sphere. The center converges into a bloody circle!
The owner of the bloody eyeball is a small thin zombie that is only about one and a half meters long, like a mummy crawling out of an Egyptian pyramid, with a petite body and two big eyeballs that are about to explode , people can't help but want to reach out to help him catch the two blood-red balls that are about to fall at any time...

"Woooo—" A group of zombies were crying and screaming, wanting to run but not daring to run, wanting to go but not daring to go up, timidly, keeping an awesome distance from this companion who just came out.

This guy is the closest zombie to Jiang Ping, and the same situation is happening around the entire giant circular fortification.A group of zombies crawled out of the ground in various forms, with countless variations in human form, and each of them had strength no less than that of zombies.

Jiang Ping hid among a group of small zombies, and carefully looked at the group of zombies that appeared suddenly.The people who contacted the ax technology in the black market before would lure countless walking corpses here intentionally or unintentionally every night, and then use their almost endless firepower to bombard and kill them.It seems that they are not only to collect the pitiful bit of dark energy, but also to secretly cultivate these zombies one by one like raising Gu!
No one cared about the whereabouts of the corpses of these killed zombies, and no one paid attention to why Ax Technology would hunt and kill ordinary zombies unscrupulously.It turned out that in the dark, they actually produced so many mutated zombies!
Moreover, looking at the appearance of these zombies, although each of them looks extremely ferocious, it lacks a kind of wildness that ordinary zombies have.Wei Wei looks a bit dull, even clumsy, which is an insult to advanced zombies above level [-]!
Could it be that these guys actually have the means to control these zombies!
Jiang Ping suddenly thought of an astonishing possibility. The other side spent so much effort, it was impossible to reduce the number of zombies in Wenhan City, or to cultivate a group of high-level zombies for research.Something above this scale is obviously considered a biological weapon!

"Hiss—" the big-eyed zombie let out an angry roar, as if he had received an order suddenly, and the giant eyeballs that were a little stunned suddenly shot out a fierce light of hunger and thirst.A hungry tiger pounced on it, grabbed a zombie without any explanation, and ate it desperately...

"Crackling——" the non-stop chewing sound began to ring in Jiang Ping's ears. It was unnecessary for high-level zombies to devour low-level zombies, but it was just to supplement some hidden energy.Jiang Ping didn't know why this group of guys who were obviously higher than other zombies by a whole level did this!
"Tud chug chug..." There was a sound of extremely fast rotation of the propeller, accompanied by the roar unique to the helicopter.Jiang Ping dodged the attack of a mutated corpse that was rushing towards him, looked up towards the sky, and a giant armed helicopter appeared in the sky...

"Report to Manager Sun, we have come to the eastern position above the corpse group, and found [-] modified corpses, please give instructions!" On the helicopter, a young man in ax technology uniform shouted into the communicator.

Not far away, at the top of Yida Mall, Manager Sun held a binoculars in one hand and a walkie-talkie in the other. He watched with satisfaction what was happening in front of him, nodded slightly, and said, "Feed one by one!"

"Received!" The young man yelled, and said to his companion, "I have received the order, and according to the plan, put food in order, the target, the first feeding point, put [-] blood eaters!"

"Obey!" The other person yelled, a little bit of unbearable meaning flashed through, and with a slight shake of his hand, a cargo compartment of the helicopter was completely opened...

"Help me—"

"don't want--"


For a moment, the tragic roar almost covered the roar of the helicopter, Jiang Ping couldn't help squinting his eyes, looking up through the wind and sand in the sky——

There were dozens of them, small human-shaped black shadows, descending from the sky, falling freely.

"Whoosh—" Finally, before those poor fellows landed, a mutated corpse flew up and took the extremely fresh blood food into its mouth.

"Puff—" blood spattered, and even a few drops of red blood cells flew straight to Jiang Ping's face, and a faint smell came from the tip of his nose.The screams stopped abruptly——

For a moment, the air almost froze, and Jiang Ping stood alone in the middle of countless walking corpses, watching his former kind being eaten by those disgusting guys, he was stunned for a moment, as if he had become one of the dancing demons one of the...

(End of this chapter)

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